List of tools in Spanish
People in Spain or any European country love doing work with their own tools. Whether it comes to carpentry or plumbing, painting or fixing a bicycle or even building an entire tree house, Europeans love to do everything on their own. And of course for building anything, you need tools. So it is very important that you learn about the list of tools in Spanish.
In Europe, people are very excited when it comes to owning pretty much every tool in the market. The best tool making companies in the world are from Spain be it Caterpillar or Bosch. And so, Europeans love talking about the different tools they use and the items which they built. So it is only fair that you learn and discuss about the list of tools in Spanish.
To get you ready, here’s a guide for you to learn about some simple list of tools in Spanish with example sentences and with English translation. This English translation for the example sentences will be something that you can rely on as you learn about the list of tools in Spanish.
Topics :
- How do you say Tools in Spanish?
- Measuring tools in Spanish
- Mechanical tools or Hand tools in Spanish
- Striking Tools
- Cutting Tools
- Holding and positioning
- Smoothening and Finishing Tools
- Safety equipment tools
- Carpentry tools in Spanish
- Medical tools
- Different kitchen tools
- Gardening tools or farm tools in Spanish
- Construction tools in Spanish?
- Scientific tools
- Power tools in Spanish
How to say tools in Spanish?
- WORD: The Spanish translation for “The Tool” in Spanish is “la herramienta”.
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The carpenter has many tools.” à El carpintero tiene muchas herramientas.
- WORD: The Spanish translation for “The Toolbox” in Spanish is “la caja de instrumento” OR “Caja de herramientas”
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “We sell large toolboxes.” à Vendemos cajas de herramientas
Measuring tools in Spanish with example sentences
How do you know exactly how much to do or what is the length or how do you measure anything. You need to be precise when making anything else it will break. Measuring tools or tools of Measurement are tools which exist so that we can measure anything. You can learn about the list of all Measuring tools in Spanish or tools of Measurement in Spanish below with examples for each one in Spanish and English.
- WORD: The Spanish translation for “The Measuring Tool” in Spanish is “herramienta de medición”.
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “I need some Measuring Tools” à Necesito algunas herramientas de medición.
The List
ENGLISH | SPANISH | English Sentence | Spanish Sentence |
The Tape measure | La cinta métrica | The tape measure is 3 meters long. | La cinta métrica mide 3 metros de largo. |
The Vernier caliper | El calibrador Vernier | In school, I learnt about the Vernier calliper | En la escuela, aprendí sobre el calibrador Vernier. |
The Stopwatch | el cronómetro | I have a gold stopwatch | tengo un cronómetro de oro |
The Weighing Scale | La balanza | He broke the weighing scale. | Rompió la balanza. |
The Microscope | el microscopio | A Microscope can be used to see bacteria. | Se puede usar un microscopio para ver bacterias. |
The Computer | El ordenador | The computer was invented by an European. | La computadora fue inventada por un europeo. |
The Calculator | La calculadora | He has a small calculator | tiene una pequeña calculadora. |
The Barometer | el barómetro | Barometer is used to measure pressure. | El barómetro se utiliza para medir la presión. |
The Ammeter | el amperímetro | Ammeter is used to measure current. | El amperímetro se utiliza para medir la corriente. |
The Voltmeter | el voltímetro | Voltmeters are used to measure voltage. | Los voltímetros se utilizan para medir el voltaje. |
The Thermometer | el termómetro | A Thermometer is used to measure temperature. | Un termómetro se utiliza para medir la temperatura. |
The Compass | La brújula | Do you have a compass? | ¿Tienes una brújula? |
The Clock | El reloj | The Clock is accurate | El reloj es exacto |
The Speedometer | el velocímetro | The speedometer is broken. | El velocímetro está roto. |
The Beaker glass | El vaso de precipitados | The beaker glass is very fragile. | El vaso de precipitados es muy frágil. |
Mechanical tools or Hand Tools in Spanish with example sentences
Mechanical tools or Hand-held tools are tools which are powered by muscle instead of electrical energy or a motor. Mechanical tools or Hand-held tools require energy, skill, strength and precision to use. You can learn about the list of all Mechanical tools in Spanish or Handheld tools in Spanish below with examples for each one in Spanish and English.
