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Acortando el camino

Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English Akbar and Birbal – Acortando el camino   Once upon a time, King Akbar was on his way to another kingdom for a wedding. He was travelling by horse along with guards and his favourite courtier Birbal. Translate

Érase una vez el rey Akbar, quien se dirigía a otro reino para una boda. Viajaba a caballo junto con los guardias y su cortesano favorito, Birbal.
  It was a very hot day and the road was very long. There were no trees providing shade. The king complained a lot about the road to Birbal and said, “Birbal. I wish this road will become shorter.” Translate
Era un día muy caluroso y el camino era muy largo. No había árboles que proporcionaran sombra. El Rey se quejaba con Birbal sobre el camino y dijo: “Birbal. Ojalá este camino se hiciera más corto.”.
  Birbal said, “My king, I can shorten this road. However there is one condition to it.” Translate
Birbal dijo: “Mi Rey, puedo acortar este camino. Sin embargo, hay una condición para hacerlo.”.
  Akbar said, “What is the condition?” Birbal said, “You must answer my five riddles.” Translate
Akbar dijo: “¿Cuál es la condición?”. Birbal dijo: “Debe responder a mis cinco acertijos.”.
  Birbal asked five riddles, one after another, to Akbar. The riddles were very complex and hard to solve. Akbar took his time and patiently solved all the five riddles. Translate
Birbal le preguntó cinco acertijos, uno tras otro, a Akbar. Los acertijos eran muy complejos y difíciles de resolver. Akbar se tomó su tiempo y resolvió pacientemente los cinco acertijos.
  After solving the fifth riddle, Akbar was very happy. He said, “Ha! There you go. I have solved the 5 very tough riddles which you have asked me. You have however not shortened the road.” Translate
Después de resolver el quinto acertijo, Akbar se alegró mucho. Él dijo: “¡Ja! Ahí tienes. He resuelto los cinco acertijos difíciles que me has planteado. Sin embargo, no has acortado el camino.”.
  Birbal said, “But my King. I have shortened the road. You did not notice the heat when you were thinking about the riddles. We are at our destination already.” Translate
Birbal dijo: “Pero mi Rey. He acortado el camino. No notó el calor cuando estaba pensando en los acertijos. Además, ya hemos llegado a nuestro destino.”.
  Akbar was surprised. He was so distracted that he did not notice the heat or see how far they had travelled. He understood what Birbal was saying and agreed that Birbal did shorten the road. Translate
Akbar se sorprendió. Había estado tan distraído que no notó el calor ni vio lo mucho que habían viajado. Entendió lo que Birbal trataba de decirle, y estuvo de acuerdo en que Birbal acortó el camino.


Hope you had fun learning the Spanish language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal are among the most famous Indian stories for children that can be studied on a daily basis.

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