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A Serpente e a Águia

Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English

Aesop’s  Fables – A Serpente e a Águia


Once upon a time, there was serpent. The serpent saw an eagle which was resting in the trees. The serpent wrapped itself around the neck of the eagle.


Era uma vez a serpente. A serpente viu uma águia que estava descansar nas árvores. A serpente enrolou-se á volta do pescoço da águia.


The Eagle could not reach the serpent with its claws or its beak. He flew into the air and tried to throw it off, but the serpent was very strong. The serpent began to choke him.


A Águia não conseguiu alcançar a serpente com as suas garras ou bico. Ele voou para o alto e tentou jogá-lo fora, mas a serpente era muito forte. A serpente começou a sufocá-lo.


The eagle landed near a traveler since it could not breathe. The traveler saw the battle and decided to help the eagle. He pulled the serpent away from the eagle.


A águia pousou perto de um viajante, pois não conseguia respirar. O viajante viu a batalha e decidiu ajudar a águia. Ele puxou a serpente para longe da águia.


The serpent was very angry. He wanted to bite the traveler, but the traveler was very watchful. The serpent bit his water flask. The traveler did not see the snake bite his water flask. The eagle saw the snake bite the flask.


A serpente ficou muito zangada. Ele queria morder o viajante, mas o viajante estava muito atento. A serpente mordeu o seu cantil. O viajante não viu a cobra morder o seu cantil. A águia viu a cobra morder o frasco.


When the traveler was near a stream, he wanted to drink some water. When he was just about to drink, the eagle swooped down and took the flask from his hand. The eagle flew far away and hence saved the travelers life.


Quando o viajante estava perto de um riacho, ele queria beber um pouco de água. Quando ele estava prestes a beber, a águia desceu e tirou o frasco da sua mão. A águia voou para longe, portanto, salvou a vida dos viajantes.


Moral: “An act of kindness is well repaid.”


Moral: “Um ato de bondade é bem recompensado.”


Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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