Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English Akbar and Birbal – La tela de la pretina Once upon a time, many minsters had come to King Akbar’s kingdom for a grand wedding. At the wedding, the ministers thanked King Akbar for inviting them. However they did not look happy. Translate
Érase una vez muchos ministros que vinieron al reino del rey Akbar para una gran boda. En la boda, los ministros agradecieron al rey Akbar por invitarlos. Sin embargo, no parecían contentos.
King Akbar said, “My dear ministers, I can see that you have some questions in your mind. You seem very bothered. Please ask your doubts to me.”
Translate El rey Akbar dijo: “Mis queridos ministros, puedo ver que tienen algunas preguntas en mente. Parecen muy incómodos. Por favor, pregúnteme sus dudas.”.
The ministers said, “My King. We have heard that your favourite advisor is Birbal. We agree that Birbal is famous for his intelligence. We are far more intelligent than he is since we have travelled a lot around this world.”
Translate Los ministros dijeron: “Mi Rey. Hemos escuchado que su asesor favorito es Birbal. Estamos de acuerdo en que Birbal es famoso por su inteligencia. Pero somos mucho más inteligentes que él, ya que hemos viajado mucho alrededor del mundo.”.
King Akbar said, “So what are you requesting?” The ministers said, “My King, I request you to keep a test to see who is the most intelligent amongst us. Let that person be your chief advisor.”
Translate El rey Akbar dijo: “Entonces, ¿qué están pidiendo?”. Los ministros dijeron: “Mi Rey, le pedimos que haga una prueba para ver quién es el más inteligente de entre nosotros. Deje que esa persona sea su consejero principal.”.
King Akbar agreed. It was a very fair request. He removed a cloth from his waistband. It was shorter than him. King Akbar said, “Please cover me from head to toe with this waistband cloth. Whoever can do so shall become my chief advisor.”
Translate El rey Akbar estuvo de acuerdo. Era una solicitud muy justa. Se quitó una tela de la pretina en su cintura. La tela era más pequeña que él. El rey Akbar dijo: “Por favor, cúbranme de la cabeza a los pies con esta tela de mi pretina. Quien pueda hacerlo, se convertirá en mi principal consejero.”.
After saying the rules of the competition, King Akbar lay on the floor. Each minister tried many tricks to cover the King but they were all unsuccessful. The cloth was too short.
Translate Después de decir las reglas de la competencia, el rey Akbar se acostó en el suelo. Cada ministro intentó muchas maneras para cubrir al Rey, pero todos fracasaron. La tela era demasiado corta.
Birbal was the last to try, “My king, please fold your legs.” After Akbar folded his legs, Birbal easily covered him with a cloth.
Translate Birbal fue el último en intentarlo, “Mi rey, por favor, doble las piernas.”. Después de que Akbar dobló las piernas, Birbal lo cubrió fácilmente con la tela.
Akbar stood up and said, “This is why Birbal is my favourite minister. He is not afraid to ask me to do something. He does not expect to do the full task himself. He understands what his limitations are and asks even my help in order to succeed.”
Translate Akbar se puso de pie y dijo: “Por eso Birbal es mi ministro favorito. No tiene miedo de pedirme que haga algo. No pretende hacer una tarea por sí mismo. Entiende cuáles son sus limitaciones e incluso me pide ayuda para tener éxito.”.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal are among the most famous Indian stories for children that can be studied on a daily basis.