Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English
Aesop’s Fables – Maestra Garza y el Pez
It was the earliest of morning and it was cold. The fish were swimming in the shallow waters of the pond to keep warm. Master Heron was walking along the pond waiting for a large fish to swim close. His eyes were focussed and his beak was sharp. His neck was long and he had never missed.
TranslateEra la primera hora de la mañana y hacía frío. Los peces nadaban en las aguas poco profundas del estanque para mantenerse calientes. La Maestra Garza caminaba por el estanque esperando que un pez grande nadara cerca. Tenía los ojos enfocados y el pico afilado. Su cuello era largo y nunca había fallado.
There were scores of fishes around him but today Master Heron was greedy. The small fish did not interest him today. He wanted to hunt only the big fish.
“No small fish for me today! I am a great hunter and I shall eat only the biggest fish.”
Mrs Duck was swimming nearby and she was nibbling at the small fish.
TranslateHabía decenas de peces a su alrededor, pero hoy la Maestra Garza estaba codiciosa. El pez pequeño no le interesaba hoy. Quería cazar solo peces grandes.
“¡No hay peces pequeños para mí hoy! Soy una gran cazadora y solo comeré los peces más grandes.”
La Sra. Pata nadaba cerca y mordisqueaba los peces pequeños.
“Indeed. If only I were a powerful Heron, I would eat only the biggest fish. I would not bother opening my beak for the small fish for they would only be a waste of my time.”
Master Heron beamed with pride.
Translate“Ciertamente. Si tan solo fuera una Garza poderosa, comería solo el pez más grande. No me molestaría en abrir el pico para los peces pequeños, solo serían una pérdida de tiempo.”
La Maestra Garza sonrió con orgullo.
“But of course! But of course! I shall not hunt the small fish and will only eat the big ones. Why? For I am a master hunter and master hunters eat only big fish!”
And so he waited. And so he waited.
Translate“¡Pero por supuesto! ¡Pero por supuesto! No cazaré los peces pequeños y solo comeré los grandes. ¿Por qué? ¡Porque soy una Maestra cazadora y los Maestros cazadores solo comen peces grandes!”
Así que esperó. Y esperó.
The sun rose and the stream became warm. Even the smaller fish moved into the cooler depths in the middle of the pond. Soon there were no more fish left to hunt. Master Heron had to spend the rest of the day in hunger.
TranslateSalió el sol y el arroyo se calentó. Incluso los peces más pequeños se trasladaron a profundidades más frías en el medio del estanque. Pronto no quedaron más peces para cazar. La Maestra Garza tuvo que pasar el resto del día con hambre.
Moral: Do not be too hard to suit or you may have to be content with the worst or with nothing at all.
TranslateMoraleja: No seas muy difícil de adaptarte, puede que tengas que conformarte con lo peor o con nada en absoluto.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.