Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – A raposa e as uvas
Once upon a time, a fox was walking down the forest. He saw a grape vine climbing up a tree. There was a bunch of delicious grapes hanging from the vines. The grapes looked as if it would burst with the tastiest of juice. The mouth of the fox watered on seeing the grapes.
“Wow. Those grapes look so tasty. I wish I could eat them”, he said to himself.
The fox stood directly underneath the grapes. He stared up at the grapes.
TranslateEra uma vez uma raposa caminhando pela floresta. Ele viu uma videira subindo numa árvore. Havia um cacho de uvas deliciosas penduradas nas vinhas. As uvas pareciam que iam explodir com o suco mais saboroso. A boca da raposa encheu-se de água ao ver as uvas.
“Uau. Essas uvas parecem tão saborosas. Queria poder comê-los ”, disse para si mesmo.
A raposa estava bem por baixo das uvas. Ele olhou para as uvas.
“My oh my. The grapes are at such a great height. I must jump in order to catch them.”
The fox took one deep breath and jumped up as high as he could. Sadly, the grapes were too high up and he could not reach them.
Translate“Meu oh meu. As uvas estão a uma altura tão grande. Devo pular para pegá-los. ”
A raposa respirou fundo e saltou o mais alto que pôde. Infelizmente, as uvas estavam muito altas e ele não conseguiu alcançá-las.
“Maybe if I run and jump, I can reach them”, he wondered.
He went back a few steps and then ran as fast as he could and jumped. Sadly, the grapes were too high up and he could not reach them.
Translate“Talvez se eu correr e pular, eu consiga alcançá-los”, questionou.
Ele deu alguns passos para trás, correu o mais rápido que pôde e saltou. Infelizmente, as uvas estavam muito altas e ele não conseguiu alcançá-las.
“Maybe if I run more and jump, I can reach them”, he wondered.
He went back a good distance. He ran as fast as he could and jumped. The grapes were still too high up and he could not reach them.
Translate“Talvez se eu correr mais e pular, eu consiga alcançá-los”, questionou.
Ele recuou uma boa distância. Ele correu o mais rápido que pôde e saltou. As uvas ainda estavam muito altas e ele não conseguia alcançá-las.
Again and again he tried and still could not reach them. He finally gave up and sat down under the grapes. He looked at the grapes with disgust.
“What a fool I am. Why am I wasting so much time? These grapes look sour and probably taste very bad.”
Saying so, the fox walked away.
TranslateEle tentou várias vezes e ainda não conseguiu alcançá-los. Ele finalmente desistiu e sentou-se sob as uvas. Ele olhou para as uvas com nojo.
“Que idiota eu sou. Por que estou perdendo tanto tempo? Essas uvas parecem azedas e provavelmente têm um gosto muito ruim. ”
Dizendo isso, a raposa foi embora.
Moral: There are many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach.
TranslateMoral: Muitos fingem desprezar e menosprezar o que está além do seu alcance.
Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.
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