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El Saltamontes y las Hormigas

Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English

Aesop’s  Fables – El Saltamontes y las Hormigas


In a large and beautiful field on one warm and lovely summer’s day, a grasshopper was happily hopping about. He was chirping and dancing and singing to his heart’s content. 


En un gran y hermoso campo, en un cálido y hermoso día de verano, un Saltamontes estaba saltando alegremente. Chillaba, bailaba y cantaba al compás de su corazón.


 “Ah what a glorious summer. How beautiful the sun shines. I may just relax and dance and sing until the summer ends.”


 “Ah, qué verano tan glorioso. Qué hermoso brilla el sol. Puede que me relaje, baile y cante hasta que termine el verano.”


He was lying down when he saw a group of ants walked by. They were working hard. They were struggling as they were carrying corn and wheat and rice seeds. They were working without rest and the Grasshopper was amused.


Estaba acostado cuando vio pasar un grupo de Hormigas. Estaban trabajando duro. Luchaban mientras cargaban maíz, trigo y semillas de arroz. Trabajaban sin descanso, el Saltamontes estaba entretenido.


The Grasshopper said, “Where are you going with such heavy food? Why don’t you eat them here instead of carrying it back home?”


El Saltamontes dijo: “¿A dónde van con comida tan pesada? ¿Por qué no la comen aquí en lugar de llevársela a casa?”.


The ant replied, “We are not eating them. We are storing the seeds. We are saving up for winter. This is the fourth seed that I have stored today.”


La Hormiga respondió: “No las vamos a comer. Estamos almacenando las semillas. Estamos almacenando para el invierno. Esta es la cuarta semilla que he almacenado hoy.”.


The Grasshopper teased, “Why do you ants work so hard when you can dance and sing all summer.”

The ants said to him, “The winter is soon coming and I suggest you start to save.”


El Saltamontes las molestó: “¿Por qué las Hormigas trabajan tan duro cuando pueden bailar y cantar todo el verano?”.

Las Hormigas le dijeron: “El invierno se acerca pronto y te sugerimos que comiences a guardar.”.


The grasshopper laughed at them and merrily started to chirp ignoring them completely, “Winter is so far away and I have so many months to save food. Let me enjoy for the time being.”


El Saltamontes se rió de ellas y alegremente comenzó a chillar ignorándolas por completo: “El invierno está tan lejos y tengo tantos meses para guardar comida. Déjenme disfrutar el momento.”.


Soon the winter came and the grass and the crops dried out. Snow covered the land and the Grasshopper could not find any food anymore and began to starve. He struggled and reached the ant hill and begged for food.


Pronto llegó el invierno, y la hierba y las cosechas se secaron. La nieve cubrió la tierra, el Saltamontes ya no pudo encontrar comida y comenzó a morir de hambre. Luchó y llegó al hormiguero, y rogó por comida.


The ants were horrified, “What? Did you not save any food for the winter? What were you doing the entire summer?”


Las hormigas estaban horrorizadas, “¿Qué? ¿No guardaste nada de comida para el invierno? ¿Qué estuviste haciendo todo el verano?”.


“I did not have any time in the Summer to store food. The weather was so warm and shiny and glorious that I was singing and dancing all summer.”


 “No tuve tiempo en el verano para almacenar comida. El clima era tan cálido, brillante y glorioso que estuve cantando y bailando todo el verano.”


“Ah, such a delight” said the ants, “Maybe you can dance and sing all winter away and leave us alone.”


“Ah, qué encantador”, dijeron las hormigas, “tal vez puedas bailar y cantar todo el invierno y dejarnos en paz.”.


Moral: “There’s a time for work and a time for play.”


Moraleja: Hay un tiempo para trabajar y un tiempo para jugar.


Hope you had fun learning the Spanish language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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