Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – A ovelha e o porco
There was once a shepherd who was roaming around his farm. The sheep were quietly grazing in the meadow. The shepherd noticed a fat pig roaming around near the sheep. He quickly dived on top of the pig and captured him.
TranslateEra uma vez um pastor que perambulava por sua fazenda. As ovelhas pastavam em silêncio na campina. O pastor notou um porco gordo vagando perto das ovelhas. Ele rapidamente mergulhou em cima do porco e o capturou.
The pig squealed loudly at the top of its voice. The squeals were so load that the sheep could not graze and they stared at the pig.
TranslateO porco guinchava alto no topo da sua voz. Os guinchos eram tão pesados que as ovelhas não podiam pastar e ficaram olhando para o porco.
The shepherd did not hurt the pig but the pig made such loud sounds that one would think that it was very hurt. However, despite its loud squeals and moving, the Shepherd tucked the pig under his arm and headed towards the market.
The pig continued to scream, “SQUEAAAAAAAL! SQUEAAAAAAAL!”
TranslateO pastor não machucou o porco, mas o porco fez sons tão altos que se poderia pensar estar muito machucado. No entanto, apesar dos guinchos altos e do movimento, o pastor colocou o porco debaixo do braço e se dirigiu ao mercado.
O porco continuou a gritar, “SQUEAAAAAAAL! SQUEAAAAAAAL! ”
The sheep followed the Shepherd and the pig until the gate of the pasture. They were astonished as well as amused by the behaviour of the pig.
TranslateAs ovelhas seguiram o pastor e o porco até a porta do pasto. Eles ficaram surpresos e também divertidos com o comportamento do porco.
One of the sheep said, “My dear fellow, why do you squeal so loudly. The shepherd is not so evil. Often he catches one of us and carries us off. But we would never make such terrible sounds. We would be ashamed of this.”
TranslateUma das ovelhas disse: “O meu caro amigo, por que você grita tão alto. O pastor não é tão mau. Frequentement, ele pega um de nós e nos leva embora. Mas nunca faríamos sons tão terríveis. Teríamos vergonha disso. ”
“That is all well, but he catches you to take wool. SQUEAL!!!! He catches me to take bacon!”
Translate“Está tudo bem, mas ele pega-te para levar lã. GUINCHO!!!! Ele pega-me para levar bacon! ”
Moral: “It is easy to be brave when there is no danger.”
TranslateMoral: “É fácil ser corajoso quando não há perigo.”
Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.