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Learn eye colors and Eye shapes in French

Colors and Shapes of eyes in French

The eyes are one of the most important organs in the body. It is the most important connection to perception as we can understand what we can see. We see and we perceive, we see and we believe. Also one of the most common topics when it comes to talking to a lover is by describing how beautiful their eyes are. So it becomes very important that we learn as much as we can related to the eyes in French. Hence in this post, we will be learning about a comprehensive vocabulary lists in relation to the eyes in French with tons and tons of example sentences.

All about the eyes in French language
All about the eyes in French language


  1. How to say “Eyes in French”?
  2. Pronunciation Guide
  3. Parts of the eyes in French
  4. Glasses and Spectacles in French
  5. Eye Diseases in French
  6. Learn eye colors in French
  7. Eye shapes in French
  8. Lover Talk related to the eyes in French


How to say Eyes in French?

  • WORD: The French translation for “the eye” is “L’oeil”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The eye is an important organ” à L’oeil est un organe important.
  • WORD: The French word for “the eyes” is “les yeux”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “A snake has two eyes.” à Un serpent a deux yeux.
  • WORD: The French translation for “one eye” is “Un œil”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The earthworm has one eye.” à Le ver de terre a un œil.


How to pronounce eye in French?

I am sure that you must know by now that the “z sound” is very important in French and affects plurals very much. When referring the eyes in French in plural, you most likely have the Z sound while pronouncing the word. For example

  • For eyes, we pronounce as “Des yeux”
  • And for the eyes, we pronounce as “Les yeux”
  • Two eyes, we pronounce as “Deux yeux”


What are the parts of the eyes in French?

Close your eyes… yes I know it’s ironic or even eyeronic!!! Quickly name the different parts of the eyes. You have the white bit, the circle bit, the smaller circle bit, an eyelid, eye lashes and the eye brow… Whew.. it’s a small list thankfully!!! In the table below, you can learn how to say the names of all the parts of the Eye in French. This will help you expand your basic German A1 vocabulary list and will help you have to see the eye doctor. So let us learn about the parts of the eye in French.

different parts of the eyes in French
different parts of the eyes in French
EnglishFrenchExample sentence in EnglishSame sentences in French
The corneaLa cornéeThe cornea is transparent in color.La cornée est de couleur transparente.
The sclera (white of the eye)La sclère (OR) blanc de l’oeilThe sclera must be white in color.La sclère doit être de couleur blanche.
The irisL’irisI am blind and my iris is grey in color.Je suis aveugle et mon iris est de couleur grise.
The pupilLa pupilleThere is a small injury in the cornea and the pupil.Il y a une petite blessure dans la cornée et la pupille.
The eyelash / eyelashesLe cil / les cilsYour eye lashes are beautiful.Vos cils sont magnifiques.
The eyebrow / eyebrowsLe sourcil / les sourcilsThe man shaved his eyebrows.L’homme s’est rasé les sourcils.
The eyelid / eyelidsLa paupière / les paupièresThe owl has three eyelids.Le hibou a trois paupières.


Glasses or Spectacles in French

Half the people in the world wear glasses. Most of the people in the world would have worn sunglasses at some point in their lives. Is it thus not important to know about the different spectacles in French? In the table below, you can learn the names of all the vocabulary related to Glasses in French or Spectacles in French.

Glasses in French or Spectacles in French
Glasses in French or Spectacles in French
EnglishFrenchExample sentence in EnglishSame sentences in French
The spectaclesLes lunettesMy mother has four pairs of spectacles.Ma mère a quatre paires de lunettes.
The reading glassesLes lunettes de lectureDo you need reading glasses?Avez-vous besoin de lunettes de lecture?
The contact lensesLes lentilles de contactMy daughter wears contact lenses.Ma fille porte des lentilles de contact.
The eye patchLe cache-œilPirates wear eye patches.Les pirates portent des cache-œil.
The sunglassesLes lunettes de soleilHe likes to wear sunglassesIl aime porter des lunettes de soleil
The bifocal glassesLes lunettes bifocalesMy grandfather wears bifocal glasses.Mon grand-père porte des lunettes bifocales.
The monocleLe monocleWinston Churchill had a monocle.Winston Churchill avait un monocle.


Eye Diseases in French

Whenever you have to go to the eye doctor, you need to be careful. In France or in any French speaking country, the doctors might be able to explain the problem only in French. You should be able to know all the common eye diseases in French Let us know learn about the Diseases related to eyes in French.

