French short stories – Learning French through English
Akbar and Birbal – Récompense ou pas de récompense
One day, Birbal and his friend went across the river into the forest for a long walk. Soon in the evening, they were coming back and had to cross a bridge.
TranslateUn jour, Birbal et son ami ont traversé la rivière dans la forêt pour se promener. Bientôt dans la soirée, ils revenaient et devaient traverser un pont.
The bridge was across a small river. The bridge was very old, and so it was narrow and slippery. Birbal first crossed the bridge and did so without falling down. His friend unfortunately could not cross the bridge. He lost his balance and fell into the water.
TranslateLe pont traversait une petite rivière. Le pont était très vieux, donc il était étroit et glissant. Birbal a d’abord traversé le pont et l’a fait sans tomber. Son ami n’a malheureusement pas pu traverser le pont. Il a perdu l’équilibre et est tombé dans l’eau.
Birbal immediately went to help his friend. He removed his belt and threw one end so that his friend could catch the belt and come out. His friend quickly caught the belt and started to pull himself towards the land.
TranslateBirbal est aussitôt allé aider son ami. Il enleva sa ceinture et en jeta une extrémité pour que son ami puisse attraper la ceinture et en sortir. Son ami a rapidement attrapé la ceinture et a commencé à se tirer vers la terre.
His friend felt so bad that while in the water, he promised Birbal that he would give him twenty gold coins for saving his life.
TranslateSon ami se sentait si mal que dans l’eau, il a promis à Birbal de lui donner vingt pièces d’or pour lui avoir sauvé la vie.
Birbal said thank you with great anger in his voice. He pulled his belt hard and let his friend go into the water again. The man got shocked and went back into the water with a splash.
TranslateBirbal a dit merci avec en colère. Il tira durement sa ceinture et laissa son ami retourner dans l’eau. L’homme a été choqué et est retourné dans l’eau avec une éclaboussure.
The man struggled to swim in the running water and he finally reached the shore. He asked Birbal with great anger, “Why did you do that? If you had helped me, I would not have struggled so much.”
TranslateL’homme a eu du mal à nager dans l’eau courante et il a finalement atteint le rivage. Il a demandé à Birbal en colère: «Pourquoi avez-vous fait cela? Si tu m’avais aidé, je n’aurais pas autant lutté.»
Birbal said, “To collect my reward. I wanted to wear my belt before I collected my reward.”
The man said, “You should have been a good friend and waited for me to come out of the water!”.
TranslateBirbal a dit: «Pour récupérer ma récompense. Je voulais porter ma ceinture avant de recevoir ma récompense.»
L’homme a dit: «Vous auriez dû être un bon ami et attendre que je sorte de l’eau!».
Birbal retorted, “You should have been a good friend and waited till you came out of the water! I do not need a reward offer to help you.”
TranslateBirbal a rétorqué: «Vous auriez dû être un bon ami et attendre de sortir de l’eau! Je n’ai pas besoin d’une offre de récompense pour vous aider. »
The man realised that he had been a bad friend in offering the reward. Friends do not help each other for money. He apologised a lot to Birbal. He also thanked Birbal for not saving him and for teaching him a lesson about friendship.
TranslateL’homme s’est rendu compte qu’il avait été un mauvais ami en offrant la récompense. Les amis ne s’entraident pas pour de l’argent. Il s’est beaucoup excusé auprès de Birbal. Il a également remercié Birbal de ne pas l’avoir sauvé et de lui avoir donné une leçon sur l’amitié.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak French confidently using English as a base 🙂
These French short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.