Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English
Aesop’s Fables – Las dos Cabras
There was once a forest. A large river cut the forest into two and it ran very deep. There was a log which connected both the sides of the forest. The log was the only way to cross from one side of the forest to another.
TranslateHubo una vez un bosque. Un gran río dividió el bosque en dos, y fluyó muy profundo. Había un tronco que conectaba ambos lados del bosque. El tronco era la única forma de cruzar de un lado del bosque a otro.
The log was thick enough for only one animal to cross. Even for one animal to cross, the log was very scary.
Two goats, young and strong, stood on either side of the log.
The first goat spoke, “Hullo Goat! BAAH! I was the first to reach here! BAAH! Let me cross first!”
TranslateEl tronco era lo suficientemente grueso como para que solo un animal pudiera cruzar. Incluso para que un animal cruzara, el tronco daba mucho miedo.
Dos Cabras, jóvenes y fuertes, estaban a ambos lados del tronco.
La primera Cabra habló, “¡Hola, Cabra! ¡BAAH! ¡Fui la primera en llegar aquí! ¡BAAH! ¡Déjame cruzar primero!”.
The second goat replied, “Hello! BAAAAAH! No, I was the first to reach here! BAAAAAH! I should be the one to cross first!”
The first goat laughed and stepped on the log. The second goat laughed back and stepped on the log.
TranslateLa segunda Cabra respondió: “¡Hola! ¡BAAAAAH! ¡No, yo fui la primera en llegar aquí! ¡BAAAAAH! ¡Debería ser yo quien cruce primero!”
La primera Cabra rio y pisó el tronco. La segunda Cabra rio también y pisó el tronco.
The second goat laughed again and moved more on the log. The first goat laughed back and moved more on the log.
Soon they were both in the center of the log. The log could no longer hold the weight of both the goats and they both fell, crashing into the water.
TranslateLa segunda Cabra volvió a reír y avanzó sobre el tronco. La primera Cabra rio también y avanzó más sobre el tronco.
Pronto ambas estaban en el centro del tronco. El tronco ya no podía soportar el peso de ambas Cabras y cayeron, aterrizando en el agua.
Moral: It is better to yield than to come to misfortune through stubbornness.
TranslateMoraleja: Es mejor ceder que caer en la desgracia por terquedad.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.