Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – Os cães e a raposa
Once upon a time, there was a great lion who ruled all of the forest. All the animals were afraid of him. When he became old and died, the hunter took his skin and kept it outside the cave as a mark of respect to the king.
One day, a dog saw the skin and thought, “This king used to frighten us so much. We must punish him.”
TranslateEra uma vez um grande leão que governava toda a floresta. Todos os animais tinham medo dele. Quando ele envelheceu e morreu, o caçador pegou a sua pele e a manteve fora da caverna como um sinal de respeito ao rei.
Um dia, um cachorro viu a pele e pensou: “Esse rei costumava assustar-nos tanto. Devemos puni-lo.”
The other dogs said, “Yes, he must be put to shame. We must show him how strong we are.”
Saying this they began to attack and tear the skin. A fox was walking and saw the dogs attacking the skin of the Lion. He asked what they were doing.
TranslateOs outros cães disseram: “Sim, ele deve ser envergonhado. Devemos mostrar-lhecomo são fortes. ”
Dizendo isso, eles começaram a atacar e rasgar a pele. Uma raposa caminhava e viu os cães atacando a pele do Leão. Ele perguntou o que eles estavam a fazer.
The dogs said, “Look at how brave we are. We are tearing the skin of a lion. We are paying him back for all that he has done.”
The fox scorned at them and laughed, “If the Lion had been alive, this story would have been very different. He would have shown you how sharp his teeth and claws are against yours.”
TranslateOs cães disseram: “Veja como somos corajosos. Estamos a rasgar a pele de um leão. Estamos a retribuir por tudo o que ele fez. ”
A raposa zombou deles e riu: “Se o Leão estivesse vivo, esta história teria sido muito diferente. Ele teria mostrado a você como os seus dentes e garras são afiados contra os seus. “
Moral: “It is easy and also contemptible to kick a man that is down.”
TranslateMoral: “É fácil e também desprezível chutar um homem que está no chão.”
Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.
I enjoyed Portuguese stories. The fact that they are well known stories makes it easier to remember the words. One think I can say about the translation is that it is in European Portuguese. I’d like to see the Brazilian one as it is the most spoken one. Overall, it is a great thing to have these stories with just one click.