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The Lion’s Share – Cyfran y Llew

The Lion’s Share – Cyfran y Llew


Once upon a time, there was a Lion who was very strong. He could hunt well but of course as we know, a lion never hunts alone. Two or three lions could even kill an elephant.

Seeing that the Lion was alone, three animals thought that they should become friends with him. They were a jackal, a wolf and a fox. The Jackal and the fox could hunt only rabbits and squirrels. The wolf could hunt slightly bigger but not an elephant of course.


Unwaith, roedd Llew cryf iawn. Gallai hela’n dda ond wrth gwrs, fel y gwyddom, nid yw llew byth yn hela ar ei ben ei hun. Gallai dau neu dri llew ladd eliffant hyd yn oed.

O weld bod y Llew ar ei ben ei hun, roedd tri anifail yn meddwl y dylent ddod yn ffrindiau ag ef. Siacal, blaidd a llwynog oedden nhw. Gallai’r Siacal a’r llwynog hela cwningod a gwiwerod yn unig. Gallai’r blaidd hela ychydig mwy o anifeiliaid ond nid eliffant wrth gwrs.


They thought, “If we were to become friends with the Lion, we could hunt huge animals. We could eat elephants and camels. We could eat deer and antelopes. We are going to never be hungry again.”

The Lion agreed to go hunting with the three of them and said, “Let us share equally whatever we hunt equally amongst the four of us.”


Roeddent yn meddwl, “Pe byddem yn dod yn ffrindiau gyda’r Llew, gallem hela anifeiliaid enfawr. Gallem fwyta eliffantod a chamelod. Gallem fwyta ceirw ac antelopiaid. Ni fyddem byth yn llwgu eto. ”

Cytunodd y Llew i fynd i hela gyda’r tri ohonyn nhw a dweud, “Gadewch inni rannu’n gyfartal beth bynnag rydyn ni’n ei hela’n ymhlith y pedwar ohonom.”


They managed to find a stag. The fox and the hyena scared the Stag and it began to run towards the trees. The wolf was waiting in the trees and tripped the Stag. When the stag fell, the lion pounced on him and killed the Stag.


Llwyddon nhw i ddod o hyd i garw. Roedd y llwynog a’r hyena wedi dychryn y Carw a dechreuodd redeg tuag at y coed. Roedd y blaidd yn aros yn y coed ac yn baglu’r Carw. Pan gwympodd y carw, pranciodd y llew arno a lladd y Carw.


They were all very happy. A stag would be enough for all of them. They would not have to hunt again for three or four days. The Lion directly sat at the front of the stag and asked the other three to move back.


Roedden nhw i gyd yn hapus iawn. Byddai carw yn ddigon i bob un ohonyn nhw. Ni fyddai’n rhaid iddynt hela eto am dri neu bedwar diwrnod. Eisteddodd y Llew yn uniongyrchol o flaen y carw a gofyn i’r tri arall symud yn ôl.


The Lion said, “There are four of us. We need to split the stag into four equal pieces.”

The lion cut the stag into four parts.

“The first part goes to me since I am the King.”


Dywedodd y Llew, “Mae pedwar ohonom ni. Mae angen i ni rannu’r carw yn bedwar darn cyfartal. ”

Torrodd y llew’r carw yn bedair rhan.

“Mae’r rhan gyntaf i mi gan mai fi yw’r Brenin.”


The wolf, the jackal and the hyena became very happy. They started to move to the remaining portion when the Lion stopped them.

“The second part goes the bravest. Who is that? That would again be me.”

“The third part goes to the strongest. Who is the strongest amongst us? That would be me. The third part also belongs to me.”


Daeth y blaidd, y siacal a’r hyena yn hapus iawn. Dechreuon nhw symud i’r gyfran oedd ar ôl pan wnaeth y Llew eu stopio.

“Yr ail ran sy’n mynd y dewraf. Pwy yw hwnna? Dyna fyddai fi eto. ”

“Mae’r drydedd ran yn mynd i’r cryfaf. Pwy yw’r cryfaf yn ein plith? Fi yw hwnnw. Mae’r drydedd ran hefyd yn perthyn i mi. ”


The wolf, the jackal and the hyena became very angry. They wanted to protest but the lion was too strong to argue with. They kept quiet.

The Lion said, “If anyone wants to fight with me for the fourth part, you may stay and die. The others can go before I kill you too.”

The wolf, the jackal and the hyena immediately ran away.


Roedd y blaidd, y siacal a’r hyena yn ddig iawn. Roedden nhw eisiau protestio ond roedd y llew yn rhy gryf i ddadlau ag ef. Roedden nhw’n cadw’n dawel.

Dywedodd y Llew, “Os oes unrhyw un eisiau ymladd gyda mi am y bedwaredd ran, gallwch aros a marw. Gall y lleill fynd cyn i mi eich lladd chi hefyd. ”

Rhedodd y blaidd, y siacal a’r hyena i ffwrdd ar unwaith.


Moral: “Might is right.”


Gwers: “Y cryf sydd bod tro yn iawn.”


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