- WORD: The Spanish translation for “Manual Tools” in Spanish is “herramientas manuales”.
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “My father uses handheld tools.” à Mi padre usa herramientas manuales.
Manual striking tools in Spanish
Striking tools are those mechanical tools which are powered by muscle and are used to hammer down objects. Manual striking tools require a lot of physical energy and great skill and application to use.
You can learn about the list of all manual striking tools in Spanish below with examples for each one in Spanish and English.
The hammer | El martillo |
The mallet | el mazo |
The chisel | el cincel |
The nails | Las uñas |
The drill | El taladro |
The Anvil | el yunque |
Holding and positioning tools in Spanish
When you are using a tool, sometimes you may need to hold down another object in place with some positioning tool. These can be something like clamps. Basically, they are mechanical tools used to hold down objects. They increase safety and accuracy as well.
You can learn about the list of all different holding and positioning tools in Spanish below with examples for each one in Spanish and English.
The vice | el vicio |
The clamps | las abrazaderas |
The screw | El tornillo |
The ladder | La escalera |
The bolt | El tornillo |
The nuts | Las nueces |
The cable ties | las ataduras de cables |
The wrenches | las llaves |
The pliers | los alicates |
Cutting tools in Spanish
Sometimes you just need to cut things!!!! You might need to cut a piece of wood if you are doing carpentry, might need to cut a ribbon if you are a mayor inaugurating a building, and everything in between as well. You cannot use a hacksaw for cutting a ribbon, can you?
There are many different cutting tools in the market to fit the correct job. You can learn about the list of all cutting tools in Spanish below with examples for each one in Spanish and English.
The cutters | los cortadores |
The saw | La Sierra |
The handsaw | la sierra de mano |
The hacksaw | la sierra para metales |
The scissors | Las tijeras |
The knife | El cuchillo |
The axe | El hacha |
The Switch blade | La cuchilla del interruptor |
The Swiss army knife | La navaja suiza |
Safety equipment in Spanish
All said and done, work with electricity or with any tools requires skill. But even so you will require safety equipment to ensure that you reduce the risk to an absolute minimum. You might need welding goggles if you’re welding, boots if you’re dealing with a work floor, gloves to reduce injury or if you’re working with chemicals….
This list is endless and is very important. There are different safety equipment in the market to MANDATORILY BE USED for each job. You can learn about the list of all safety equipment in Spanish below with examples for each one in Spanish and English.
- WORD: The Spanish translation for “The personal Safety Equipment” in Spanish is “equipo de seguridad personal”.
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “You should use personal safety equipment.” à Debe usar equipo de seguridad personal.
The gloves | Los guantes |
The safety goggles | las gafas de seguridad |
The safety helmet | el casco de seguridad |
The safety boots | las botas de seguridad |
The construction helmet | el casco de construccion |
The respirator mask | La máscara del respirador |
The reflective vest | El chaleco reflectante |
The dust mask | La máscara de polvo |
The welding goggles | Las gafas de soldadura |
Carpentry tools in Spanish
Woodwork is woodwork!!!! A carpenter is a universal profession and hence equipment for carpentry is available everywhere and anywhere. The carpenter will have to cut wood, work on it and finish it.
If you are doing carpentry, you might need different equipment depending on the job. You cannot use the same carpentry tools for everything. There are many different carpentry tools in the market to fit the correct requirement. You can learn about the list of all carpentry tools in Spanish below with examples for each one in Spanish and English.
- WORD: The Spanish translation for “The Carpenter” in Spanish is “el carpintero”
- WORD: The Spanish translation for “Carpentry tools” in Spanish is “Herramientas de carpintería”
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The carpenter purchased carpentry tools.” à El carpintero compró herramientas de carpintería.
The List
The Hammer | El martillo |
The Screwdriver | el destornillador |
The Electric Saw | La sierra eléctrica |
The Nails | Las uñas |
The Handsaw | la sierra de mano |
The Chainsaw | la motosierra |
The Hammer | El martillo |
The Saw | La Sierra |
The Hacksaw | la sierra para metales |
The Circular saw | la sierra circular |
The Sandpaper | el papel de lija |
The Wood Paint | La pintura de madera |
The Chisel | el cincel |
Medical tools
A doctor saves lives and you better give him or her with the best and highest quality equipment in the world. There are many different medical tools to fit the correct requirement for the doctor and the situation. You can learn about the list of all medical tools in Spanish below with examples for each one in Spanish and English.
