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List of Professions in Spanish or List of Occupations in Spanish with example sentences

What are the List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish with articles, Pronunciation, origin of words and with tons of examples?

It is likely that whenever we meet someone, they will ask you about your job and what you are doing. Would it not be nice if you could answer your occupation in Spanish? For saying this, you need to know the List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish. In this blog, you will learn to say about your profession or ask about someone’s occupation / job in Spanish. The below are the main topics which we will cover as a part of this blog.

  1. What is the terminology for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Spanish?
  2. What are the List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish with articles and Pronunciation?
  3. Basic questions on profession in Spanish or Occupation in Spanish.
Different types of jobs in Spanish
Different types of jobs in Spanish

Let us start off with a link to the collins dictionary definition of List of occupations in Spanish.

LINK: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-spanish/occupation

Some interesting super duper basic questions on List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish

How do you ask for someone’s profession?

¿En qué trabajas? – What do you do?

¿A qué te dedicas? – What do you do?

¿Cuál es tu profesión? – What is your job?

The Carpenter - List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish
The Carpenter – List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish

The answer to these questions is very straightforward:

En qué trabajas? Trabajo en el sector bancario. – I work in the banking sector.

¿A qué te dedicas? Me dedico a la enseñanza, soy profesora de inglés. – I am dedicated to teaching, I am an English teacher.

¿Cuál es tu profesión? Soy camarero. – I’m a waiter.


How do you ask someone where do they work?

¿Dónde trabajas? – Where do you work?

The answer is very simple. You just use the verb TRABAJAR + en:

Trabajo en una peluquería. – I work in a hairdressing salon.

In the following section about the verbs we use to talk about professions, you will learn how to conjugate TRABAJAR.


How do you ask someone what their job is like and if they like it?

Not everyone likes their occupation or profession. For one, I hate my job and hence I spend endless hours on youtube and Netflix. So how do you ask if someone likes their job in Spanish? This is quite simple.. You may have various combinations of this as well…

¿Cómo es tu trabajo? – What is your job like?

Tengo que trabajar duro en mi trabajo. – I have to work hard at my job.

¿Qué tal va tu trabajo? – How is your job going?

Me gusta mi trabajo. – I like my job.

¿Te gusta tu trabajo? – Do you like your job?

No me gusta nada mi trabajo. – I don’t like my job at all.

¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de tu trabajo? – What do you like the most about your job?

Me gustan mucho mis compañeros de trabajo. – I like my coworkers a lot.

¿Qué es lo que menos te gusta de tu trabajo? – What do you like least about your job?

No me gustan las horas de trabajo. – I don’t like the working hours.


Wordlists to memorize

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Universe in Spanish, Galaxy in Spanish, Asteroids and Meteors in Spanish
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List for Insects in Spanish
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Alcohol and Drinks in Spanish

Other questions and their respective answers you can use in a conversation are:

¿Cuál es tu horario de trabajo? – What are your working hours?

Trabajo de las 9:00 a las 17:00. – I work from 9 to 5.

¿Qué te gustaría ser de mayor? – What would you like to be when you grow up?

Me gustaría ser un policía cuando sea grande. – I would like to be a police officer when I grow up.

¿Qué te gustaría hacer en… años? – What would you like to be doing in… years’ time?

En 5 años me gustaría tener mi propia panadería. – In 5 years I would like to have my own bakery.


Are all the List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish masculine or feminine?

Most of Spanish occupation names have a masculine form ending in -o and a feminine one ending in -a:

  • el arquitecto / la arquitecta (the architect, male / the architect, female)
  • el panadero / la panadera (the baker, male / the baker, female)
  • el maestro / la maestra (the teacher, male / the teacher, female)

However, this is not always the case.

There is a fairly big group of masculine occupations ending in a consonant, which tends to be -r or -n. In these cases, we do not have an -o that we can substitute with an -a, so we simply add the latter to the word:

  • el profesor / la profesora (the professor, male / the professor, female)
  • el escritor / la escritora (the writer, male / the writer, female)
  • el capitán / la capitana (the captain, male / the captain, female)

Sometimes, we have occupations that do not distinguish between the masculine and the feminine. The only way to tell if you are referring to a man or a woman is by having a look at the article, the name of the person or the context.

