De muizen en de wezels – Aesop’s Fables
Aesop Fables are among the oldest and most famous of short stories in the world. In the perry index, there are hundreds of short stories listed as a part of the Aesop Fables. This story is called as “De muizen en de wezels” which translates to “The mice and the weasels”. In this story, there are some mice which are always at war with the weasels and they try to take revenge.
The full audio story is available in the link below while the broken up audio story is in the next section!!! Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Dutch confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Dutch short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

The story
Once upon a time, all the mice and all the weasels were at war. The Mice were weak and small while the weasels were large. The weasels used to win every war and they used to eat the mice.
TranslateOoit waren alle muizen en alle wezels oorlog aan het voeren met elkaar. De muizen waren zwak en klein, terwijl de wezels groot waren. De wezels wonnen elke oorlog en aten dan de muizen op.
One day the mice held a great meeting. They decided that they would fight one more great war. They split into three groups. One wanted to lead, one wanted to fight and one wanted to run away.
TranslateOp een dag hielden de muizen een grote bijeenkomst. Ze besloten dat ze nog een grote oorlog zouden voeren. Ze splitsten zich op in drie groepen. De een wilde leiden, de ander vechten en de ander wegrennen.
The first group of mice said, “We lose only because we have no leaders. We will appoint many leaders so that we will be led into victory.”
The head mouse said, “Yes. Every mouse in this group should wear a big feather on their head so that we know who the leader is.”
TranslateDe eerste groep muizen zei: “We verliezen alleen omdat we geen leiders hebben. We zullen veel leiders aanstellen zodat we naar de overwinning geleid zullen worden.”
De hoofdmuis zei: “Ja. Elke muis in deze groep zou een grote veer op zijn hoofd moeten dragen, zodat we weten wie de leider is.”
The second group of mice said, “We lose only because we wear no armour. We will wear heavy armour so that we can withstand their attack.”
The head mouse said, “Yes. Every mouse in this group should wear heavy armour so that we can withstand their attack.”
TranslateDe tweede groep muizen zei: “We verliezen alleen omdat we geen pantser dragen. We zullen zware bepantsering dragen zodat we hun aanval kunnen weerstaan.”
De hoofdmuis zei: “Ja. Elke muis in deze groep zou zware bepantsering moeten dragen, zodat we hun aanval kunnen weerstaan.”
The third group of mice said, “We will lose no matter what. We should try fighting and if we start to lose, we should run away.”
The head mouse said, “You are all such cowards. Every mouse in this group should not wear anything.”
TranslateDe derde groep muizen zei: “We zullen hoe dan ook verliezen. We moeten proberen te vechten en als we beginnen te verliezen, moeten we wegrennen.”
De hoofdmuis zei: “Jullie zijn allemaal zulke lafaards. Alle muizen in deze groep zouden niets moeten dragen.”
The mice challenged the weasels. The weasels were very happy and the war started.
There were so many leaders that the mice became confused. Soon the mice realized that they would lose. They tried to run.
TranslateDe muizen daagden de wezels uit. De wezels waren erg blij en de oorlog begon.
Er waren zoveel leiders dat de muizen in de war raakten. Al snel beseften de muizen dat ze zouden verliezen. Ze probeerden te vluchten.
The mice wearing the feather were easy to catch. The mice wearing the armour were slow and easy to catch. The mice without the armour and the feather were fast and could run away easily.
TranslateDe muizen die de veer droegen waren gemakkelijk te vangen. De muizen die het harnas droegen, waren langzaam en gemakkelijk te vangen. De muizen zonder het harnas en de veer waren snel en konden gemakkelijk wegrennen.
Moral of the story:
“Greatness has its penalties.”
Moraal – De muizen en de wezels:
Moraal: “Grootheid heeft zijn straffen.”