French Short stories:
Learn French through easy and simple French Short Stories with English translation
French is known as one of the romance languages and is learned by many across the world. Many people from Europe and Asia aim to become bilingual, to speak fluently in at least 2 languages, with English and French.
One of the best ways to really learn French is by reading small and simple French Short stories. By reading simple French short stories, you can quickly pick up French vocabulary, reading skills and also sentence formation skills in French.
So where does one find free French short stories. Childhood stories is filled with over 50 super simplified dual language short stories in French and in English. These French short stories are easy to read, understand and complete.
I love learning French! Discovering France is amazing – from the Eiffel Tower to delicious croissants. Speaking French feels like dancing with words and learning should feel fun as well. With this website, you will find that it’s fun to learn French and also opens one up a whole new world of opportunities.
Aesop's Fables - Set 1
Aesop's Fables - Set 2
Akbar and Birbal - Set 1
Akbar and Birbal - Set 2
French Short stories for beginners: How to learn French using French short stories for kids
Trying to see if you want to learn French? Learning French especially is interesting as it is called as a romantic language and many people want to become bilingual, to speak fluently in at least 2 languages, with English and French.
One of the best ways to really learn French is by reading small and simple French Short stories. By reading simple French short stories, you can quickly pick up French vocabulary, reading skills and also sentence formation skills in French.
So where does one find free French short stories. Childhood stories is filled with over 50 super simplified dual language short stories in French and in English. These French short stories are easy to read, understand and complete.
Some of the interesting short stories are Aesop Fables in French, Akbar and Birbal in French, Each French short story is only one page long or only a few paragraphs long and hence wont take anyone more than a few minutes to read. Also the English translation to the French short stories for kids is provided in English so that you can quickly look up the words and memorize!
You can also find loads of free French vocabulary lists in this website and those have hundreds of examples in English and French. Some of the interesting word lists are list of vegetables in French, birds in French, list of insects in French, Furniture in French etc
So what are you waiting for? If you’re looking for French short stories for beginners or if you’re looking to just build your vocabulary, you have come to the right place! Just open childhood short stories and start reading the French short stories here!!!!
French Wordlists
There are hundreds of French wordlists which one can start working through on a daily basis. The most popular ones are given below:
Furniture and Parts of the house in French – Let us dive into the basic vocabulary word list of the various parts and rooms of the house! From “une chambre” (a bedroom) to “une cuisine” (a kitchen), “un salon” (a living room) to “une salle de bain” (a bathroom), this list encompasses the essential spaces in a home. For absolute beginners in French, memorizing these terms is crucial as it lays the foundation for everyday conversations. |
Geometry in French – From “cercle” (circle) to “triangle”, “rectangle” to “hexagone”, these shapes play a crucial role in understanding spatial relationships and patterns. Delving into terms like “périmètre” (perimeter), “aire” (area), and “rayon” (radius), not only enhances your mathematical vocabulary but also sharpens your analytical skills. |
Herbs and Spices in French – In this blog post we will learn about the different herbs and spices in French. From the aromatic “ail” (garlic) to the versatile “thym” (thyme), the exotic “curcuma” (turmeric) to the fiery “piment” (chili pepper), each herb and spice brings its own unique essence to culinary creations. |
Colors in French – As a beginner in French, mastering the list of colors is essential as it forms the foundation for basic vocabulary acquisition. Understanding colors such as “rouge” (red), “bleu” (blue), “vert” (green), “jaune” (yellow), “rose” (pink), allows you ton make simple and meaningful 2-3 sentence conversations. Colors are universally recognized, making them a great starting point for A1 level learners to build confidence in their language skills. |
Solar system in French – This list covers it all, from “Mercure” to “Vénus,” “Terre” to “Mars,” “Jupiter” to “Saturne,” each planet in our solar system holds its own mystique and allure. Read on to learn more |
Learn eye colors and Eye shapes in French – Bonjour! Explore the mesmerizing world of eye colors and shapes in French with me on this blog. From “les yeux bleus” (blue eyes) to “les yeux verts” (green eyes), “les yeux marron” (brown eyes) to “les yeux noisette” (hazel eyes), each hue paints a unique portrait of individuality. Imagine the almond shape of “les yeux en amande” or the roundness of “les yeux ronds” captivating gazes. |
100+ Animals in French – Let’s start with learning the animal kingdom in French on this blog. From “le chat” (cat) to “le chien” (dog), “le lion” (lion) to “l’éléphant” (elephant), each creature roars with its own unique charm and characteristics. Learning animal names in French is the purr-fect way for beginners to start their language journey as these words are common, engaging, and easy to remember. |
100+ Vegetables in French – Dive into the green world of vegetables in French with me on this blog. From “la tomate” (tomato) to “la carotte” (carrot), “le poivron” (bell pepper) to “le concombre” (cucumber), this list has it all and more with tons of example sentences to boot. |
50+ Birds in French – Bonjour! Read my blog post where we soar through the world of birds in French. From “le merle” (the blackbird) to “la hirondelle” (the swallow), “le rouge-gorge” (the robin) to “le moineau” (the sparrow), each plume (feather) brings a melody of beauty to the skies above. Imagine the grace of “le cygne” (the swan) gliding on water or the majesty of “l’aigle” (the eagle) ruling the skies. Suivez-moi, on y va! |