The Stethoscope | el estetoscopio |
The Thermometer | el termómetro |
The Surgical Cotton | El Algodón Quirúrgico |
The Blood pressure gauge | El manómetro de presión arterial |
The Pacemaker | el marcapasos |
The Forceps | las pinzas |
The Penlight | la linterna |
The Scalpel | el bisturí |
The Stretcher | la camilla |
The Defibrillator | el desfibrilador |
The Surgical Mask | La Mascarilla Quirúrgica |
The Ventilator | el ventilador |
The Syringe | la jeringa |
The Ambulance | La ambulancia |
different Kitchen tools
Cooking is over 10000 years old. Humans evolved cooking into what we eat today!!! Think about it, we have hundreds and thousands of recipes in numerous flavours and textures. We make use of thousands of ingredients as well. All this can go to a waste if you don’t use the right tools!!!
There are tons of Kitchen tools in the market across the world, both mechanical and electrical. You can learn about the list of all cooking tools in Spanish below. Memorizing the list of cooking tools in Spanish will make your life a cakewalk because..well.. you do cook right?
The Pan | El pan |
The Pot | La olla |
The Wok | El wok |
The knife | El cuchillo |
The Spoon | La cuchara |
The Fork | El tenedor |
The Peeler | el pelador |
The Cutting board | la tabla de cortar |
The Strainer | el colador |
The Whisk | el batidor |
The Bottle | La botella |
The Blender | La licuadora |
The Food Processor | El procesador de alimentos |
The Pressure cooker | La olla a presión |
The Microwave oven | El horno de microondas |
The Induction Stove | La estufa de inducción |
The Stove | La estufa |
Gardening tools in Spanish
You know what the different types of gardens are, know what you want and what you need to do. The next point is what do you need to do it. There are many gardening tools which you need to do gardening. Simply put, you cannot use a rake to trim a bush.
In this section, we will be learning about the list of all Gardening Tools in Spanish with a lot of examples thrown in.
ENGLISH | SPANISH | English Sentence | Spanish Sentence |
garden tools | herramientas de jardín | These garden tools are expensive. | Estas herramientas de jardín son caras. |
The lawnmower | El cortacesped | The Lawnmower is red in color. | La cortadora de césped es de color rojo. |
The grass shears | las tijeras de podar | Where are the grass shears? | ¿Dónde están las tijeras de podar? |
The pruning shears | las tijeras de podar | The gardener purchased pruning shears. | El jardinero compró unas tijeras de podar. |
The hoe | La azada | The cow pulled the hoe. | La vaca tiró de la azada. |
The rake | El rastrillo | I gave the rake to my daughter. | Le di el rastrillo a mi hija. |
The spade | la pala | The gardener says that the spade is the most important tool. | El jardinero dice que la pala es la herramienta más importante. |
The garden fork | el tenedor de jardín | What is the use of a garden fork? | ¿Cuál es el uso de un tenedor de jardín? |
The trowel | la paleta | Can we push the trowel? | ¿Podemos empujar la paleta? |
The compost | el abono / compost | There is compost in the compost bin. | Hay compost en el contenedor de compost. |
The compost bin | el cubo de la composta / La compostera | The compost bin has fifty kilos of compost. | La compostera tiene cincuenta kilos de compost. |
The wheelbarrow | la carretilla | There wheelbarrow is not clean. | Allí la carretilla no está limpia. |
The watering can | la regadera | The watering can is quite large. | La regadera es bastante grande. |
The Hose | La manguera | The fireman and the gardener use hoses every day. | El bombero y el jardinero usan mangueras todos los días. |
Construction tools in Spanish
Construction work is the oldest profession in the world. Humans evolved into what we are by building stuff and building starts with construction!!! And what do we need to do construction? CONSTRUCTION TOOLS!!!!
There are different construction tools in the market for different jobs. You can learn about the list of all construction tools in Spanish below. Knowing the list of construction tools in Spanish will make your life easier since you can order what you exactly want in a shop or request what you want to get the construction job done.
