Vocabulary List of drinks in Spanish and list of alcohol in Spanish
Why is the Vocabulary List of drinks in Spanish so important? Let us run through a few examples, shall we? When you are in a restaurant, you start off your order with a drink. For example, you may order a beer, or maybe an orange juice or even a glass of water. And what happens when you are done with your meal? Well, you might order a tea. You wake up in the morning and have a glass of milk. You drink water throughout the day. See where I’m going with this? All of this requires you to have memorized the vocabulary list of drinks in Spanish.

In Europe, people usually start off their meal with a beer or a wine. So you need to know the list of alcoholic beverages in Spanish for this. Children love sweet and cold chocolate milk shakes. So you need to know the list of non-alcoholic beverages in Spanish for this.
TAHDAAAAH!!! Thus there are only two categories of beverages. In this blog, you will learn about all the types of
- List of Alcoholic Beverages in Spanish
- List of Non Alcoholic Beverages in Spanish
- Types of Milk in Spanish
- Different types of tea in Spanish
- Water in Spanish
So let’s get cracking and dive straight into the list of drinks in Spanish.
The SUPER DUPER KEY VOCABUARY among the list of drinks in Spanish
The four most important words in among the list of drinks in Spanish is Coffee, Tea, Milk, Water and Alcohol. Learn how to say these words in Spanish
English | Spanish | English Sentences | Spanish Sentences |
How to say coffee in Spanish? | Der Kaffee | I drink coffee in the morning. | Morgens trinke ich Kaffee. |
How to say tea in Spanish? | Der Tee | Tea is my favorite drink. | Tee ist mein Lieblingsgetränk. |
How to say milk in Spanish? | Die Milch | Milk is very cheap in Europe. | Milch ist in Europa sehr günstig. |
How to say Alcohol in Spanish? | Der Alkohol | She does not drink Alcohol. | Sie trinkt keinen Alkohol. |
How to say Water in Spanish? | Das Wasser | I must drink three liters of water. | Ich muss drei Liter Wasser trinken. |
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Alcoholic Beverages in Spanish
MMMMMMMMMmmmmm… My favourite! Who wouldn’t like to go to a party without being drunk or without a plan of getting drunk? Certainly not me! The most simple and commonly searched vocabulary list is the list of alcohols. Why? It’s fun and also important!

Let us now learn about the list of all alcoholic beverages in Spanish with examples. This will allow you to get a head start into the vocabulary list of drinks in Spanish. You will also benefit from the fact that all articles have been mentioned and there are tons of examples in English and in Spanish.
English | Spanish | English Sentences | Spanish Sentences |
The Alcohol | El alcohol | The shop does not sell Alcohol | La tienda no vende alcohol. |
The Alcoholic beverage | La bebida alcohólica | I do not like alcoholic beverages. | No me gustan las bebidas alcohólicas. |
The Absinthe | La absenta | Absinthe is very tasty. | La absenta es muy sabrosa. |
The Beer | La cerveza | She drank three liters of Beer. | Bebió tres litros de cerveza. |
The Brandy | El brandy | Old men like Brandy. | A los viejos les gusta Brandy. |
The Booze | la bebida alcohólica | The girl forgot to bring the Booze. | La chica se olvidó de traer la bebida. |
The Champagne | El champagne | Federer opened the Champagne. | Federer abrió el Champagne. |
The Cider | La sidra | Cider is sour. | La sidra es agria. |
The Cocktail | El coctel | She can make tasty Cocktails. | Puede preparar deliciosos cócteles. |
The Gin | La ginebra | The pub is famous for Gin. | El pub es famoso por la ginebra. |
The Red wine | El vino tinto | Rich women drink Red wine.. | Las mujeres ricas beben vino tinto. |
The Rosé wine | El vino Rosado | Rosé wine is very expensive | El vino rosado es muy caro |
The Rum | El ron | Do you like Rum? | ¿Te gusta el ron? |
The Shandy | El Shandy | Children should not drink Shandy. | Los niños no deben beber Shandy. |
The Vodka | El vodka | Russian Vodka is cheap. | El vodka ruso es barato. |
The Whiskey | El whisky | My favorite Whiskey is Ballentines. | Mi whisky favorito es Ballentines. |
The White wine | El vino blanco | I like White and hate red wine. | Me gusta el blanco y odio el vino tinto. |
The Wine | El vino | My wife drank Wine on her birthday. | Mi esposa bebió vino en su cumpleaños. |
The Cognac | El coñac | The lawyer drank a Cognac. | El abogado bebió un coñac. |
The Sangria | La sangría | I can make a Sangria. | Puedo hacer una sangría. |
The Dry sherry | El jerez seco | The Dry sherry is tasty. | El jerez seco es sabroso. |
The Liqueur | El licor | Absinthe is a Liqueur. | La absenta es un licor. |
The Port Wine | El vino de Oporto | Port wine is cheap | El vino de Oporto es barato |
The Pint | La pinta | I sold 300 pints of beer. | Vendí 300 pintas de cerveza. |
The Ale | La Ale | Ale is very bitter. | Ale es muy amarga. |
The mulled wine | El vino caliente | On Christmas, we drink mulled wine. | En Navidad, bebemos vino caliente. |
Different types of Milk in Spanish
This one is important since most people use milk in one way or the other. If you go to a Spanish supermarket, you will find at least 20 – 30 types of milk. There’s 10% fat, 5% fat, 3% fat, no fat, full fat, plant based milk etc… enough to make the head spin. So among the list of drinks in Spanish, you better get acquainted with the list of different types of milk in Spanish.

