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El otro invitado

Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English Akbar and Birbal – El otro invitado   Once upon a time, a very rich man had invited Birbal to his home for dinner. Birbal arrived at the man’s house in the evening and was surprised to see that there were 8 other people. He did not know any of the eight people. Translate

Érase una vez un hombre muy rico, quien había invitado a Birbal a cenar en su casa. Birbal llegó a la casa del hombre por la noche y se sorprendió al ver que había otras ocho personas. No conocía a ninguna de las ocho personas.
  Birbal said, “Oh. I did not know that you had invited so many guests.” Translate
Birbal dijo: “Oh. No sabía que usted tendría tantos invitados.”.
  The man said, “They are not my guests but my employees. However I wish to pose you a riddle.” Translate
El hombre dijo: “No son mis invitados, sino mis empleados. Sin embargo, deseo plantearle un acertijo.”.
  Birbal was always interested in solving riddles and agreed. Birbal asked “What is the riddle?” Translate
Birbal siempre estuvo interesado en resolver acertijos, y accedió. Birbal preguntó “¿Cuál es el acertijo?”.
  The man said, “One of these eight people is another guest who is not my employee. Can you guess who it is?” Translate
El hombre dijo: “Una de estas ocho personas es otro invitado que no es mi empleado. ¿Puede usted adivinar quién es?”.
  Birbal said, “That is an interesting riddle. Can you please tell them a joke? I will find and tell you who the guest is.” Translate
Birbal dijo: “Ese es un acertijo interesante. ¿Podría, por favor, contarles un chiste? Descubriré quién es el invitado y se lo diré.”.
  The man told a joke to the entire group. It was not a funny joke but all the guests in the house burst into laughter. Translate
El hombre le contó un chiste a todo el grupo. No fue una broma graciosa, pero todos los invitados de la casa se echaron a reír.
  Birbal pointed towards a man in a yellow tunic and said, “That man over there is the other guest” Translate
Birbal señaló a un hombre con una túnica amarilla y dijo: “Ese hombre de allí es el otro invitado.”.
  The host was amazed. He said. “Yes! That is correct! But how did you guess it?” Translate
El anfitrión estaba asombrado. Él dijo. “¡Sí! ¡Eso es correcto! ¿Pero cómo lo adivinó?”.
  Birbal said, “The joke which you just said was not so funny. Still, everyone laughed and reacted as if it was such an excellent joke. This is because they are your employees. But the guest only smiled since he is not obligated to you. That is how I could identify him.” Translate
Birbal dijo: “La broma que acaba de decir no fue tan graciosa. Aun así, todos se rieron y reaccionaron como si fuera una excelente broma. Esto se debe a que son sus empleados. Pero el invitado solo sonrió, ya que no está obligado a usted. Así es como pude identificarlo.”.


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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal are among the most famous Indian stories for children that can be studied on a daily basis.

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