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O lobo e o burro

Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English

Aesop’s  Fables – O lobo e o burro


Once upon a time, there was an ass which was happily grazing in the fields.

He happily brayed, “BRAAAY! BRAAAY!”. The Ass was very loud. He was so loud that his voice echoed in the forest.


Era uma vez um asno que pastava alegremente no campo.

Ele alegremente gritou: “BRAAAY! BRAAAY! ”. O burro estava muito barulhento. Ele estava tão alto que a sua voz ecoou na floresta.


A hungry wolf was searching for food and it heard the donkey. The wolf wanted to eat the Ass. The Ass saw the shadow of the wolf and knew that he was in danger.


Um lobo faminto procurava comida e ouviu o burro. O lobo queria comer o burro. O burro viu a sombra do lobo e sabia que ele estava em perigo.


The Ass thought, “I must trick the Wolf otherwise he will eat me.”

He started to bray in a painful voice and lifted one leg and started to limp. He acted as if he was in great pain.


O asno pensou: “Devo enganar o Lobo, caso contrário ele me comerá”

Ele começou a zurrar com uma voz dolorosa, levantou uma perna e começou a mancar. Ele agia como se estivesse com muita dor.


The wolf asked, “Hello Mr. Ass. Why are you limping?”


O lobo perguntou: “Olá, Sr. Burro. Por que você está a mancar? ”


The Ass replied, “I stepped on a sharp thorn. The thorn is causing me a lot of pain. Please pull it out if you are going to eat me, otherwise the thorn will get stuck in your throat.”


O asno respondeu: “Pisei num espinho afiado. O espinho está a causae-me muita dor. Por favor, puxe-no se me vão comer, caso contrário, o espinho ficará preso na sua garganta. “


The wolf thought, “That seems to be a good idea. I can pull the thorn out with my sharp teeth.”


O lobo pensou: “Parece uma boa ideia. Posso arrancar o espinho com os meus dentes afiados. ”


Like a silly wolf, he bent down to try to help the Ass. The Ass kicked the wolf with all his might. The wolf flew and fell a few feet away. The wolf was injured and could not chase the Ass.


Como um lobo bobo, ele abaixou-se para tentar ajudar o asno. O asno chutou o lobo com todas as suas forças. O lobo voou e caiu a alguns metros de distância. O lobo estava ferido e não podia perseguir o asno.


The ass ran away before the wolf could come to his senses.

The wolf got up and thought, “Serves me right. I am a hunter, not a doctor!”


O asno fugiu antes que o lobo pudesse voltar a si.

O lobo levantou-se e pensou: “Bem feito para mim. Eu sou um caçador, não um médico! ”


Moral: “Stick to your trade.”


Moral: “Atenha-se ao seu comércio”.


Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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