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O Leão e o asno

Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English

Aesop’s  Fables – O Leão e o asno


Once upon a time, a lion was walking down the forest aisle. All the animals were cheering for him and saying how great he was.

The animals bowed. The animals screamed with joy. The animals were truly delighted.


Era uma vez, um leão caminhava pelo corredor da floresta. Todos os animais estavam a torcer por ele e dizendo o quão grande ele era.

Os animais curvaram-se. Os animais gritaram de alegria. Os animais ficaram maravilhados.


In the midst of all this, there was a stupid donkey which decided that he would look great if he were to make scornful remarks at the lion.


No meio de tudo isso, havia um burro estúpido que decidiu que ficaria lindo se fizesse comentários de escárnio para o leão.


He called out, “BRAAAY!!! The lion walks thinking that he is majestic. In truth he looks just like a loser! Ha Ha.”


Ele gritou: “BRAAAY !!! O leão anda a pensar que é majestoso. Na verdade, ele parece um perdedor! Ha Ha. ”


The other animals were scandalized. They were terrified as to what the lion would do. The lion was enraged and very angry. He turned his head and saw who had spoken. It was the donkey and the lion turned and walked on quietly.


Os outros animais ficaram escandalizados. Eles estavam apavorados com o que o leão faria. O leão ficou furioso e muito zangado. Ele virou a cabeça e viu quem havia falado. Era o burro e o leão  virou-se e caminhou em silêncio.


 “I would rather ignore the idiot than honour him by striking him with my paws!”


 “Prefiro ignorar o idiota do que honrá-lo batendo nele com as minhas patas!”


Moral: “Do not resent the remarks of a fool. Ignore them.”


Moral: “Não se ofenda com as observações de um tolo. Ignore-os.”


Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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