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Y Jac-y-do Balch a’i blu sydd wedi’u benthyg

The Vain Jackdaw and his borrowed feathers – Y Jac-y-do Balch a’i blu sydd wedi’u benthyg


Once upon a time, there was Jackdaw who was very vain. He flew over the king’s palace and saw that many peacocks there. He was filled with envy. He had never seen such beautiful birds with their glorious feathers. They seemed to e the most beautiful birds he had ever seen.

The Jackdaw decided, “I must look like the peacock”.


Unwaith, roedd yna Jac-y-do balch iawn. Hedfanodd dros balas y brenin a gweld bod llawer o beunod yno. Llenwyd ef ag eiddigedd. Nid oedd erioed wedi gweld adar mor brydferth â’u plu gogoneddus. Roedd yn ymddangos mai nhw oedd yr adar harddaf a welodd erioed.

Penderfynodd y Jac-y-do , “Rhaid i mi edrych fel y paun”.


He found a few of the feathers of the peacock and stuck it to his back and head. He covered his wings as much as he could too. After this, he flew over to his own flock of birds and showed off how beautiful he was.

The Jackdaw said to them, “Look at how beautiful I am. I am a peacock.”


Daeth o hyd i ychydig o blu’r paun a’i glynu wrth ei gefn a’i ben. Gorchuddiodd ei adenydd gymaint ag y gallai hefyd. Ar ôl hyn, hedfanodd draw i’w haid o adar ei hun a dangos pa mor hyfryd ydoedd.

Dywedodd y Jac-y-do wrthyn nhw, “Edrychwch pa mor hyfryd ydw i. Paun ydw i. ”


The other Jackdaws got very angry after his constant vanity. He then flew over to the palace and tried to mingle with the Peacocks.

The peacocks immediately recognized him and said, “Cheat! Cheat! Cheat” and surrounded him and tore off all the peacock feathers. They also pecked him and tore some of his own feathers as punishment.


Aeth y Jac-y-do eraill yn ddig iawn wrth weld ei falchder cyson. Yna hedfanodd draw i’r palas a cheisio cymysgu gyda’r Peunod.

Fe wnaeth y peunod ei gydnabod ar unwaith a dweud, “Twyllo! Twyllo! Twyllo ”a’i amgylchynu a rhwygo’r holl blu paun. Fe wnaethant hefyd ei bigo a rhwygo rhai o’i blu ei hun fel cosb.


The Jackdaw was very insulted and flew away to his own flock.

The remaining Jackdaws said, “Oh look, Mr. Peacock has lost all his feathers and now pretending to be a Jackdaw. Throw him out.”

They pecked him until he left.


Roedd y Jac-y-do wedi ei sarhau’n fawr a hedfanodd i ffwrdd i’w braidd ei hun.

Dywedodd y Jac-y-do a oedd yn weddill, “O edrych, mae Mr Paun wedi colli ei blu i gyd ac yn awr yn esgus bod yn Jac-y-do. Taflwch ef allan. ”

Fe wnaethant ei bigo nes iddo adael.


Moral: “Borrowed feathers do not make fine birds.”


Gwers: “Nid yw plu a fenthycir yn gwneud adar coeth.”


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