Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – Os sapos que desejavam um rei
Once upon a time, there lived a big Family of frogs in a pond. There was no king and hence they spent all their time arguing with one another. They had so much freedom but they spent entire days croaking and fighting with each other.
TranslateEra uma vez, vivia uma grande família de sapos num lago. Não havia rei e, eles passavam todo o tempo discutindo um com o outro. Eles tinham tanta liberdade, mas passaram dias inteiros coaxando e lutando uns com os outros.
They tried to hold elections so many times. It never worked since they would not listen to each other. They would never accept one of the frogs as their leader. So they called the Lion to be their leader.
TranslateEles tentaram realizar eleições tantas vezes. Nunca funcionou, pois, eles não se ouviam. Eles nunca aceitariam um dos sapos como o seu líder. Então, eles chamaram o Leão para ser seu líder.
The Frogs said, “Dear Lion, we wish to have a leader who lives among us and rules us and takes care of our daily quarrels.”
TranslateOs sapos disseram: “Prezado Leão, desejamos ter um líder que viva entre nós, nos governe e cuide das nossas brigas diárias”.
The Lion thought, “Hmmm. If I become their king, I would be stuck here day and night taking care of their silly fights. I would never have time to rule the kingdom.”
He announced, “By tomorrow morning, you shall have a king.”
TranslateO Leão pensou: “Hmmm. Se eu me tornar o seu rei, ficaria preso aqui dia e noite cuidando de as suas lutas idiotas. Eu nunca teria tempo para governar o reino. ”
Ele anunciou: “Amanhã de manhã, você terá um rei.”
The next morning, the frogs heard a huge splash and they woke up. A huge log was in the middle of the pond with a crown on top.
The frogs shouted, “All hail King Log!”
TranslateNa manhã seguinte, as rãs ouviram um grande respingo e acordaram. Um enorme tronco estava no meio do lago com uma coroa no topo.
As rãs gritaram: “Todos saúdem o tronco do rei!”
The log would just sit and not do anything. The Frogs were very happy. Their king log was very peaceful and they continued to do whatever they wanted. Soon the fights and the quarrels started again.
TranslateA tora ficava simplesmente parada e não fazia nada. Os sapos ficaram muito felizes. O tronco do rei estava em paz e eles continuaram a fazer o que queriam. Logo as lutas e brigas recomeçaram.
They started to use the log to dive into the water and the older frogs used to climb there to smoke their pipes. The Frogs became very angry asked the Lion again to elect a new leader.
TranslateEles começaram a usar a tora para mergulhar na água e as rãs mais velhas subiam para fumar os seus cachimbos. Os sapos ficaram muito zangados e pediram ao Leão novamente para eleger um novo líder.
The Lion got very angry and said, “Oh. So you want a new leader who is stronger and stricter?”
The Frogs said, “Yes. We want a leader who we are afraid of!”
TranslateO Leão ficou muito zangado e disse: “Oh! Então quer um novo líder que seja mais forte e mais rígido? ”
Os sapos disseram: “Sim. Queremos um líder de quem temos medo! ”
The Lion asked a crane to go and live with the Frogs as their king. The crane was a very different king. If any frogs quarrelled, he would eat the two up saying, “Better end the quarrel early by eating the two.”
TranslateO Leão pediu a uma garça que fosse morar com os sapos como rei. O guindaste era um rei muito diferente. Se qualquer sapo brigasse, ele comeria os dois, dizendo: “Melhor terminar a briga mais cedo, comendo os dois”.
The Frogs became very scared of the crane and asked the lion to take the crane away.
The Lion laughed and said, “Are you not content? I thought you wanted a leader who was not peaceful and whom you feared. Well, now you can only blame yourselves for getting whom you asked for.”
TranslateOs sapos ficaram com muito medo do guindaste e pediram ao leão que levasse o guindaste.
O Leão riu e disse: “Não está contente? Pensei querer um líder que não fosse pacífico e a quem temesse. Bem, agora só pode se culpar por conseguir quem pediu. ”
Moral: “Be sure you can better your condition before you seek to change.”
TranslateMoral: “Certifique-se de que você pode melhorar a sua condição antes de tentar mudar”.
Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.