Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – O lobo e a cabra
Once upon a time, there was a goat who lived in the forest. The Goat could climb very well. He could climb rocks. He could climb hills. He could climb mountains. He could climb even tall cliffs.
TranslateEra uma vez uma cabra que morava na floresta. A cabra podia escalar muito bem. Ele podia escalar rochas. Ele poderia escalar colinas. Ele podia escalar montanhas. Ele poderia escalar até penhascos altos.
One day the goat was on the top of the cliff and was having some grass.
A hungry wolf was searching for some food to eat when he saw the goat.
TranslateUm dia a cabra estava no topo do penhasco e comia um pouco de grama.
Um lobo faminto procurava comida para comer quando viu a cabra.
He thought, “The goat is on top of the cliff. I cannot climb the cliff and catch the goat. I must convince the goat to come down.”
TranslateEle pensou: “A cabra está no topo do penhasco. Não posso escalar o penhasco e pegar a cabra. Devo convencer a cabra a descer. ”
He said to the goat, “Mr. Goat, why did you climb the cliff? It is not safe there. If you fall, you will get hurt. You should come down and eat the grass here. The grass here is sweeter than the grass in the cliff.”
TranslateEle disse ao bode: “Sr. Cabra, por que escalou o penhasco? Não é seguro lá. Se você cair, você se machucará. Deveria descer e comer a grama aqui. A grama aqui é mais doce do que a grama do penhasco. ”
The Goat replied, “I have two questions to you Mr. Wolf. How do you know the grass below is sweeter than the grass here? And why do you care if I fall? I know you well. You are thinking of your own appetite and not mine.”
TranslateA Cabra respondeu: “Tenho duas perguntas para você, Sr. Wolf. Como sabe que a grama abaixo é mais doce do que a grama aqui? E por que você se importa se eu cair? Eu conheço você bem. Você está a pensar no seu próprio apetite e não no meu. ”
Moral: “An invitation prompted by selfishness is not to be accepted.”
TranslateMoral: “Um convite motivado pelo egoísmo não deve ser aceite”
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.