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List of 50+ Birds in French

List of 50+ Birds in French

In the morning, when you wake up, you hear the sound of a rooster crowing (assuming you wake up at 6:00 AM which I definitely don’t!!!) You can then hear the chirping of many birds, the cooing of pigeons, the hooting of an owl, the caw of a crow and many more. As a child, I spent hours seeing videos and documentaries on the animals channel learning about birds along with the rest of the animal kingdom. Like you learnt about the list of birds in English, a child in France learns about the list of birds in French although from the TV of course.

If you want to read French short stories, this website has a good 100 of them with English translation side by side.

A hummingbird extracting honey
A hummingbird extracting honey

In order to improve your French vocabulary, you must try and learn the list of sea animals in French or the list of Birds in French. However, an interesting question is once you know the words, is that all you need to know? Should you not be learning about how to describe these words into beautiful sentences? Of course you need to know the vocabulary necessary to describe the list of sea animals in French along with fantastic example sentences. And that’s what we are going to do here


Topics to be covered :

  1. How to say Birds in French?
  2. List of predatory birds in French
  3. Farm birds in French
  4. Water birds
  5. Birds that live in the polar region
  6. Different pet birds in French
  7. List of flightless birds
  8. List of other common birds
  9. List of Exotic birds
How do you say Birds in French?
How do you say Birds in French?

How do you say Birds in French?

  • WORD: The French translation for “The Bird” is “L’oiseau”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The ostrich is a very large bird” à L’autruche est un très gros oiseau.
  • WORD: The French word for “Nest” is “le nid”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “There are five eggs in the nest.” à Il y a cinq œufs dans le nid.
  • WORD: The French translation for “The egg” is “L’œuf”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “I need a dozen eggs.” à J’ai besoin d’une douzaine d’œufs.


Predatory birds in French

When you think of a cool bird, you think of the mighty eagle! The eagle soars high above the storm and sees all. You think of powerful birds of prey or predatory birds which are fearsome and awesome at the same time. Let us learn about the different predatory birds in French with example sentences.

predatory birds in French or the birds of prey in French
predatory birds in French
Birds in EnglishTranslation in FrenchExample sentenceFrench Sentences
The EagleL’aigleThe Eagle is the king of birds.L’Aigle est le roi des oiseaux.
The HawkLe fauconI saw a hawk yesterday.J’ai vu un faucon hier.
The VultureLe vautourThe Vulture eats the lion.Le vautour mange le lion.
The CondorLe CondorCondors live in North America.Les condors vivent en Amérique du Nord.
The HarrierLe HarrierIs the Harrier faster than the falcon?Le Harrier est-il plus rapide que le faucon ?
The FalconLe fauconThe Falcon is the fastest bird in the world.Le faucon est l’oiseau le plus rapide du monde.


List of farm birds in French

When you go to a firm, you see many birds! There are not just roosters there are, is it not? You can see that the farmer shares his home with many different types of poultry. Let us learn about the different poultry birds in French or farm birds in French with example sentences.

farm birds in French or poultry birds in French
farm birds in French or poultry birds in French
EnglishFrenchSentence in EnglishSentence in French
The RoosterLe coqThe rooster is very loud.Le coq est très bruyant.
The HenLa pouleI have three hens and one rooster.J’ai trois poules et un coq.
The duckLe canardDucks are excellent swimmers.Les canards sont d’excellents nageurs.
The gooseL’oieThe goose is angry.L’oie est en colère.
The swanLe cygneIs that a swan?C’est un cygne?
The turkeyLa dindeTurkeys are very ugly.Les dindes sont très laides.


Water birds or water fowl in French?

Birds live in the forests, the polar region, the water, the sky and even in the cities. They are highly adaptable and resilient. There are many different birds which live in the water and I’m pretty sure you know about a lot of them. Let us learn about the different water birds in French or water fowl in French with example sentences.

Swan, a magnificient water bird or water fowl
Swan, a magnificient water bird or water fowl
Birds in EnglishTranslation in FrenchExample sentenceSentences for French Birds
The flamingoLe flamant roseFlamingos are pink in colour.Les flamants roses sont de couleur rose.
The pelicanLe pélicanThe pelican has a large beak.Le pélican a un gros bec.
The duckLe canardThere are many ducks in FranceIl y a beaucoup de canards en France
The storkLa cigogneThe stork carries the baby.La cigogne porte le bébé.
The swanLe cygneThe swans are graceful.Les cygnes sont gracieux.
The kingfisherLe martin-pêcheurYou can see Kingfishers in India.Vous pouvez voir des martins-pêcheurs en Inde.
The craneLa grueCranes and Herons are quite tall.Les grues et les hérons sont assez grands.
The heronLe héronThe heron has long legs.Le héron a de longues pattes.
The ibisL’ibisIn Egypt, you can see the Ibis.En Egypte, vous pouvez voir l’Ibis.
The albatrossL’albatrosThe albatross has the biggest wings.L’albatros a les plus grandes ailes.


