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O pastor e as cabras selvagens

Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English

Aesop’s  Fables – O pastor e as cabras selvagens


Once upon a time, there was a Shepherd who had a few goats. He used to take his goats into the forest to graze.


Era uma vez um pastor que tinha algumas cabras. Ele costumava levar as suas cabras para a floresta para pastar.


One day, it suddenly began to rain. The Shepherd took his goats inside a cave. Some wild goats were already inside the cave.


Um dia, de repente começou a chover. O pastor levou as suas cabras para dentro de uma caverna. Algumas cabras selvagens já estavam na caverna.


The Shepherd thought, “There are so many wild goats here. If I feed them good food, they may join my flock.”


O pastor pensou: “Há tantas cabras selvagens aqui. Se eu os alimentar com boa comida, eles podem se juntar ao meu rebanho. ”


The Shepherd gave most of his food to the wild goats. He did not give his goats any food to eat. His goats were very hungry. The wild goats were very full and happy.


O pastor deu a maior parte da sua comida às cabras selvagens. Ele não deu comida para as suas cabras. As suas cabras estavam com muita fome. As cabras selvagens estavam muito cheias e felizes.


When the storm cleared, he led his goats outside to graze. The wild goats turned to leave into the forest. The shepherd got very angry.


Quando a tempestade passou, ele levou as suas cabras para pastar fora. As cabras selvagens viraram-se para sair para a floresta. O pastor ficou muito zangado.


The Shepherd said to the goats, “I gave you all the food. My goats were hungry. Is this how you thank me? Why don’t you join my flock?”


O pastor disse às cabras: “Eu dei a vocês toda a comida. As Minhas cabras estavam com fome. É assim que você me agradece? Por que você não se junta ao meu rebanho? ”


The goats said to the shepherd, “Do not think that we will join your flock. Today, you starved your own goats to make friends with strangers. Tomorrow you will starve us to make new friends. We cannot join someone who does not value his old friends.”


As cabras disseram ao pastor: “Não pense que nos juntaremos ao seu rebanho. Hoje, matou as suas próprias cabras para fazer amizade com estranhos. Amanhã vai nos matar de fome para fazer novos amigos. Não podemos nos juntar a alguém que não valoriza os seus velhos amigos. ”


Moral: “It is unwise to treat old friends badly for the sake of new ones.”


Moral: “Não é sensato tratar mal os velhos amigos devido dos novos.”


Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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