Diseases related to eyes in French
Diseases related to eyes in French
Eye DiseasesFrenchExample sentence in Englishsentences in French
HeterochromiaHétérochromieHeterochromia is very rare.L’hétérochromie est très rare.
ConjunctivitisConjonctiviteI have conjunctivitis and so I must sleep.J’ai une conjonctivite et donc je dois dormir.
CataractCataracteThe old man had cataracts and was almost blind.Le vieil homme avait des cataractes et était presque aveugle.
Nearsighted (myopia)myopieAre you nearsighted? Do you have myopia.Êtes-vous myope? Avez-vous la myopie.
Farsighted (hyperopia) hypermétropieAre you farsighted? Do you have hyperopia?Êtes-vous presbyte? Avez-vous une hypermétropie?
GlaucomaglaucomeGlaucoma is dangerous and can cause blindness.Le glaucome est dangereux et peut entraîner la cécité.
Colour blinddaltonienDogs are colour blind.Les chiens sont daltoniens.


Different eye colors in French

You are in France and on a date, a date with an amazing French dude / dudette. He (or she) sits opposite to you and you stare deeply into his eyes. The eyes are of a very beautiful colour. You wanna impress you date and so want to ask about the colour or of their eyes in French. How do you do it?

  • ENGLISH SENTENCE: Translation for “What Color are your eyes?” in French?
    • FRENCH SENTENCE: The translation “What color are your eyes?” in Frenchà De quelle couleur sont vos yeux?

Now how does your date respond?

  • ENGLISH SENTENCE: Translation for “I have blue eyes.” in French?
    • FRENCH SENTENCE: The translation I have blue eyes in Frenchà J’ai les yeux bleus.
different eye colors in French
different eye colors in French

Similarly, let us learn about the different eye colours in French

Eye ColorsFrenchExample sentence in EnglishSame sentences 
brown eyesyeux marronsShe has brown eyes.Elle a les yeux marron.
grey eyesyeux grisYou have grey eyes.Vous avez les yeux gris.
black eyesyeux noirsThe Asian man has black eyesL’homme asiatique a les yeux noirs
green eyesyeux vertsMany Europeans have green eyes.Beaucoup d’Européens ont les yeux verts.
amber eyesyeux d’ambreMy wife has amber eyes and they are gorgeous.Ma femme a les yeux d’ambre et ils sont magnifiques.
violet eyesyeux violetsHave you seen violet eyes?Avez-vous vu des yeux violets?
hazel eyesdes yeux noisetteI love hazel colored eyesj’adore les yeux couleur noisette
blue eyesyeux bleusThe wolf has blue eyesLe loup a les yeux bleus
Grey blue eyesYeux bleu grisPolar bears have Grey blue eyesLes ours polaires ont les yeux bleu gris
White eyesyeux blancsThe blind man has white eyesL’aveugle a les yeux blancs
Light blue eyesYeux bleu clairMy son has light blue eyes.Mon fils a les yeux bleu clair.


Shapes of the eyes in French

You know that different people have different eye shapes. Some people have round eyes while some people have slanted eyes. I like people who have almond shaped eyes while you may like people who have large eyes. Small eyes may indicate intelligence while cross eyes (through no fault of their own) are ridiculed. Let us learn about the different shapes of the eyes in French

different shapes of the eyes in French
different shapes of the eyes in French
Eye ShapesEye Shapes in FrenchExample sentence in EnglishSame sentences 
slanted eyesyeux bridésAsians have slanted eyes.Les asiatiques ont les yeux bridés.
round eyesyeux rondsThe woman has round eyes.La femme a les yeux ronds.
almond shaped eyesyeux en amandeThe supermodel has almond shaped eyes.Le mannequin a des yeux en forme d’amande.
large eyesgrands yeuxChildren have large eyes.Les enfants ont de grands yeux.
small eyespetits yeuxDo you have small eyes?Avez-vous de petits yeux?
cross eyedles yeux croisésI am cross eyed.J’ai les yeux croisés.


Lover Talk in French related to the eyes…..

The eyes are considered as a reflection of one’s beauty. You often compliment your partner on their beautiful eye. So you must know how to do this kind of lover talk in French as well

  • One of the most common sentences one can say to their lover is that their eyes are very pretty. The French translation for “your eyes are pretty” is “tes yeux sont beaux
  • Another very common sentence that I usually say to my wife is that her eyes are very beautiful. The French translation for “You have beautiful eyes” is “Tu as de beaux yeux
  • The French translation for “I love your eyes” is “J’aime tes yeux


Simple questions and Answers 

Let us have a small test. Try and answer as many questions as you can honestly!!!

How to say brown eyes in French?          yeux marrons
How to say blue eyes in French?Yeux bleus
How do you say green eyes in French?Yeux verts
How do you say Hazel eyes in French    des yeux noisette
How do you say grey blue eyes in FrenchYeux bleu gris
How do you say dark blue eyes in FrenchYeux bleu foncé
How do you say bluish green eyes in FrenchYeux vert bleuté
How do you say grey eyes in FrenchYeux gris
How do you say black eyes in FrenchYeux noirs


Some final ones

What colour are your eyes?De quelle couleur sont tes yeux?
I have green eyes.J’ai les yeux verts.
My eyes are black in color.Mes yeux sont de couleur noire.
Do you wear glasses?Portez-vous des lunettes?
I wear contact lenses.Je porte des lentilles de contact.


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