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Tenali Raman y los Brahmanes codiciosos

Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English

Tenali Raman – Tenali Raman y los Brahmanes codiciosos


The mother of King Krishnadevaraya was very pious and orthodox. She used to visit the temple every day. She used to pray to God for many hours every day. She had visited all the holy places and given a lot of charity to temples.


La madre del rey Krishnadevaraya era muy piadosa y ortodoxa. Ella solía visitar el templo todos los días. Solía ​​orar a Dios durante muchas horas todos los días. Ella había visitado todos los lugares sagrados y había dado mucha caridad a los templos.



One day she became very sick. She called King Krishnadevaraya and said, “My son, I wish to donate a thousand kilos of mangoes to the poor people.”


Un día se puso muy enferma. Llamó al rey Krishnadevaraya y le dijo: “Hijo mío, deseo donar mil kilos de mangos a los pobres.”.



Krishnadevaraya immediately purchased many mangoes from Ratnagiri. He loved his mother a lot and wanted to fulfil her wishes. Unfortunately, before the mangoes came to the city, his mother died.


Krishnadevaraya inmediatamente compró muchos mangos de Ratnagiri. Amaba mucho a su madre y quería cumplir sus deseos. Desafortunadamente, antes de que los mangos llegaran a la ciudad, su madre murió.



Krishnadevaraya felt very bad. He organized a ceremony for one full week. The ceremony was performed by three Brahmins. On the last day, the King called some Brahmins to ask for advice.


Krishnadevaraya se sintió muy mal. Organizó una ceremonia durante una semana completa. La ceremonia fue realizada por tres Brahmanes. El último día, el Rey llamó a los Brahmanes para pedirles un consejo.



The King said, “My mother had one last wish before she died. She wanted to give mangoes to all Brahmins and poor people. But she died before I could fulfil her wish. I wish for my mother to rest in peace. What should I do to fulfil my mother’s last wish?’


El Rey dijo: “Mi madre tuvo un último deseo antes de morir. Quería regalar mangos a la gente pobre. Pero murió antes de que pudiera cumplir su deseo. Deseo que mi madre descanse en paz. ¿Qué debo hacer para cumplir el último deseo de mi madre?”.



The Brahmins were very greedy. They said, “My King, your mother’s last wish is very important. The King must give each Brahmin a gold mango.  Then your mother will be able to rest in peace.”


Los Brahmanes eran muy codiciosos. Dijeron: “Mi Rey, el último deseo de tu madre es muy importante. El Rey debe dar a cada brahmán un mango dorado. Entonces su madre podrá descansar en paz.”.



King Krishnadevaraya immediately ordered gold mangoes to be made and presented them to the three Brahmins. He became very happy since he believed that his mother would now be happy and peaceful.


El rey Krishnadevaraya inmediatamente ordenó que se hicieran mangos de oro y se los presentó a los tres Brahmanes. Él se puso muy feliz porque creía que su madre ahora estaría contenta y en paz.



Tenali Raman heard about this story from the head of the royal treasury. Tenali Raman called the same three Brahmins to his home to perform a ceremony for his own mother.


Tenali Raman se enteró de esta historia por el jefe de la tesorería real. Tenali Raman llamó a los mismos tres Brahmanes a su casa para realizar una ceremonia para su propia madre.



The Brahmins came to Tenali’s house. Tenali Raman closed all the doors and windows. He had a red hot iron rod in his hand. The Brahmins were scared and confused.


Los Brahmanes llegaron a la casa de Tenali. Tenali Raman cerró todas las puertas y ventanas. Tenía una barra de hierro al rojo vivo en la mano. Los Brahmanes estaban asustados y confundidos.



Tenali explained, “My mother used to have knee pain all the time. As a final remedy, she wanted me use these hot iron rods on her knee. Unfortunately, she died before I could help her. I was very sad and afraid that she will not be in peace. Now I want to fulfil her wish by giving you this treatment”.


Tenali explicó: “Mi madre solía tener dolor de rodilla todo el tiempo. Como remedio final, quería que usara estas varillas de hierro caliente en su rodilla. Desafortunadamente, murió antes de que pudiera ayudarla. Yo estaba muy triste y temía que ella no estuviera en paz. Ahora quiero cumplir su deseo dándole a ustedes este tratamiento.”.



The Brahmins were shocked and said that peace cannot be achieved like that. Tenali said that they had taken the golden mangoes from the king saying the same reason. This was the way Tenali’s mother could find peace.


Los Brahmanes se sorprendieron y dijeron que la paz no se puede lograr así. Tenali dijo que le habían quitado los mangos dorados al Rey dándole la misma razón. Así es como la madre de Tenali podría encontrar la paz.



The Brahmins understood that they were greedy and should have cheated the King. They returned the golden mangoes back to the King.


Los Brahmanes entendieron que estaban siendo codiciosos y que habían engañado al Rey. Así que, devolvieron los mangos dorados al Rey.



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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal are among the most famous Indian stories for children that can be studied on a daily basis.

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