Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – O galo, o cachorro e a raposa
There was once a wise Cock, “Mr. Cockadoodledoo” who lived in a big farm. Every morning at dawn, he used to wake up and crow thrice loudly.
All the animals used to wake up only at his sound and start their day. At the end of the day, or dusk, Mr. Cockadoodledoo used to fly up a tree. He used to crow thrice loudly.
TranslateEra uma vez um galo sábio, “Sr. Cockadoodledoo ”que vivia numa grande fazenda. Todas as manhãs, ao amanhecer, ele costumava acordar e cantar três vezes mais alto.
Todos os animais acordavam apenas com o som dele e começavam o dia. No final do dia, ou ao anoitecer, o Sr. Cockadoodledoo costumava voar em cima de uma árvore. Ele costumava cantar três vezes mais alto.
He would put his bright red head under his wings and then go to sleep.
He had a best friend, a Dog called Mr Woof Woof. Mr Woof Woof took care of the farm and used to bark in case foxes came nearby. All the foxes were scared of Mr. Woof Woof.
TranslateEle colocaria a sua ruiva brilhante sob as suas asas e então iria dormir.
Ele tinha um melhor amigo, um cão chamado Sr. Woof Woof. O Sr. Woof Woof cuidava da fazenda e latia para o caso de raposas se aproximarem. Todas as raposas estavam com medo do Sr. Woof Woof.
One day the two of them went to go an adventure to the forest. They travelled all day and then when they were tired, they decided to sleep.
Mr. Cockadoodledoo flew on top of a tall tree and Mr. Woof Woof crawled into a small hole in the base of the tree. Unknown to them, the Fox was chasing them since he wanted to eat the Cock.
TranslateUm dia os dois foram se aventurar na floresta. Eles viajaram o dia todo e, quando estavam cansados, decidiram dormir.
O Sr. Cockadoodledoo voou no topo de uma árvore alta e o Sr. Woof Woof rastejou até um pequeno buraco na base da árvore. Desconhecido para eles, a Raposa os perseguia porque queria comer o galo.
Mr Cockadoodledoo was just about to go to sleep when he saw a red flash. It was Master Fox. He did not like Master Fox since he was always trying to eat him. The Cock kept looking carefully at the Fox.
“Good Evening, Mr. Cock. I hope you are fine. Have you not heard the wonderful news?”
The Cock replied, “I am very well, thank you. What wonderful news Mr. Fox?”
TranslateO Sr. Cockadoodledoo estava quase dormindo quando viu um flash vermelho. Era o Mestre Raposa. Ele não gostava de Mestre Raposa, pois estava sempre tentando comê-lo. O galo continuou a olhar atentamente para a Raposa.
“Boa noite, Sr. galo. Espero que esteja bem. Você não ouviu a notícia maravilhosa? ”
O galo respondeu: “Estou muito bem, obrigado. Que notícia maravilhosa, Sr. Raposa? ”
The Fox said with a bright smile, “There was a great meeting between your family and my family, all the foxes and the dogs and the cocks and the hens. All our families have agreed to forget the fights in the past. We will now live in peace and friendship from now on forever.”
The Cock replied, “Really? I am so happy to hear that.”
The Fox jumped up in joy. “Indeed. I do not need to hunt or chase you again. How wonderful it is. Come down so that we may hug and dance.”
TranslateA Raposa disse com um sorriso brilhante: “Houve um grande encontro entre a sua família e a minha família, todas as raposas e os cães, e os galos, e as galinhas. Todas as nossas famílias concordaram em esquecer as lutas do passado. Agora viveremos em paz e amizade doravante para sempre. ”
O galo respondeu: “Sério? Estou muito feliz em ouvir isso. ”
A Raposa deu um pulo de alegria. “De fato. Eu não preciso caçar ou perseguir você novamente. Como isso é maravilhoso. Desça para podermos nos abraçar e dançar. ”
Mr. Cockadoodledoo was a very smart bird. He did trust Mr. Fox. The Cock said, “That is indeed such wonderful news. You can come up the tree through the hole in the tree”
The Fox heard this and got very happy. He ran into the hole and right into the angry paws of Mr Woof Woof.
TranslateO Sr. Cockadoodledoo era um pássaro muito inteligente. Ele confiava no Sr. Raposa. O galo disse: “Essa é realmente uma notícia maravilhosa. Pode subir na árvore pelo buraco na árvore ”
A Raposa ouviu isso e ficou muito feliz. Ele correu para o buraco e foi direto para as patas furiosas do Sr. Woof Woof.
Moral: “Those who try to deceive may expect to be paid in their own coin.”
TranslateMoral: “Aqueles que tentam enganar podem esperar ser pagos com as suas próprias moedas”.
Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.