Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English
Aesop’s Fables – El Jabalí y el Zorro
A wild boar was scraping his tusks on a rock.
SCRAPE! SCRAPE! SCRAPE! He scraped through busily, slowly sharpening his tusks.
TranslateUn Jabalí estaba raspando sus colmillos contra una roca.
¡SCRAP! ¡SCRAP! ¡SCRAP! Raspaba afanosamente, afilando lentamente sus colmillos.
A fox was passing by and always wanted to make fun of his neighbours.
He went near the boar and looked left, then he looked right, then he looked up, then he looked down. He looked frightened and then he laughed. He pretended as if he had seen a great enemy.
TranslatePasaba por ahí un Zorro que siempre quería burlarse de sus vecinos.
Se acercó al Jabalí y miró a la izquierda, luego miró a la derecha, luego miró hacia arriba, luego miró hacia abajo. Se veía asustado y luego se rió. Fingía haber visto a un gran enemigo.
The boar did not care and just continued with its scraping.
SCRAPE! SCRAPE! SCRAPE! He scraped through busily, slowly sharpening his tusks.
The fox jumped up and then crouched down. He looked frightened and then he laughed. He pretended as if he had seen a great enemy.
TranslateAl Jabalí no le importó y siguió raspando.
¡SCRAP! ¡SCRAP! ¡SCRAP! Rascaba afanosamente, afilando lentamente sus colmillos.
El Zorro saltó y luego se agachó. Se veía asustado y luego se rió. Fingía haber visto a un gran enemigo.
The boar did not care and just continued with its scraping.
SCRAPE! SCRAPE! SCRAPE! He scraped through busily, slowly sharpening his tusks.
The fox said, “Why are you sharpening your tusks, my friend. There is no danger nearby.”
TranslateAl Jabalí no le importó y siguió raspando.
¡SCRAP! ¡SCRAP! ¡SCRAP! Raspaba afanosamente, afilando lentamente sus colmillos.
El Zorro dijo: “¿Por qué estás afilando tus colmillos, amigo mío? No hay peligro cerca.”.
The boar replied, “True. True. There may not be any danger now. But whenever there is danger, I will not have any time to sharpen my tusks. My tusks have to be sharp and strong or I will suffer.”
TranslateEl Jabalí respondió: “Cierto. Cierto. Puede que no haya ningún peligro ahora. Pero cuando haya peligro, no tendré tiempo para afilar mis colmillos. Mis colmillos tienen que ser afilados y fuertes o sufriré.”
Moral: Preparedness for war is the best guarantee of peace.
TranslateMoraleja: Estar preparado para la guerra es la mejor garantía de paz.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.