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List of 50+ Insects in French

List of 50+ Insects in French

Insects are everywhere, be it within your house, the air, the ground, under the soil, the sea, over the water and even in one’s skin!!!! Yeah you heard me right. The estimated number of insect species in the world is about 5.5 million and even in that only 1 million insect species are named. This means that roughly 80% of insects have yet to be discovered. How can you go a single day without hearing the buzz of a bee or a fly or without seeing a fruit fly or a worm? Seeing as that they are everywhere, it becomes of great importance that you learn the vocabulary list of insects in French.

vocabulary list for Insects in French
vocabulary list for Insects in French

In order to improve your French vocabulary, you must learn the list of insects in French. An interesting question is you should be learning how to talk about insects in French but also how to incorporate these words into coherent sentences. Thus you need to know the vocabulary of insects in French along with descriptive example sentences so that you are able to learn and immerse properly. And this is exactly what we are going to do here!!!



  1. How to say insects in French
  2. Butterfly in French
  3. Common insects in French
  4. All kinds of Bugs
  5. Stinging insects
  6. Pet insects in French
  7. Verbs related to insects
  8. French Common phrases
  9. Parts of an insect in French


How do you say insects in French
How do you say insects in French

FRENCH VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: How do you say insects in French?

  • WORD: The French translation for “The insect” is “L’insecte”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “Cockroaches are insects.” à Les cafards sont des insectes.
  • WORD: The French translation for “The worm” is “Le ver”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “How many worms do you want?” à Combien de vers voulez-vous ?


L:earn about the butterfly in French

When you think of a beautiful insect, what do you see? Of course you think of the beautiful butterfly! The butterfly is very colourful, pretty and is a sight to behold. When we see something magical in movies, there are always butterflies flying about with colours galore. Would it not be perfectly fitting if we learnt about the butterfly in French before we step into other insects (pun intended of course!!!)? Let us learn about the butterfly in French with example sentences.

How do you say butterfly in French
How do you say butterfly in French
  • ENGLISH: What is the translation for “butterfly life cycle” in French?
    • FRENCH: French translation for “Life cycle of a butterfly” is “cycle de vie des papillons”
  • ENGLISH: What is the translation for “Monarch butterfly” in French?
    • FRENCH: French translation for “Monarch Butterfly” is “Papillon monarque”


Butterfly  in EnglishTranslationExample sentenceSentences for French butterfly
The ButterflyLe papillonThere are many butterflies in the garden.Il y a beaucoup de papillons dans le jardin.
The Caterpillarla chenilleThe Caterpillar ate three leaves.La chenille a mangé trois feuilles.
The eggL’œufThere are millions of butterfly eggs in the forest.Il y a des millions d’œufs de papillons dans la forêt.
Chrysalis ChrysalideWe learnt about chrysalis of a butterfly today.Nous avons entendu parler de la chrysalide d’un papillon aujourd’hui.
MetamorphosisMétamorphoseIn the life cycle of a butterfly, metamorphosis is a very important stage.Dans le cycle de vie d’un papillon, la métamorphose est une étape très importante.
The CocoonLe CoconThe gardener took care of the silk cocoons.Le jardinier s’est occupé des cocons de soie.


Common insects in French

While there are billions of insects in the world, when you say the word insect in French or English, you only think of a select few which we see every day. Some insects are more common and commonly used in conversations than other insects. So it is necessary that you learn the vocabulary list of these common insects in French. This will help you hold a conversation easily. Let us learn about the different common insects in French with example sentences.

