Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – O Camelo e o Leão
Once upon a time, a young Lion was made king of the forest. The old lion had retired. There was great celebration in the forest for this. All the animals were performing for the lion.
The elephant made everyone laugh and play when he sprayed them with water.
The birds sang the softest of songs.
TranslateEra uma vez, um jovem Leão foi feito rei da floresta. O velho leão havia se aposentado. Houve uma grande festa na floresta por isso. Todos os animais estavam se apresentando para o leão.
O elefante fez todos rirem e brincar quando ele os borrifou com água.
Os pássaros cantaram as canções mais suaves.
The monkey was asked to dance. He danced so well that all the animals clapped. Even the lion was very happy and showered the monkey with praise.
There was a camel which was very jealous on hearing this. He thought, “Anyone can dance. The Monkey is not special. I can dance better than him.”
TranslateO macaco foi convidado a dançar. Ele dançou tão bem que todos os animais aplaudiram. Até o leão ficou muito feliz e encheu o macaco de elogios.
Teve um camelo que ficou com muito ciúme ao ouvir isso. Ele pensou: “Qualquer um pode dançar. O macaco não é especial. Eu posso dançar melhor do que ele. ”
He went to the center of the stage and pushed the monkey away and began to dance. He was not a good dancer. He had a huge hump and long feet. He was jumping around and looked very ugly. His long neck was twisting around and his hump was huge. The animals very angry and had to move away from his feet.
He was so careless that he almost kicked the Lion. The Lion roared and chased away the Camel into the desert.
TranslateEle foi até o centro do palco, empurrou o macaco e começou a dançar. Ele não era um bom dançarino. Ele tinha uma corcunda enorme e pés longos. Ele estava a pular e parecia muito feio. O Seu pescoço comprido estava se torcendo e a sua corcunda era enorme. Os animais ficaram muito zangados e tiveram que se afastar de os seus pés.
Ele foi tão descuidado que chutou quase o Leão. O Leão rugiu e afugentou o Camelo para o deserto.
Moral: “Do not try to ape your betters.”
TranslateMoral: “Não tente imitar os seus superiores.”
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.