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Le jeune crabe et la vieille crabe

Dual Language Short stories in French – Learning French through English

Aesop’s Fables – Le jeune crabe et la vieille crabe


There was once an old crab who lived in the sea. The crab always never used to appreciate anyone. She would always say:


Il y avait autrefois un vieux crabe qui vivait dans la mer. Le crabe n’appréciait jamais personne. Elle disait toujours:


 “Tsk. Tsk. You are cooking wrongly. You should have added more salt.”


«Tsk. Tsk. Vous cuisinez mal. Vous auriez dû ajouter plus de sel. “


“Tsk. Tsk. You are eating wrongly. You should move your teeth from left to right.”


«Tsk. Tsk. Vous mangez mal. Vous devez déplacer vos dents de gauche à droite. »


 “Tsk. Tsk. You are jumping wrong. You should jump straight.”


«Tsk. Tsk. Vous sautez mal. Vous devriez sauter tout droit.


 “Tsk. Tsk. You are singing wrong. You should sing in a lower tone.”


«Tsk. Tsk. Vous chantez mal. Vous devriez chanter sur un ton plus bas.


Whatever the other crabs did, she would criticize. The younger crabs used to avoid her. One day she saw a young crab walking sideways, like all crabs walk normally. She called him and said:


Quoi que fassent les autres crabes, elle critiquerait. Les plus jeunes crabes l’évitaient. Un jour, elle a vu un jeune crabe marcher sur le côté, comme tous les crabes marchent normalement. Elle l’a appelé et lui a dit:


 “TSk. Tsk. You should not walk sideways. You should only walk straight.”


«TSk. Tsk. Vous ne devez pas marcher de côté. Vous ne devriez marcher que droit.»


The young crab said, “Can you please show me Grandmother Crab about how I should walk? I can learn from you then.”


Le jeune crabe a dit: «Pouvez-vous s’il vous plaît me montrer , la crabe vieux, comment je dois marcher? Je peux alors apprendre de vous.»


The old crab tried and tried to walk straight but she could only move sidewards. She tried so hard that she fell down and hurt her nose.


Le vieux crabe essaya plusieur fois de marcher droit mais elle ne pouvait que se déplacer latéralement. Elle a tellement essayé qu’elle est tombée et s’est blessée au nez.


The young crab said, “Thank you Grandmother for showing me how to fall.”


Le jeune crabe a dit: «Merci grand-mère de m’avoir montré comment tomber.»


Moral:  Do not tell others how to act unless you can set a good example.


Morale: «Ne dites pas aux autres comment agir à moins de donner l’exemple.»




Hope you had fun learning the French language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language Short stories in French, an immersion technique is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak French confidently using English as a base 🙂

These French short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis. 


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