50+ Insects in French – Let us buzz through the captivating world of insects in French. From “le papillon” (the butterfly) to “la coccinelle” (the ladybug), “la libellule” (the dragonfly) to “la fourmi” (the ant), each tiny créature (creature) adds a touch of wonder to the natural world. |
List of Car Parts in French – Read this blog post where we hit the road to explore the world of car parts in French. From “le moteur” (the engine) to “le pare-brise” (the windshield), “les phares” (the headlights) to “les pneus” (the tires), each pièce (part) contributes to the driving experience. |
List of Professions / Occupations in French – Bonjour! In this blog, we will dive into the fascinating world of professions and occupations in French. Whether you aspire to be “un médecin” (a doctor), “un avocat” (a lawyer), “un enseignant” (a teacher), or “un chef cuisinier” (a chef), each métier (occupation) plays a vital role in society. Remember, “le monde du travail” (the world of work) is a canvas waiting for your unique skill set to shine. Prêt? Alors, allons-y! |
100+ Tools in French – “un marteau” is the french word for the hammer and “une scie” translates to a saw. “une clé” is the word for a wrench while “un tournevis” means screwdriver. These outils or tools are the artisans of our daily tasks. In this langue de métiers (language of trades), every mot (word) is a tool which you can use. |
Milky Way Galaxy and the Solar System in French – Let us learn about the Milky Way Galaxy and the Solar System in French. “la Voie Lactée” translates literally to the Milky Way in French and “le Soleil” is the word for the Sun. “la Terre” translates to the Earth and many more. As we float among the stars, remember that in this vast universe, “il y a toujours un espace pour l’exploration” (there’s always room for exploration). |
Oceans and Seas in French – Did you know that “l’océan Atlantique” means the Atlantic Ocean? Or did you know that “la mer Méditerranée” means the Mediterranean Sea. Why, the Pacific Ocean is called “l’océan Pacifique” and the Norwegian Sea is “la mer de Norvège”. Remember that in French, there’s always “beaucoup de poissons dans la mer” (plenty of fish in the sea) waiting to be discovered! |
Parts of a plant and Gardening Tools in French – Dig into the world of French gardening, from “un râteau” (a rake) to “un arrosoir” (a watering can), “une bêche” (a spade) to “des cisailles” (shears), these tools are essential for nurturing a fruitful garden. Picture yourself wielding “un sécateur” (pruning shears) to shape your plants with finesse. So, grab your “pelle” (shovel) and let’s “planter le décor” (set the scene) for a blooming journey in French horticulture! After all, “la vie est belle… dans le jardin!” (life is beautiful… in the garden!) |
Parts and rooms of the house in French – Step into the fascinating world of French vocabulary of how to describe your own damn house! From “une chambre” (a bedroom) to “une cuisine” (a kitchen), “un salon” (a living room) to “une salle de bain” (a bathroom), this list encompasses the essential spaces in a home. For absolute beginners in French, this list is the absolute foundation for everyday conversations. |
50+ fruits in French including dry fruits, Berries and Nuts – From “une pomme” (an apple) to “une banane” (a banana), “des raisins secs” (raisins) to “une framboise” (a raspberry) and “une noix” (a walnut) to “une amande” (an almond), this French word list offers a flavorful journey through the colorful side of the grocery store. This list will make sure you dont blank out when you order in a super market. |
Drinks and alcohols in French – Bienvenue to my blog post where we dive into French vocabulary focusing on drinks and alcohols! From “un café” (a coffee) to “un verre de vin” (a glass of wine) and “une bière” (a beer) to “un cocktail” (a cocktail), this list covers a range of beverages with pronunciation tips and cultural insights. Memorizing these terms is vital for travelers to France as it makes your dining experience more authentic and allows you to confidently order at cafes and restaurants. Santé! |
Different types of weather / climate in French – In this blog page for French vocabulary related to different types of weather and climate, you will read all the way from “le soleil” (the sun) to “la pluie” (rain), and “la neige” (snow) to “le vent” (wind). This list covers essential weather terms with explanations and practical examples. Memorizing these words is crucial for French A1 and A2 learners as weather discussions are a common topic in everyday conversations and language exams. |
Different parts of the body in French – In this blog post where, you can find a comprehensive list of different parts of the body in French to aid your language learning journey. From head to toe, learn essential vocabulary like “le bras” (arm), “le cou” (neck), and “le pied” (foot) with clear pronunciation guidance and examples. Mastering these terms is pivotal for A1 and A2 French learners as it allows for effective communication in describing ailments, injuries, and daily health-related conversations. |
Clothes in French – On this page, I have compiled a comprehensive list of all the different types of clothes in French that you need to know to enhance your vocabulary skills. From everyday basics like “un t-shirt” (a T-shirt) to specific items like “une jupe” (a skirt) and “un manteau” (a coat), each word comes with pronunciation guidance and examples for easier understanding. Note that memorizing this list is crucial for French A1 learners as it helps you effectively communicate your clothing preferences, shop, and describe what you or others are wearing in daily conversations. |
Family members in French – I have compiled a list of French family members on my page. This includes parents, siblings, grandparents, and cousins, along with pronunciation guides. From parents (les parents) and siblings (les frères et sœurs) to grandparents (les grand-parents) and cousins (les cousins), this resource offers a detailed list of terms. Check it out to learn and practice these essential vocabulary words! |
Some of the famous french short stories in this collection
Aesop’s fables are a collection of short stories with moral lessons, often featuring animals as characters. These fables have been translated into various languages, providing a unique opportunity for language learners to improve their skills. In this section we can learn French vocabulary and grammar by comparing the English version with the French translation of the fable.
