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The Ass and the load of Salt – Yr Asyn a’r llwyth o Halen

The Ass and the load of Salt – Yr Asyn a’r llwyth o Halen


A salt merchant used to live a few kilometres from the sea. He used to take his donkey to the seashore and fill two bags of salt. Then they would return back to the village and sell the salt in the market.

The donkey was happy when he was on his way to the sea shore. It was a nice walk where they get to cross a lovely steam and carry no weight. However on the way back, he did not like the weight of the salt on his back.


Arferai masnachwr halen fyw ychydig gilometrau o’r môr. Arferai fynd â’i asyn i’r lan a llenwi dwy fag o halen. Yna byddent yn dychwelyd yn ôl i’r pentref ac yn gwerthu’r halen yn y farchnad.

Roedd yr asyn yn hapus pan oedd ar ei ffordd i lan y môr. Roedd yn daith braf lle maen nhw’n cael croesi nant hyfryd a heb unrhyw bwysau. Fodd bynnag, ar y ffordd yn ôl, nid oedd yn hoffi pwysau’r halen ar ei gefn.


One day, the donkey and his master were returning back from the sea shore with two heavy loads of salt. While crossing the stream, by accident, the donkey slipped and fell into the water.

By the time the donkey was able to get back on its feet, half the salt had dissolved into the water. The merchant cursed his luck and they headed back to the village. The donkey on the other hand was very happy. The weight on its back had reduced so much.


Un diwrnod, roedd yr asyn a’i feistr yn dychwelyd yn ôl o lan y môr gyda dau lwyth trwm o halen. Wrth groesi’r nant, ar ddamwain, llithrodd yr asyn a chwympo i’r dŵr.

Erbyn i’r asyn allu cael ei hun yn ôl ar ei draed, roedd hanner yr halen wedi toddi i’r dŵr. Melltithiodd y masnachwr ei lwc ac aethant yn ôl i’r pentref. Roedd yr asyn ar y llaw arall yn hapus iawn. Roedd y pwysau ar ei gefn wedi lleihau cymaint.


The next day, the donkey and his master were returning back from the sea shore with two heavy loads of salt. While crossing the stream, the donkey acted like he slipped and again fell into the water.

By the time the donkey was able to get back on its feet, half the salt had dissolved into the water. The merchant was very unhappy. He cursed his luck and they headed back to the village. The donkey was very happy. He knew how to reduce the weight on his back and he could do this every day.


Drannoeth, roedd yr asyn a’i feistr yn dychwelyd yn ôl o lan y môr gyda dau lwyth trwm o halen. Wrth groesi’r nant, ffugiodd yr asyn iddo lithro ac eto syrthio i’r dŵr.

Erbyn i’r asyn allu cael ei hun yn ôl ar ei draed, roedd hanner yr halen wedi toddi i’r dŵr. Roedd y masnachwr yn anhapus iawn. Melltithiodd ei lwc ac aethant yn ôl i’r pentref. Roedd yr asyn yn hapus iawn. Roedd yn gwybod sut i leihau’r pwysau ar ei gefn a gallai wneud hyn bob dydd.


The third day, the donkey and his master were returning back from the sea shore with two heavy loads of salt. While crossing the stream, the donkey once again acted like he had an accident and fell into the water.


Y trydydd diwrnod, roedd yr asyn a’i feistr yn dychwelyd yn ôl o lan y môr gyda dau lwyth trwm o halen. Wrth groesi’r nant, ffugiodd yr asyn unwaith eto ei fod wedi cael damwain a chwympo i’r dŵr.


The master realized what was happening. He dumped the entire salt into the water and took the donkey back to the sea shore. He filled the bags with sponges and took the donkey to the stream. The donkey foolishly fell into the water and the sponges became very heavy with all the water.


Sylweddolodd y meistr beth oedd yn digwydd. Fe ollyngodd yr halen i gyd i’r dŵr a mynd â’r asyn yn ôl i lan y môr. Llenwodd y bagiau â sbyngau a mynd â’r asyn i’r nant. Yn ffôl, cwympodd yr asyn i’r dŵr a daeth y sbyngau yn drwm iawn gyda’r holl ddŵr.


He now had to carry almost twice the weight of the salt all the way up to the village. However he had learnt a painful lesson.


Erbyn hyn roedd yn rhaid iddo gario bron i ddwywaith pwysau’r halen yr holl ffordd i fyny i’r pentref. Fodd bynnag, roedd wedi dysgu gwers boenus.


Moral: “The same measures will not suit all circumstances.”


Gwers: “Ni fydd yr un mesurau yn addas i bob amgylchiad.”


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