Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – O lobo e a criança
There was once a baby Goat or a Kid. He was growing horns and he was very proud of his horns.
TranslateEra uma vez um bebé Cabra ou uma Criança. Ele estava a criar chifres e estava muito orgulhoso dos seus chifres.
He thought, “I have such big horns. I surely must be a grown up Goat now and not a Kid. I shall be able to take care of myself.”
TranslateEle pensou: “Eu tenho chifres tão grandes. Com certeza devo ser uma cabra adulta agora e não uma criança. Serei capaz de cuidar de mim mesmo. ”
One day, when his flock of goats were going back home, he decided to stay longer and eat. His mother called out, “All of my children, come fast. We must reach home before the sunset. After the sunset, the wolf will come.”
TranslateUm dia, quando o seu rebanho de cabras estava a voltar para casa, ele decidiu ficar mais tempo e comer. A sua mãe gritou: “Todos os meus filhos, venham rápido. Devemos chegar em casa antes de o pôr do sol. Após o pôr do sol, o lobo virá. “
The Kid thought, “HA. HA HA. No one can harm me when I have such big horns.”
Thinking such foolish thoughts, he continued to eat. A little later when he wanted to leave, he saw that his flock had already left.
TranslateO garoto pensou: “HA. HA HA. Ninguém pode machucar-me quando eu tenho chifres tão grandes. ”
Tendo pensamentos tão tolos, ele continuou a comer. Um pouco mais tarde, quando quis partir, viu que o seu rebanho já havia partido.
He was alone. He was all alone. He was frightened. The sun was sinking and it was becoming dark. He did not know the way back too. He started bleating loudly for his mother.
TranslateEle estava sozinho. Ele estava sozinho. Ele estava assustado. O sol estava se pondo e escurecendo. Ele também não sabia o caminho de volta. Ele começou a balir alto pela mãe.
His mother did not hear him but do you know who did? It was the big bad wolf. The wolf was very nearby and came to hunt. The kid saw how big the Wolf was and was terrified. The kid knew that there was no more hope for him.
TranslateA mãe dele não o ouviu, mas sabe quem foi? Era o lobo mau. O lobo estava muito próximo e veio caçar. O garoto viu como o Lobo era grande e ficou apavorado. O garoto sabia que não havia mais esperança para ele.
The wolf said, “Ah, such a wonderful dinner, and that too without a hunt. Today is my lucky day.”
The kid thought of a cunning plan. He was still trembling when he said:
TranslateO lobo disse, “Ah, um jantar maravilhoso, e isso também sem uma caça. Hoje é meu dia de sorte.”
O garoto pensou num plano astuto. Ele ainda tremia quando disse:
“Mr Wolf. I know that you are going to eat me. But before you eat me, can you please play me a tune with your lovely voice. I wish to dance one last time. I wish to be merry one last time before I am eaten.”
Translate“Sr. Wolf. Eu sei que vai comer-me. Mas antes comer-me, por favor, toque uma música para mim com a sua linda voz. Desejo dançar uma última vez. Desejo ser feliz pela última vez antes de ser comido. ”
The wolf thought that it was a very good idea. No one had ever asked him to sing before. He sang loudly.
TranslateO lobo pensou ser uma ideia muito boa. Ninguém nunca o havia pedido para cantar antes. Ele cantou alto.
The Kid danced loudly bleating. The dogs could not have heard the sound of the baby Goat but a wolf’s sound before his feast, they could not mistake. All of the dogs ran at full speed towards the direction of the sound.
TranslateA criança dançava alto, balindo. Os cães não podiam ter ouvido o som do bebé cabra, mas o som de um lobo antes do seu banquete, eles não podiam se enganar. Todos os cães correram a toda a velocidade na direção do som.
The wolf saw that they were coming and had to leave the Kid and run for his own life. He thought:
TranslateO lobo viu que eles estavam a chegar e teve que deixar o Garoto e correr para se salvar. Ele pensou:
“What a fool I am? I am a hunter and I should hunt. I should not have wasted my time trying to sing.”
Translate“Que idiota eu sou? Eu sou um caçador e devo caçar. Eu não deveria ter perdido o meu tempo tentando cantar. ”
Moral: “Do not let anything turn you from your purpose”
TranslateMoral: “Não deixe que nada o desvie do seu propósito”
Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.