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List of Oceans in Spanish and List of Seas in Spanish with example sentences

Introduction: MASTER WORD LIST: What are the list of Oceans in Spanish and the list of Seas in Spanish with English translation and example sentences

I’m sure in school, we would have learnt about the list of 5 massive oceans in the world or the seven big seas? The same is true in Spanish speaking countries as well. The only obvious difference is that children learn about the same List of Oceans in Spanish and the same list of Seas in Spanish.

You would have probably noticed it, everyone tends to use one name or the other from list of Oceans in Spanish or English English for that matter (or the list of Seas) once in a while in a conversation.

List of Oceans in Spanish and List of Seas in Spanish
List of Oceans in Spanish and List of Seas in Spanish

For example:

  1. Is India near the Indian ocean?
  2. This movie was shot in the pacific ocean.
  3. I had a bath in the Atlantic ocean.

Why is this list of Ocean in Spanish so important?

This list is important for basic A1 Spanish examination as well as the most basic conversations in Spanish. We speak about which country and continent we are from and sometimes have to thrown in the name of the oceans in Spanish to make the conversation more interesting. For this we need to know the “List of Oceans in Spanish” and the “list of Seas in Spanish”.

This is thus an essential vocabulary test in A1 and also in A2 and obviously in real life. The question (focused on A1 vocabulary) could be something along the lines of “Can you tell me which the deepest ocean in the world is?”.

The A1 vocabulary list of Oceans in Spanish is below. You can also find example sentences in Spanish with English translation for each Ocean.


  1. How do you say the names of the different list of Oceans in Spanish
  2. How do you say the names of the different list of Seas in Spanish
  3. Adjectives related to Oceans in Spanish
  4. Grow your master vocabulary list related to Oceans in Spanish


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SPANISH VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: List of Oceans in Spanish: What is the translation for “The Ocean” in Spanish

The Mediterranian Seas in Spanish
The Mediterranian Seas in Spanish
  • How to say Ocean in Spanish?
  • The translation in Spanish language for Ocean is “El océano”.
ENGLISHSPANISHEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
The oceanEl océanoThe pacific ocean is the deepest oceanEl océano pacífico es el océano más profundo.
The oceansLos océanosThere are 5 oceansHay 5 océanos.


SPANISH VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: What is the translation for “Sea” in Spanish

  • How to say Sea in Spanish?
  • The translation in Spanish language for Sea is “El mar”
ENGLISHSPANISHEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
The seaEl marThe sea is green.El mar es verde.
The SeasLos maresThere are 50 seas in the world.Hay 50 mares en el mundo.


SPANISH VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: What is the translation for “Waterfall” in Spanish

Waterfall in Spanish
Waterfall in Spanish
  • How to say Waterfall in Spanish?
  • The translation in Spanish language for Waterfall is “La cascada”
ENGLISHSPANISHEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
The waterfallLa cascadaThe Niagara waterfall is beautiful.La cascada del Niágara es hermosa.
The waterfallslas cascadasWaterfalls are very dangerous.Las cascadas son muy peligrosas.


SPANISH VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: What is the translation for “River” in Spanish

  • How to say River in Spanish?
  • The translation in Spanish language for River is “El río”.
ENGLISHSPANISHEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
The RiverEl ríoThe river Nile is very long.El río Nilo es muy largo.
The RiversLos ríosThere are three rivers in Spain.Hay tres ríos en España.


SPANISH VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: What is the translation for “Gulf” in Spanish

  • How to say Gulf in Spanish?
  • The translation in Spanish language for Gulf is “El Golfo”.
ENGLISHSPANISHEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
The GulfEl GolfoThe gulf of Mexico is very dangerous.El golfo de México es muy peligroso.
The Gulfslos golfosThere are many gulfs in Europe.Hay muchos golfos en Europa.


SPANISH VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: What is the translation in Spanish Language for “Lake”

  • How to say Lake in Spanish?
  • The translation in Spanish language for Lake is “El lago”.
EnglishSpanishEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
The LakeEl lagoI have a house near the lake.Tengo una casa cerca del lago.
The LakesLos lagosThere are five lakes in Munich.Hay cinco lagos en Munich.


SPANISH VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: What is the translation in Spanish Language for “Strait”

  • How to say Strait in Spanish?
  • The translation in Spanish language for Strait is “el estrecho”.
ENGLISHSPANISHEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
The Straitel estrechowhere is the bering strait?donde esta el estrecho de bering
The Straitslos estrechosThe straits are not famous.Los estrechos no son famosos.


SPANISH VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: List of Oceans in Spanish with English translation and example sentences

In the table below, you can learn how to say the names of Oceans in Spanish and is the most fundamental usage in daily Spanish language and thus a part of the basic Spanish A1 vocabulary list. So let us learn about the names of the oceans.

Ocean in Spanish
Ocean in Spanish
ENGLISHSPANISHEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
The oceanEl océanoThe pacific ocean is the deepest oceanEl océano pacífico es el océano más profundo.
The oceansLos océanosThere are 5 oceanshay 5 oceanos
the Atlantic Oceanel océano AtlánticoI saw the Atlantic Oceanvi el oceano atlantico
the Pacific Oceanel océano PacíficoIs the Pacific Ocean very big?¿Es muy grande el Océano Pacífico?
the Indian Oceanel Océano ÍndicoIndia is near the Indian Ocean.India está cerca del Océano Índico.
the Antarctic Oceanel océano antárticoThe Antarctic Ocean is very cold.El Océano Antártico es muy frío.
the Arctic Oceanel océano árticoPolar bears swim in the Arctic Ocean.Los osos polares nadan en el Océano Ártico.


