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O Corvo e o Cisne

Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English

Aesop’s  Fables – O Corvo e o Cisne


A crow is born with the blackest of feathers. He looked dark and he was ashamed of his colour. He once saw a swan and he thought its feathers were gorgeous. They looked as white as the purest of snow and shined in the sun’s rays.

The crow decided that the swan was the most beautiful of all the birds in the land. After all, his feathers were the purest white.


Um corvo nasce com a mais negra das penas. Ele parecia moreno e tinha vergonha da sua cor. Certa vez, ele viu um cisne e pensou que suas penas eram lindas. Eles pareciam tão brancos quanto a mais pura neve e brilhavam aos raios do sol.

O corvo decidiu que o cisne era o mais belo de todos os pássaros da terra. Afinal, as suas penas eram do mais puro branco.


The crow asked the swan, “Good Morning, Mr. Swan. Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

The swan said, “Sure. Mr. Crow. Please feel free to ask me.”

The crow asked, “Are you always in the water?”

The swan said, “Yes, for most of the day. I spend hours washing my feathers.”


O corvo perguntou ao cisne: “Bom dia, Sr. Cisne. Você importa-se se eu fizer uma pergunta? “

O cisne disse: “Claro. Sr. Corvo. Sinta-se à vontade para me perguntar. ”

O corvo perguntou: “Você está sempre na água?”

O cisne disse: “Sim, durante a maior parte do dia. Passo horas lavando as minhas penas. ”


The crow said, “Ah ok. And what else do you do with the rest of your day?”

The swan said, “Well, I eat green shoots and grass. I eat the weeds and the plants in the pond. That is all that I do.”

The crow thanked the swan and decided, “If I do exactly as the swan does, I will also become white and beautiful!”


O corvo disse: “Ah, ok. E o que mais você faz com o resto do seu dia? ”

O cisne disse: “Bem, eu como brotos verdes e grama. Eu como as ervas daninhas e as plantas na lagoa. Isso é tudo o que eu faço. ”

O corvo agradeceu ao cisne e decidiu: “Se eu fizer exatamente como o cisne faz, também tornarei-me branco e bonito!”


The craw began to swim in the lake every day. He dived into the lake and ate the moss in the bottom of the pond. He ate only the weeds and washed himself a hundred times a day. His feathers however remained as black as ever.

The weeds he ate did not agree with him and he only got sick and became very thin. One day he overheard a swan say to another swan, “The crow looks so beautiful with its shiny black wings and its even colour. I am so ugly and am so plain and white.”


O corvo começou a nadar no lago diariamente. Ele mergulhou no lago e comeu o musgo do fundo do lago. Ele comia apenas ervas daninhas e se lavava cem vezes por dia. As Suas penas, entretanto, permaneceram pretas como sempre.

As ervas daninhas que ele comia não combinavam com ele e ele só ficou doente e muito magro. Um dia ele ouviu um cisne dizer a outro cisne: “O corvo parece tão bonito com as suas asas pretas brilhantes e a sua cor uniforme. Eu sou tão feio e tão simples e branco. ”


Moral: “Accept yourself for who you really are.”


Moral: “Aceite-se por quem você realmente é. ”


Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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