The Truck | El camión |
The Cement mixer | El mezclador de cemento |
The Jackhammer | el martillo neumático |
They Harness | ellos aprovechan |
The Air tool | La herramienta de aire |
The Air compressor | El compresor de aire |
The Plastering trowel | La paleta de yeso |
The Tool Box | La caja de herramientas |
The Paint roller | El rodillo de pintura |
Power tools in Spanish
All said and done, work with electric tools and the work gets done 10 times faster. A nail gun can get 50 nails done in 5 minutes while a traditional hammer and nail set will take an hour. Also any manual tool requires high skill and strength while power tools do not require strength but great care and skill.
There are different power tools in the market for different jobs. You can learn about the list of all power tools in Spanish below. Knowing the list of power tools in Spanish will make you look like an actual Spanish speaker since you know your stuff and you’re the master of your craft in Spanish.
- WORD: The Spanish translation for “Power tools” in Spanish is “Elektrowerkzeuge”.
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “Power tools are very useful.” à Elektrowerkzeuge sind sehr nützlich.
The Power Tool | La herramienta eléctrica |
The Electric Chainsaw | La motosierra eléctrica |
The Electric Screwdriver | El destornillador eléctrico |
The Power Drill | El taladro eléctrico |
The Air blower | El soplador de aire |
The Air compressor | El compresor de aire |
The Electric Drill | El taladro eléctrico |
The Soldering Iron | el soldador |
The Drill | El taladro |
Verbs related to the tools in Spanish
You have successfully memorized the Spanish vocabulary related to all the different types of tools in Spanish. You can now go to a Spanish shop and buy carpentry tools, medical tools, electrical tools and what not in flawless Spanish. But what about Verbs in Spanish related to the tools? Surely you need to know that too right?
Now just as we learnt about the universal tools and equipment, we need to say what we are going to do with the tools.
- You must use a handsaw to cut
- Electric drill to drill a hole
- A sander to smoothen a surface.
While you need many different types equipment, you will equally be performing different types of actions (VERBS IN SPANISH) depending on the job. You thus need to memorize the list of all Verbs in Spanish related to the list of tools in Spanish. Below you can find the list of all Verbs in Spanish related to the list of tools.
The List
TOOLS IN ENGLISH | NAMES OF TOOLS IN SPANISH | English Sentence | Sentence in Spanish |
to build | para construir | Can you build me a house? | ¿Puedes construirme una casa? |
to cut | cortar | Cut the tree. | Cortar el árbol. |
to drill | taladrar | Drill a hole. | Taladrar un agujero. |
to fix | arreglar | Fix this chair. | Arregla esta silla. |
to glue | para pegar | Can you glue these pieces of wood together. | ¿Puedes pegar estas piezas de madera juntas? |
to hammer | martillar | I will hammer this nail. | Voy a martillar este clavo. |
to saw | aserrar | He sawed the log. | Él aserró el tronco. |
to shovel | palear | Please shovel the snow | Por favor palea la nieve |
to nail | clavar | The picture is nailed to the wall. | El cuadro está clavado en la pared. |
to dismantle | Desmantelar / desarmar | He dismantled the furniture. | Desarmó los muebles. |
to mend | reparar | The tailor mended my dress. | El sastre reparó mi vestido. |
to loosen | aflojar | Loosen the screws slowly. | Afloje los tornillos lentamente. |
to unscrew | Desatornillaré | I shall unscrew this panel. | Desatornillaré este panel. |
to fix | arreglar | We need to fix this table. | Tenemos que arreglar esta mesa. |
to scrub | fregar | The cook scrubbed the plates clean | El cocinero fregó los platos |
to file | archivar | File these documents. | Archivar estos documentos. |
to paint | pintar | The painter painted the bedroom. | El pintor pintó el dormitorio. |
to drill | Perforación | Drilling holes is hard. | Perforar agujeros es difícil. |
to renovate | renovar | We need to renovate our house. | Necesitamos renovar nuestra casa. |
to seal | para sellar | The mechanic sealed the hole. | El mecánico selló el agujero. |
to wallpaper | empapelar | The painter wallpapered the walls. | El pintor empapeló las paredes. |
to screw | atornillar | Screw the nuts carefully. | Atornille las tuercas con cuidado. |