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El Ciervo y su reflejo

Spanish short stories – Learning Spanish through English

Aesop’s  Fables – El Ciervo y su reflejo


There was once a Stag who lived in the forest. He had long and beautiful antlers which he was very proud of. They were so tall and handsome that he used to talk about them all the time.


Había una vez un Ciervo que vivía en el bosque. Tenía unas astas largas y hermosas de las que estaba muy orgulloso. Eran tan altas y hermosas que solía hablar de ellas todo el tiempo.


 “Look Mr. Bird at my beautiful antlers. Aren’t they the most beautiful things in the world?”


“Mire, señor Pájaro, mis hermosas astas. ¿No son las más bellas del mundo?”


 “Look Mrs. Goose at my beautiful antlers. Aren’t they the most wonderful things in the world?”


“Mire, señora Gansa, mis hermosas astas. ¿No son las más maravillosas del mundo?”


 “Look Mr. Tortoise at my beautiful antlers. Aren’t they the most magnificent things in the world?”


“Mire, señor Tortuga, mis hermosas astas. ¿No son las más magníficas del mundo?”


One day the stag was drinking water from a pong and he paused to stare at his reflection. He tilted his head to the left. He tilted his head to the right.


Un día el ciervo estaba bebiendo agua de un estanque y se detuvo para admirar su reflejo. Inclinó la cabeza hacia la izquierda. Inclinó la cabeza hacia la derecha.


 “Mr. Stag. What wonderful and magnificent antlers, you have” he said to himself.

Suddenly he noticed his legs. They were thin and spindly. He was ashamed of his legs.


“Señor Ciervo. Qué cuernos tan maravillosos y magníficos tiene.”, se dijo a sí mismo.

De repente notó sus piernas. Eran largas y delgadas. Estaba avergonzado de sus piernas.


“How is it that I have the most beautiful antlers but the ugliest of legs?”


“¿Cómo es que tengo las astas más hermosas, pero las piernas más feas?”


Suddenly he got the scent of a panther and he ran at full speed into the forest. But as he ran, his antlers got caught in a low branch and he could not get them off. He moved his antlers left and right but they were firmly stuck. Soon the panther caught up to the helpless Stag.


De repente, sintió el olor de una pantera y corrió a toda velocidad adentrándose en el bosque. Pero mientras corría, sus astas se atascaron en una rama baja y no podía zafarse. Movió sus astas de izquierda a derecha, pero estaban firmemente atoradas. Pronto, la Pantera alcanzó al indefenso Ciervo.


His legs which he considered as useless were those which would have saved him. His antlers which he was so proud of were useless ornaments in times of crisis.


Sus piernas, que consideraba inútiles, eran las que lo habrían salvado. Sus astas, de las que estaba tan orgulloso, eran adornos inútiles en tiempos de crisis.


Moral: We often make much of the ornamental and despise the useful.


Moraleja: “A menudo damos mucha importancia a lo ornamental y despreciamos lo útil.”



Hope you had fun learning the Spanish language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Spanish confidently using English as a base 🙂

These Spanish short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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