English | Spanish |
Soy milk | Leche de soja |
Warm milk | Leche caliente |
Whole milk | Leche entera |
Pasteurized milk | Leche pasteurizada |
Skimmed milk | Leche desnatada |
Condensed milk | Leche condensada |
Milk | Leche |
Milk-shake | Batido |
Low-fat milk | Leche baja en grasa |
rice milk | leche de arroz |
full fat milk | leche entera |
List of all types of teas in Spanish with example sentences
A ton of people swear by tea! I’ve seen many office goers drink a massive half a litre of tea every two hours. You have 100s of varieties of tea, ranging from hot to cold, from fruit based to plain, from herbal to milk based and so on. If you go to any supermarket, you will be inundated by choices of tea. So you absolutely need to memorize the vocabulary list of all tea based beverages in Spanish.

English | Spanish |
Fruit tea | Té de frutas |
Green tea | Té verde |
Herb tea | té de hierbas |
Hibiscus tea | Té de hibisco |
Comomile tea | Té de manzanilla |
Black tea | Té negro |
iced tea | te helado |
Lemon-balm tea | Té de bálsamo de limón |
Linden tea | Té de tila |
Mint tea | té de menta |
Orange-blossom tea | Té de azahar |
Vervain tea | Té de verbena |
Tea | Té |
Tea with lemon | Té con limón |
Tea with milk | Té con leche |
List of all non-alcoholic drinks in Spanish with example sentences
The best way to start a morning is with a cup of coffee. A lemonade would be kickass during a summer day. To keep a child happy, all you need is a nice cold chocolate milkshake. Sounds true right? Anyone living in Spain needs to complete their list of drinks in Spanish by memorizing the vocabulary list of all non-alcoholic beverages in Spanish. This would help life move smoothly.

English | Spanish |
Apple distillate | Destilado de manzana |
Black coffee | Café negro |
Cappuccino | Capuchino |
Chocolate | Chocolate |
Chocolate milk-shake | Malteada de chocolate |
Citron lemonade | Limonada de cidra |
Coffee | Café |
Coffee with cream | Cafe con crema |
Coffee with milk | Café con leche |
Espresso coffee | Cafe expreso |
Fresh banana milk-shake | Batido de plátano fresco |
Fruit juice | Zumo de frutas |
Fruit milk-shake | Batido de frutas |
Ice | Hielo |
Ice cream milk-shake | Batido de leche helado |
Juice | Jugo |
Lemon juice | Jugo de limon |
Lemonade | Limonada |
Orange juice | zumo de naranja |
Soft drinks | Bebidas sin alcohol |
Thick chocolate | Chocolate espeso |
Other Interesting Topics
These are other interesting topics which you might like to read to get a tremendous boost to your Spanish vocabulary list!!! Study hard and soon you’ll be a proud Spanish speaking dude / dudette!!