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O macaco e o golfinho

Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English

Aesop’s  Fables – O macaco e o golfinho


Once upon a time, there was a Greek ship sailing towards the Piraeus, the port of Athens and the greatest port in the ancient world. The sea was rough and the ship got wrecked.


Era uma vez um navio grego navegando em direção ao Pireu, o porto de Atenas e o maior porto do mundo antigo. O mar estava agitado e o navio naufragou.


The dolphins were very friendly and carried all the sailors back to shore on their backs. Since then the Dolphins and the Athenians were the best of friends.


Os golfinhos foram muito amigáveis ​​e carregaram todos os marinheiros de volta para a costa nas costas. Desde então, os golfinhos e os atenienses foram os melhores amigos.


The dolphins were the heroes who saved humans lost at sea. Since then it became a custom for the dolphins to save humans stranded in the ocean.


Os golfinhos foram os heróis que salvaram os humanos perdidos no mar. Desde então, tornou-se um costume dos golfinhos salvar humanos encalhados no oceano.


A few years later, a monkey fell off a ship into the sea. It was struggling in the sea when a dolphin saw the monkey. The dolphin thought it was a human carried the monkey on its back and started to swim to the shore.


Alguns anos depois, um macaco caiu de um navio no mar. Ele estava a lutar no mar quando um golfinho viu o macaco. O golfinho pensou que fosse um humano carregou o macaco nas costas e começou a nadar até a costa.


The monkey felt dignified and proud and sat on the dolphins back. He felt like a king.

The dolphin said, “Are you also a citizen of the great city of Athens?”


O macaco sentiu-se digno e orgulhoso e sentou-se nas costas dos golfinhos. Ele se sentia como um rei.

O golfinho disse: “Você também é cidadão da grande cidade de Atenas?”


The monkey said, “I am a true Athenian. I belong to one of the most noble of families in Athens.”

The dolphin said, “Of course, then you must have visited Piraeus a lot.”


O macaco disse: “Sou um verdadeiro ateniense. Eu pertenço a uma das famílias mais nobres de Atenas. ”

O golfinho disse: “Claro, então você deve ter visitado muito o Pireu.”


The monkey did not know that Piraeus was the port of Athens. He said, “But of course. He is one of my best friends.”


O macaco não sabia que Pireu era o porto de Atenas. Ele disse: “Mas é claro. Ele é um dos meus melhores amigos. ”


The dolphin got confused and he turned and saw a monkey sitting on his back.


O golfinho ficou confuso e virou-se e viu um macaco sentado em as suas costas.


The dolphin said, “I would have carried you on my back if you were a honest monkey and had not lied about being an Athenian.”

Saying so, the dolphin dived into the water leaving the monkey to struggle.


O golfinho disse: “Eu teria carregado você nas costas se você fosse um macaco honesto e não tivesse mentido sobre ser ateniense”.

Dizendo isso, o golfinho mergulhou na água deixando o macaco lutando.


Moral: “One falsehood leads to another.”


Moral: “Uma falsidade leva a outra.”


Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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