SPANISH VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: List of Seas in Spanish with English translation and example sentences

In the table below, you can learn how to say the names of the list of seas in Spanish with some examples. So let us learn about the names of the Seas in Spanish.

 SPANISHENGLISHEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
El marThe seaThe sea is green.El mar es verde.
Los maresThe SeasThere are 50 seas in the world.Hay 50 mares en el mundo.
el mar adriáticothe Adriatic SeaThe Adriatic Sea is in Europe.El mar Adriático está en Europa.
el mar Egeothe Aegean SeaThe Aegean Sea is very old.El mar Egeo es muy antiguo.
el mar Caribethe Caribbean SeaThe Caribbean Sea is very beautiful.El Mar Caribe es muy hermoso.
el mar Caspiothe Caspian SeaThe Caspian Sea is landlocked.El Mar Caspio no tiene salida al mar.
el mar del Nortethe North Seathe North Sea is the coldest sea in the world.el Mar del Norte es el mar más frío del mundo.
el mar Negrothe Black SeaThe Black Sea has many storms.El Mar Negro tiene muchas tormentas.
el mar Jónicothe Ionian SeaThe Ionian Sea is 4000 meters deep.El mar Jónico tiene 4000 metros de profundidad.
el mar Mediterráneothe Mediterranean SeaThe Mediterranean Sea is the most famous sea in the worldEl mar Mediterráneo es el mar más famoso del mundo.
el mar Rojothe Red SeaThe Red Sea is very salty.El Mar Rojo es muy salado.
el mar Muertothe Dead SeaThe Dead Sea is a lakeEl Mar Muerto es un lago.
el mar de barentsthe Barents SeaThe Barents Sea is also called as the Murman seaEl mar de Barents también se conoce como el mar de Murman.
el mar bálticothe Baltic SeaWhere is the Baltic Sea?¿Dónde está el mar Báltico?
el mar de los sargazosthe Sargasso SeaThe Sargasso Sea is not a sea.El Mar de los Sargazos no es un mar.



Some interesting facts about oceans

  • Note that there is only one great water body in the planet and it is (for practical purposes) divided into 5 different oceans.
  • Until the year 2000, there were only 4 classified oceans: the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean.
  • On June 8, 2000, the community categorized the fifth ocean: the Southern Ocean or the Antarctic Ocean.


How do you say Pacific Ocean in Spanish? Pacific Ocean (El Océano Pacífico)

  • ORIGIN OF THE WORD: El Océano Pacífico or the Pacific Ocean in Spanish looked very “peaceful”. The Spanish word for peaceful is pacíficas. Hence it was called the Pacific ocean.
  • The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.
  • It covers one-third of the Earth’s surface.
  • It separates Asia from the Americas.


How do you say Atlantic Ocean in Spanish?  Atlantic Ocean (El Océano Atlántico)

  • El Océano Atlántico or the the Atlantic Ocean in Spanish is the second largest ocean in Earth.
  • It covers one-fifth of the oceans of the world.
  • The Atlantic ocean can be split into the North Atlantic ocean and the South Atlantic ocean.
  • The North Atlantic Ocean separates North America from Europe.
  • The South Atlantic ocean separates South America from Africa.


How do you say Indian Ocean in Spanish?  Indian Ocean (El Océano Índico)

  • El Océano Índico or the Indian Ocean in Spanish was named after India (or the Indian subcontinent).
  • It is the third largest ocean in the world.
  • It covers one-fifth of the oceans of the world.


How do you say Arctic Ocean in Spanish? Arctic Ocean (El Océano Ártico)

  • El Océano Ártico or the Arctic Ocean in Spanish.
  • It is the ocean on the roof of the world and has the North Pole.


How do you say Antarctic Ocean in Spanish? Southern Ocean (El Océano del Sur)

  • El Océano del Sur or the Southern Ocean in Spanish is the newest ocean as it was classified only in the year 2000.
  • This is the ocean surrounding Antarctica and is the bottom of the world.


Adjectives in Spanish related to the Ocean and the Sea

When you are talking about the ocean in Spanish, you might have to say something to describe the ocean or explain what you know about the ocean. The best way is to expand your knowledge of adjectives in Spanish and use it to your advantage. You can use the below list of Spanish adjectives to describe what you know about the ocean. This is important to add to your vocabulary list of Oceans in Spanish and the list of Seas in Spanish.

The pacific ocean is very deep
The pacific ocean is very deep


Ocean in Spanish: Grow your Master Vocabulary List

Now that you know about some of the most common adjectives which you can use to describe the ocean in Spanish and the seas in Spanish, you can know choose to show off your vocabulary by branching out and explaining about all terms related to the Sea. This was show your absolute mastery of the List of Oceans in Spanish and the list of Seas in Spanish.

Master Vocabulary List of Ocean in Spanish
Master Vocabulary List of Ocean in Spanish
la islaIsland
el continentecontinent
el fondo del océanoocean floor
el mar abiertoopen sea
la corriente marina marine current
la ola del océanoocean wave
el agua saladasalt water
la costacoast
el acantiladocliff
la mareatide
la placa continentalcontinental shelf
la concha de marseashell
la línea costeracoastline
el maremototsunami
la boyabuoy
el estuarioestuary
la bahíabay


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