names of the most common insects in French
names of the most common insects in French
EnglishTranslationExample sentence in EnglishSentences for French Common Insects
The CockroachLe cafardThe cockroach is ten days old.Le cafard a dix jours.
The mosquitoLe moustiqueThere are so many mosquitoes in India.Il y a tellement de moustiques en Inde.
The Mothle papillon de nuit (or) le papillonMoths have a bad smell.Le papillon était très grand.
The DragonflyLa libelluleI like dragonfliesj’aime les libellules
The FireflyLa lucioleThe firefly is pretty.La luciole est jolie.
The mayflyL’éphémèreThe mayfly lives for only twenty four hours.L’éphémère ne vit que vingt-quatre heures.
The Fruit flyLa mouche des fruitsFruit flies love mangoes.Les mouches des fruits aiment les mangues.
The GnatLe moucheronThe gnat was very arrogant.Le moucheron était très arrogant.
The SpiderL’araignéeSpiders have eight legs.Les araignées ont huit pattes.
The wormLe verThe worm lives in the gardenLe ver vit dans le jardin


Most common bugs in French

Ok I’m going to be upfront with you. If there is one thing I hate in this beautiful world, its bugs and creepy crawlies!!! When you say the word bugs in French or in English, you can see me cringe!! But that gives me more the reason to memorize the wordlist so that I can explain to people that I hate them and I like to avoid them. As with insects, a few bugs are far more common across the world. So it is necessary that you learn the vocabulary list of these common bugs in French. Along with the list of insects in French, Let us learn the different bugs in French with example sentences.

names of the most common bugs in French
names of the most common bugs in French
Common Bugs  in EnglishTranslation: Common Bugs in FrenchExample sentence for Common Bugs in EnglishSentences for French Common Bugs
The bugL’insecteThe scientist caught two bugs.Le scientifique a attrapé deux insectes.
The ladybugLa coccinelleLadybugs are very pretty.Les coccinelles sont très jolies.
The bedbugLa punaise de litI caught the bedbug.J’ai attrapé la punaise de lit.
The liceLes pouxThis medicine kills lice.Ce médicament tue les poux.
The beetleLe scarabéeI can eat the beetle.Je peux manger le scarabée.
The dung beetleLe bousierThe dung beetle is very strong.Le bousier est très fort.
The fleaLa puceFleas can jump.Les puces peuvent sauter.
The tickLa tiqueStay away from ticks and fleas.Éloignez-vous des tiques et des puces.


Stinging insects in French

You put your hand on a flower and all of a sudden there is a super sharp pain in your finger!!!! You scream and throw down the flower. What on earth was that? IT’S A BEE!!!! DAMN YOU GIT STUNG BY A BEE!!! You have to say this to your doctor in French. How do you do that without knowing the list of insects in French which sting? Let us learn the different stinging insects in French with example sentences.

EnglishTranslationExample sentence Sentences for French 
The beeL’abeilleThe bee sat on the flower.L’abeille s’est assise sur la fleur.
The waspLa guêpeThe wasp flew away.La guêpe s’est envolée.
The HornetLe frelonHornets and wasps are enemies.Les frelons et les guêpes sont des ennemis.
The Honeybeele bourdonThe beekeeper loves his bumblebeesL’apiculteur aime ses bourdons
The antLa fourmThere are two anthills and a billion ants in my garden.Il y a deux fourmilières et un milliard de fourmis dans mon jardin.


Pet insects in French

Do you know that it is very common across the world for people to have insects as pets? Children love having insects as pets as they are hardy and easy to maintain. They do not require constant care and can take care of themselves. Let us learn the different insects which can be kept as pets in French with example sentences.

names of common pet insects in French
names of common pet insects in French
EnglishTranslationExample sentence in EnglishSentences for French 
The praying mantisLa mante religieuseThe young girl has a pet praying mantis.La jeune fille a une mante religieuse pour animaux de compagnie.
The stick insectLe phasmeStick insects are very weirdLes phasmes sont très bizarres
The leaf insectL’insecte feuilleLeaf insects are very cute.Les insectes feuilles sont très mignons.
The scorpionLe scorpionThis scorpion is poisonous.Ce scorpion est venimeux.
The TarantulaLa TarentuleI am scared of tarantulas and scorpions.J’ai peur des tarentules et des scorpions.


Hopping insects in French?