Penguins in French

Do you know that Birds can live in the harshest and coldest continent in the world, Antarctica? They not only live there but thrive in the desolate freezing polar region. Let us learn about the different polar birds in French.

WORD: What is Penguin in French Language? “Le pingouin”

What is Penguin in French Language
What is Penguin in French Language
Birds in EnglishTranslation for the bird in FrenchExample sentence for Birds in EnglishSentences for French Birds
The penguinLe pingouinPenguins are very cute.Les pingouins sont très mignons.
The snowy owlLe harfang des neigesThe snowy owl is silent.Le harfang des neiges est silencieux.
The petrelLe pétrelThe petrel lives in Antarctica.Le pétrel vit en Antarctique.
The emperor PenguinLe manchot empereurThe emperor Penguin is the largest penguin in the world.Le manchot empereur est le plus grand manchot du monde.
The puffinLe macareuxThe puffin lives in Antarctica.Le macareux vit en Antarctique.


Pet birds in French

You would have seen many people having birds as pets in their own house. Birds make excellent companions and have vibrant personalities. Let us learn the names of the different pet birds in French.

different pet birds in French?
different pet birds in French?
Birds in EnglishTranslation in FrenchExample in EnglishSentences for French Birds
The parrotLe perroquetParrots eat nuts and fruits.Les perroquets mangent des noix et des fruits.
The canaryLe canariThe yellow canary is very friendly.Le canari jaune est très sympathique.
The cockatooLe cacatoèsI purchased a cockatoo.J’ai acheté un cacatoès.
The macawL’araMacaws are common in Brazil.Les aras sont communs au Brésil.


All flightless birds in French 

Now that we have learnt the names of many birds in French, did you know that there are birds which cannot fly? There are many flightless birds across the world. Let us learn the list of all flightless birds in French

different flightless birds in French found across the world
different flightless birds in French found across the world
Birds in EnglishTranslation for the bird in FrenchExample sentence for Birds in EnglishSentences for French Birds
The OstrichL’AutrucheOstrich can run very fast.L’autruche peut courir très vite.
The CassowaryLe casoarThe cassowary is the most dangerous bird.Le casoar est l’oiseau le plus dangereux.
The Kiwi birdL’oiseau KiwiYou can find the Kiwi bird in New Zealand.Vous pouvez trouver l’oiseau Kiwi en Nouvelle-Zélande.
The KakapoLe KakapoThe Kakapo is almost extinct.Le Kakapo est presque éteint.
The DodoLe DodoThe dodo lived in Mauritius.Le dodo vivait à Maurice.
The EmuL’émeuEmus cannot fly but they can run.Les émeus ne peuvent pas voler mais ils peuvent courir.


Other common birds 

Now that we have learnt the names of many birds in French, let us now focus on one last list of all commonly found birds across the world. This master list will be the most important list since you will come across most of these birds almost daily.

The crows and the pigeons of the world
The crows and the pigeons of the world
Birds in EnglishTranslation for the bird in FrenchExample sentence for Birds in EnglishSentences for French Birds
The crowLe corbeauCrows are intelligent birds.Les corbeaux sont des oiseaux intelligents.
The pigeonLe pigeonI hate pigeons.Je déteste les pigeons.
The hummingbirdLe colibriThe hummingbird can fly backwards.Le colibri peut voler à reculons.
The ravenLe corbeauThe raven is black in colour.Le corbeau est de couleur noire.
The OwlLe hibouThe owl caught a mouse.Le hibou a attrapé une souris.
The sparrowLe moineauI fed the sparrows.J’ai nourri les moineaux.
The woodpeckerLe picSeven woodpeckers live in the park.Sept pics vivent dans le parc.
The doveLa colombeThe dove is very pretty.La colombe est très jolie.


Wordlist of Exotic birds

Now that we have learnt the names of common birds in French, let us now focus on one last list of all super exotic and beautiful birds across the world.

Birds in EnglishTranslation for the bird in FrenchExample sentence for Birds in EnglishSentences for French Birds
The PeacockLe paonPeacocks are beautiful birds.Les paons sont de beaux oiseaux.
The MacawL’araThe macaw is colourful.L’ara est coloré.
The ToucanLe toucanThe toucan has a large beak.Le toucan a un gros bec.

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