Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – O gato, o galo e o jovem rato
Once upon a time, there was a very young mouse. The mouse had never seen the world and decided to go on an adventure. When his mother was not looking, he left the house.
When he came back, the mouse looked very scared.
TranslateEra uma vez um rato muito jovem. O rato nunca tinha visto o mundo e decidiu partir para uma aventura. Quando a sua mãe não estava a olhar, ele saiu de casa.
Quando ele voltou, o rato parecia muito assustado.
Mother Mouse asked, “My dear child, where did you go? I told you that you must not leave the house before you are bigger.”
The young mouse said, “I have been on a great adventure. I saw two creatures which were so big.”
Mother mouse said, “Tell me about them.”
TranslateA Mãe Ratinha perguntou: “A Minha querida criança, onde você foi? Eu disse que você não deve sair de casa antes de crescer. ”
O jovem rato disse: “Estive numa grande aventura. Eu vi duas criaturas que eram tão grandes. ”
A mãe rato disse: “Fale-me sobre eles”.
The young mouse said, “The first creature looked very scary. He had a slab of red meat above and below his cruel mouth. He looked very restless. He was tearing the ground with his long claws. He was pecking the ground like a mad creature. He beat his hands on his sides so fast.”
Can you guess what the young mouse saw? It was the cock.
TranslateO jovem rato disse: “A primeira criatura parecia muito assustadora. Ele tinha um pedaço de carne vermelha acima e abaixo de a sua boca cruel. Ele parecia muito inquieto. Ele estava a rasgar o chão com as suas longas garras. Ele estava a bicar o chão como uma criatura louca. Ele bateu as mãos nas laterais do corpo tão rápido. ”
Você consegue adivinhar o que o jovem rato viu? Foi o galo.
The young mouse said, “The second was a peaceful creature who looked very cute. He had long whiskers. He had orange fur which looked very soft and velvety. He had a bushy long tail which curled around him. He was fast asleep and next to him was a bowl of milk. He looked so noble and peaceful.”
TranslateO jovem rato disse: “O segundo era uma criatura pacífica que parecia muito fofa. Ele tinha bigodes longos. Ele tinha pelo laranja que parecia muito macio e aveludado. Ele tinha uma longa cauda espessa que se enrolava em torno dele. Ele estava a dormir profundamente e ao lado dele estava uma tigela de leite. Ele parecia tão nobre e pacífico. ”
“I was just about to go and wake him up when the first creature saw me and screamed. The scream was so scary I ran for my life. I would have made such good friends with the second creature.”
Translate“Eu ia acordá-lo quando a primeira criatura viu-me e gritou. O grito foi tão assustador que corri para salvar a minha vida. Eu teria feito uma boa amizade com a segunda criatura. ”
The Mother Mouse said, “My dear child. You are so lucky to have survived. The first creature you saw was a bird called as a cock. He may look terrifying, but he never harms a mouse. The second creature who was asleep is a cat. He would eat us if you are caught. Never judge people by their looks.”
TranslateA Mãe Rato disse: “A Minha querida criança. Você tem tanta sorte de ter sobrevivido. A primeira criatura que você viu foi um pássaro chamado galo. Ele pode parecer assustador, mas nunca faz mal a um rato. A segunda criatura que estava a dormir é um gato. Ele comeria-nos se você fosse pego. Nunca julgue as pessoas pela aparência. ”
Moral: “Do not trust alone to outward appearances.”
TranslateMoral: “Não confie apenas nas aparências”.
Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.