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Tenali Raman y los dos ladrones

Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English

Tenali Raman – Tenali Raman y los dos ladrones


One summer night, Tenali Raman and his wife were about to go to sleep. Suddenly there was a sound. It was the rustling sound of leaves coming from the garden.


Una noche de verano, Tenali Raman y su esposa estaban a punto de irse a dormir. De repente escucharon un sonido. Era el susurro de las hojas que venían del jardín.



However, there was not breeze blowing at the time. The sound must have been made by a person. Who would come and hide in the garden late in the night? There was only one possible explanation. There were some thieves hiding in the bushes. He understood that the thieves must be planning to rob his house.


Sin embargo, no soplaba brisa en ese momento. El sonido debió haber sido hecho por una persona. ¿Quién vendría a esconderse en el jardín a altas horas de la noche? Solo había una explicación posible: Había algunos ladrones escondidos entre los arbustos. Comprendió que los ladrones debían estar planeando robar su casa.



He thought of a plan and shouted to his wife, “My dear, the King gave me 1000 gold coins today. We must keep it safely. Any thief can come and steal it if we keep the gold in our house. Let us hide all the money in a box and put it into the well.”


Pensó en un plan y le gritó a su esposa: “Querida, el Rey me dio hoy 1000 monedas de oro. Debemos mantenerlas a salvo. Cualquier ladrón podría venir a robarlo si guardamos el oro en nuestra casa. Escondamos todo el dinero en una caja y metámosla en el pozo.”.



His wife yelled back, “Yes dear. We can take the money out tomorrow. We only need to keep it safe tonight. 1000 gold coins is a lot of money.”

One hour later, Tenali Raman and his wife came out of the house carrying a big trunk. They dropped the trunk into the well. They went back inside the house and pretended to be asleep.


Su esposa le gritó: “Sí, querido. Podremos sacar el dinero mañana. Solo necesitamos mantenerlo a salvo esta noche. 1000 monedas de oro es mucho dinero.”.

Una hora después, Tenali Raman y su esposa salieron de la casa con un gran baúl. Dejaron caer el baúl en el pozo. Regresaron al interior de la casa y fingieron dormir.



The thieves waited for a while and then started drawing water from the well and pouring it into pipe next to the well. The thieves hoped to draw enough water from the well and get the treasure.

The thieves kept drawing out water for the next two hours.


Los ladrones esperaron un rato y luego empezaron a sacar agua del pozo y a verterla en la tubería al lado del pozo. Los ladrones esperaban sacar suficiente agua del pozo y obtener el tesoro.

Los ladrones siguieron sacando agua durante las siguientes dos horas.



Tenali Raman’s wife suddenly shouted, “My dear, how will we take out the money in the morning?”

Tenali Raman yelled back, “It is easy dear. There is a hook in the shed, next to the well. We can use the hook to pull out the big money chest.”


La esposa de Tenali Raman de repente gritó: “Querido, ¿cómo sacaremos el dinero por la mañana?”.

Tenali Raman le gritó: “Es fácil, querida. Hay un gancho en el cobertizo, al lado del pozo. Podemos usar el gancho para sacar el gran cofre de dinero.”.



The thieves were very happy and managed to pull out the money chest. When they opened it, they were extremely shocked. There were only some big stones in it. They understood that it was Tenali Raman’s plan to outsmart them.


Los ladrones estaban muy contentos y lograron sacar el cofre de dinero. Cuando lo abrieron, quedaron extremadamente conmocionados. Solo había algunas piedras grandes en él. Entendieron que el plan de Tenali Raman era engañarlos.



Tenali Raman came out of his house and said, “Thank you friends, for watering my garden. I must pay you for your labour.”


Tenali Raman salió de su casa y dijo: “Gracias, amigos, por regar mi jardín. Debo pagarles por su trabajo.”.



The thieves fell at Tenali’s feet and asked for forgiveness. They promised not to steal or rob anyone ever again. Tenali gave them 2 silver coins for their work and let them go.


Los ladrones cayeron a los pies de Tenali y le pidieron perdón. Prometieron no robar ni hurtar a nadie nunca más. Tenali les dio 2 monedas de plata por su trabajo y los dejó ir.



Hope you had fun learning the Spanish language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal are among the most famous Indian stories for children that can be studied on a daily basis.

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