Have you ever looked at a grasshopper? It looks like a small machine. It can jump up an incredible height, can fly and looks freaky as hell!!! I HATE THEM but my brother loves them!!!! Let us learn the different hopping insects in French with example sentences.

names of hopping insects in French
names of hopping insects in French
Hopping Insects  in EnglishTranslation: Hopping Insects in French
The grasshopperLa sauterelle
The locustLe locuste
The mantisLa mante
The cricketLe croquet
The cicadaLa cigale


Insect related Verbs in French

Now that we have learnt about so many insects in French, let us now focus on some common French Verbs which will help us form sentences using these insects. For example, you need to say that the caterpillar crawls but the butterfly flies. You need to say that the bee lives in a hive while an ant lives in an anthill. You need to say that a cockroach has antennae while a wasp has wings. So basically you need to know a few verbs and nouns related to acts which the insects perform in French. In this section let us learn about a few verbs related to insects in French

Insect words in EnglishTranslation: Common Insect words in FrenchExample sentence for Common Insects words in EnglishSentences for Common French words related to Insects
To stingPiquerThe bee stings the boy.L’abeille pique le garçon.
To bite MordreThe Ant bites me and it is painful.La fourmi me mord et c’est douloureux.
To flyVolerThe butterfly flew away.Le papillon s’est envolé.
To crawlRamperThe soldier is crawling.Le soldat rampe.
To walkMarcherThe girl walks fast.La fille marche vite.
To runCourirThe athlete runs from Germany to Austria.L’athlète court de l’Allemagne à l’Autriche.
To jumpSauterA grasshopper can jump very high.Une sauterelle peut sauter très haut.
To pollinatePolliniserThe bee pollinates the flowers.L’abeille pollinise les fleurs.


Parts of an insect in French

With the French insect related verbs done, let us proceed with the parts of an insect in French and other nouns related to insects in French

parts of an insect in French
parts of an insect in French
Insect words in EnglishTranslation: Common Insect words in FrenchExample sentence for Common Insects words in EnglishSentences for Common French words related to Insects
The stingerLe dardThe bee has a powerful stinger.L’abeille a un dard puissant.
The antennaeLes antennesCockroaches have long antennae.Les cafards ont de longues antennes.
The wingsLes ailesI hate insects which have wings.Je déteste les insectes qui ont des ailes.
The mandibleLa mandibuleThe insect’s mandible is quite weak.La mandibule de l’insecte est assez faible.
The thoraxLe thoraxEvery insect has a thorax.Chaque insecte a un thorax.
The abdomenL’abdomenA worm does not have an abdomen.Un ver n’a pas d’abdomen.
The leg patteA centipede has a hundred legs.Un mille-pattes a cent pattes.
The anthillLa fourmilièreThere is an anthill near our house.Il y a une fourmilière près de chez nous.
The nestLe nidThe wasp built a nest.La guêpe a construit un nid.
The hiveLa rucheThe beekeeper has many beehives.L’apiculteur possède de nombreuses ruches.
The nectarLe nectarFlowers produce nectar.Les fleurs produisent du nectar.


Common insect related phrases in French

I have explained all over this post about how I hate insects and how much I am terrified of them. So what do I say in French when I see one? Let us learn the different common insect related phrases in French with example sentences.

Hopping Insects  in EnglishTranslation: Hopping Insects in French
I am afraid of insects.J’ai peur des insectes.
Does it sting?Est-ce que ça pique?
Insects are creepy.Les insectes sont effrayants.
It has many feet.Il a de nombreux pieds.
What type of insect is that?De quel type d’insecte s’agit-il?
The mosquito bit me.Le moustique m’a piqué.
I am allergic to bee stings.Je suis allergique aux piqûres d’abeilles.
I am terrified of insects.J’ai peur des insectes.
Can it jump?Peut-il sauter?
Can it fly?Peut-il voler?
It looks so disgusting.Ça a l’air tellement dégoûtant.
What does it eat?Qu’est-ce que ça mange?
Is it poisonous?Est-ce toxique?



We have learnt a lot about the most common insects in French and also about what they do, where they live, the butterfly life cycle in French and also many more phrases. Hope you had fun learning.

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