This method also known as the dual language short story technique makes you form connections between the two languages, improving overall fluency and understanding. Through the engaging stories and valuable life lessons in Aesop’s fables, you can can develop a deeper appreciation for language and culture and at the same time hone you language skills.
Les voyageurs et le sac à main – is a beautiful French short story for children and kids. The story talks about how if one takes the full reward and does not want to share it, one must also take the full dangers with it.
Les abeilles, les guêpes et le frelon – is yet another one of the classic beautiful and simple French short stories for kids. The story talks about honesty is the best policy and that if you lie, one day you will get caught.
Le Wagoner et Hercule – This French short is a very old and very famous Aesop Fable. The French short story talks about how one must not expect everything to be given for free by God and that one must take action on their own
Les deux coqs et l’aigle – In this story, there were two Cocks who lived in the same farm. The two cocks fight out about who can stay in the farm and they forget about the greater danger, the eagle, who rules the skies. This is the French translation of the english short story.
Les voyageurs et la mer – A well known Aesop’s fables story about two travellers who were walking down the beach and thinking of ways to become rich. The moral of the story is how one should not let their hopes carry one away from reality. This is the French translation of the english short story.
Les voyageurs et le sac à main – This is also another famous Aesop’s fables story which has been translated into French for your easy reading. It is the story about two travelers were travelling together from one town to another town and one of the travelers finds a coin purse and refuses to share his good fortune. However when bad luck arises, the man tries to share his bad luck which the other rightfully refuses.
La tortue et les canards – Probably one of the most famous Aesop’s fables stories of all time and one which has been translated into French among many other languages, it is the story about a tortoise who wants to see the world. Two geese carry a stick between their beaks and the tortoise clamps his teeth on the stick and can see the world.
Les moutons et le cochon – This is a lesser known fable from history about a pig who is caught by a shepherd who wants to eat him and his sheep who judge the pig for his squealing. Enjoy this story which has been translated into French for your pleasure.
Le mouton et le loup – This is an old world fable from Europe about a wolf who is very thirsty and finds a sheep. He begs the sheep to bring him some water and the sheep is very smart and converses with the wolf about his reluctance. This is one of the shortest one page stories in French which can help you overcome some basic grammar and French vocabulary.
Le serpent et l’aigle – This is another old man’s tale from Arabia about the how a traveller saves an eagle from the clutches of a serpent. The serpent tries to exact his revenge on the traveller and the eagle repays his kindness by saving him from death. This is a one page story translated in simple French to pick up basic French vocabulary.
Le loup et l’agneau rôti – This is an old wive’s tale from medevial Europe about how a wolf wants to eat and is faced with the unfairness of the world. This is a four line French short story and can be completed in just 10 minutes of reading.
Le loup et le lion – In this blog, you can read the Aesop’s Fable story of the hungry wolf in English as well as in English + French so that you can develop your French language vocabulary. It talks about a wolf who stole a lamb from a farmer and then has to relenquish his prey to a lion and then proceeds to whine about the unfairness.
Le loup et le chien mince – In this blog, you can read the Aesop’s Fable story of “Le loup et le chien mince” the wolf and the thin dog in English as well as French to help develop your French vocabulary. It talks about a hungry wolf who decides to not eat a thin dog since he wants it to get fatter and bigger and when it does, he is unable to do so since the dog is more careful.
Le loup et l’agneau – This is probably one of the most well known and popular Aesop’s Fable stories of all times which has been translated into French as well as into many languages and included into their folklores. It is the tale of a hungry wolf who struggles with his decision to eat a beautiful lamb and then gives himself weaker and weaker reasons and proceeds to take away the lamb anyway.
Le loup et l’âne – One of the lesser known Aesop’s Fable stories which has been translated into French, it talks about the tale of a hungry wolf who finds a donkey and wants to eat him. The donkey uses his wits to trick the wolf and then escape.