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El Perro en el pesebre

Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English

Aesop’s  Fables – El Perro en el pesebre


There was once a dog who lived in a farm. The dog was a very jealous dog and did not like to share. Even if he could not use something, he would never let anyone have it.


Había una vez un Perro que vivía en una granja. El Perro era muy egoísta y no le gustaba compartir. Incluso si no necesitaba usar algo, no dejaba que nadie más lo tuviera.


One day he was in the manger and he was lying down on the hay. The cows came back after a hard day of work in the farm.  They were very tired and very hungry.


Un día estaba en el pesebre, acostado en el heno. Las Vacas habían regresado después de un duro día de trabajo en la granja. Estaban muy cansadas y hambrientas.


The cows said, “Mr. Dog, can you please move so that we can eat some hay.”

The dog said, “No. This hay is mine. You cannot have it.”


Las Vacas dijeron: “Sr. Perro, ¿podría moverse para que podamos comer algo de heno?”.

El Perro respondió: “No. Este heno es mío. No pueden tenerlo.”.


The cows said, “But you cannot eat the hay. Please let us have it.”

The dog growled and barked at the cows, “WOOF! WOOF! BARK! BARK! GRRRR! Go away now!”


Las Vacas dijeron: “Pero usted no puede comer heno. Por favor, déjenos tenerlo.”.

El Perro gruñó y les ladró a las vacas: “GRRRR ¡GUAU! ¡GUAU! ¡GUAU! ¡GUAU! ¡Váyanse ahora!”.


The cows said, “Look how selfish he is. He wont even give us what he can’t use.”

The farmer came in and saw that the cows were near the hay and could not eat. He realized what was happening and took a long stick and chased the dog away after giving him a good beating.


Las Vacas dijeron: “Miren lo qué egoísta es. Ni siquiera nos da lo que no puede usar.”

El granjero llegó y vio que las vacas estaban cerca al heno, pero no podían comerlo. Se dio cuenta de lo que estaba pasando, tomó un palo largo y ahuyentó al perro después de darle una buena paliza.


Moral: “Do not be selfish.”


Moraleja: No seas egoísta.


Hope you had fun learning the Spanish language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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