There is not a defined list of endings that behave like this, but if an occupation ends in -ista, -ante, -e or –a in its masculine form, you can be almost sure the feminine will look exactly the same:

  • el artista / la artista (the artist, male / the artist, female)
  • el estudiante / la estudiante (the student, male / the student, female)
  • el contable / la contable (the accountant, male / the accountant, female)
  • el psiquiatra / la psiquiatra (the psychiatrist, male / the psychiatrist, female)

Of course, Spanish would not be itself if it did not include some exceptions to this rule. The most common ones are:

  • el dependiente / la dependienta (the salesman / the saleswoman)
  • el alcalde / la alcaldesa (the mayor, male / the mayor, female)
  • el duque / la duquesa (the duke / the duchess)
  • And, we cannot forget about the word piloto (pilot), which despite ending in -0, remains unchanged:
  • el piloto / la piloto (the pilot, male / the pilot, female)

Finally, there is a very small group of occupations that have an irregular feminine form. Three of the most common ones are:

  • el actor / la actriz (the actor / the actress)
  • el emperador / la emperatriz (the emperor / the empress)
  • el rey / la reina (the king / the queen)

We can even treat alcalde and duque above as irregular, but since they end in -e, I have decided to include them in the previous group of exceptions.


What is the terminology for List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish for A – D?

Why is the list of occupations in Spanish important? Whether you are a novice or whether you are meeting new people, whether you are discussing with family or whether you are dating, you will have to explain about the job which you are doing, your parents job or the job that you are studying college for.

The list of professions in Spanish or the list of occupations in Spanish requires a new list of vocabulary. There are many occupational words to learn in Spanish and you can find a large list below. This is the list of occupations in Spanish or Professions in Spanish for jobs starting from alphabets A – D.

SpanishEnglishEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
El contadorAccountantMy name is john and I am an accountantmi nombre es john y soy contador
El actor/ La actrizactor/actressThe actress is very beautifulla actriz es muy hermosa
El arquitectoarchitectAn architect built this house.Un arquitecto construyó esta casa.
el mecánico de automóvilesauto mechanicThe auto mechanic is cleaing the car.El mecánico de automóviles está limpiando el coche.
El panaderobakerThe baker and the banker are best friends.El panadero y el banquero son mejores amigos.
el cajero del bancobank tellerThe bank teller is bored.El cajero del banco está aburrido.
El jefebossThe boss sold his shares in the stock market.El jefe vendió sus acciones en la bolsa de valores.
El albañil, El canterobricklayer, stone masonIs John a stone mason?¿Juan es albañil?
el corredorbrokerWe are brokers.Somos intermediarios.
El conductor del busbus driverWho is the bus driver?¿Quién es el conductor del autobús?
El carnicerobutcherThe butcher gave a big bone to the dogEl carnicero le dio un gran hueso al perro.
El cajerocashierThe cashier was stealing.El cajero estaba robando.
El químicochemistHeisenberg is a chemist who makes toothpaste.Heisenberg es un químico que fabrica pasta de dientes.
el funcionariocivil servantIndia has many civil servants.India tiene muchos funcionarios públicos.
la mujer de la limpiezacleaning womanI called the cleaning woman to clean the room.Llamé a la mujer de la limpieza para limpiar la habitación.
El programador de computadorascomputer programerWhen will the computer programer come home?¿Cuándo volverá a casa el programador de computadoras?
El cocinero, El chefcook, chefThe chef carries a large knifeEl chef lleva un cuchillo grande.
el artesanocraftsmanThe craftsman is very strongEl artesano es muy fuerte.
el bailaríndancerThe dancer loves to dance.A la bailarina le encanta bailar.
el decoradordecoratorMy brother is a decoratormi hermano es decorador
El dentistadentistI do not like my dentist.No me gusta mi dentista.
el dermatólogodermatologistA dermatologist lives in Unterbiberger road.Un dermatólogo vive en la calle Unterbiberger.
El detectivedetectiveA detective followed the car.Un detective siguió al auto.
el dietistaDietitianThe Dietitian is very fat.El dietista es muy gordo.
el DJDJThe DJ was very relaxed.El DJ estaba muy relajado.
el doctor, el medicodoctor, physicianThe doctor owns a hospital.El doctor es dueño de un hospital.


What is the terminology for List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish for E – M?

Well Well well… we are done with so many professions from A- E. The list of professions in Spanish or the list of occupations in Spanish is indeed a vast list but nevertheless, we shall persevere J . There are quite a few more occupational words to learn in Spanish. This is the list of occupations in Spanish or Professions in Spanish for jobs from E – M.


SpanishEnglishEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
El electricistaelectricianThe electrician sold motors.El electricista vendió motores.
El empleadoemployeeI am on employee of Allianz.Soy empleado de Allianz.
El ingenieroengineerThe engineer repairs cars.El ingeniero repara autos.
El granjerofarmerThe farmer sold potatoes and tomatoes.El granjero vendía papas y tomates.
El bomberofire fighterThe fire fighter is very brave.El bombero es muy valiente.
El pescadorfishermanDid the fisherman catch crabs today?¿El pescador atrapó cangrejos hoy?
El peluquerobarberThe hairdresser is very expensive but is very skilful.El peluquero es muy caro pero es muy hábil.
el horticultorhorticulturistShe is a horticulturist and she likes flowers.Es horticultora y le gustan las flores.
el gerente del hotelhotel managerI became a hotel manager when I was 21.Me convertí en gerente de un hotel cuando tenía 21 años.
El interpreteInterpreterI know 6 languages and I am an InterpreterConozco 6 idiomas y soy Intérprete
El trabajador de TIIT workerMy job is very boring. I am an IT workerMi trabajo es muy aburrido. soy un trabajador de TI
El carpinteroCarpenterThe carpenter purchased 100 kgs of wood.El carpintero compró 100 kg de madera.
El periodistajournalistWe must hide from the journalist.Debemos escondernos del periodista.
El juezjudgeThe judge was very angry because the lawyer was late.El juez se enojó mucho porque el abogado llegó tarde.
El abogadolawyerThe lawyer was late.El abogado llegó tarde.
el camionerolong-distance truck driverThe Spanish truck driver drives from Spain to France.El camionero español conduce de España a Francia.
El enfermero, El enfermeromale nurse, nurseThe nurse is very kind.La enfermera es muy amable.
el matemáticomathematicianRachel is a famous mathematicianRachel es una matemática famosa.
El mecánicomechanicThe mechanic learned how to play a piano.El mecánico aprendió a tocar el piano.
El comercianteMerchantDo merchants stay in this hotel?¿Los comerciantes se alojan en este hotel?
El músicoMusicianMozart was a famous musician.Mozart fue un músico famoso.


What is the terminology for List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish for N – Z?

THANK GOD!!! That is 2 sets of professions in Spanish or Occupations in Spanish which we have just completed…. just one more set of Spanish professions to go J … This is the list of occupations in Spanish or Professions in Spanish for jobs from N – Z.

List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish
Mechanic – List of Occupations and Professions in Spanish
SpanishEnglishEnglish SentenceSpanish Sentence
El pintorPainterThe painter was color blind but he paints with all colors.El pintor era daltónico pero pinta con todos los colores.
El farmacéutico, El químicopharmacist, chemistShould we go to the pharmacist or the doctor?¿Debemos ir al farmacéutico o al médico?
El fotógrafophotographerThe photographer is very rich and has won many awards.El fotógrafo es muy rico y ha ganado muchos premios.
el fisicoPhysicistLeonard was a physicist in Caltech university.Leonard era físico en la universidad Caltech.
El policia, El alguacil, El policiapoliceman, constable, police officerI am afraid of the policeman.Tengo miedo del policía.
El políticopoliticianThe politician does not tell the truth.El político no dice la verdad.
El carteropostmanWe are postmen and we want to visit the north pole.Somos carteros y queremos visitar el polo norte.
El sacerdotepriestWhere did the priest go?¿Adónde fue el sacerdote?
el programadorprogrammerIs the programmer drunk?¿Está borracho el programador?
el psiquiatrapsychiatristMy wife is a psychiatrist in France.Mi esposa es psiquiatra en Francia.
El agentereal estate agentThe real estate agent is very funny.El agente inmobiliario es muy divertido.
El reporterreporterI met a reporter in Greece.Conocí a un reportero en Grecia.
el techadorrooferI hired a roofer to fix the roof.Contraté a un techador para arreglar el techo.
El vendedorsalespersonMy company hired 100 Salespersons.Mi empresa contrató a 100 vendedores.
La secretariasecretaryThe president’s secretary died last week.El secretario del presidente murió la semana pasada.
El soldadosoldierA soldier must be brave.Un soldado debe ser valiente.
el deportistasportsmanBeckham was a great sportsman and a fantastic actor.Beckham fue un gran deportista y un actor fantástico.
el corredor de bolsastock brokerThe stock broker became bankrupt.El corredor de bolsa quebró.
El estudiantestudentWe are school students.Somos estudiantes de la escuela.
El cirujanosurgeonMy sister in law is a surgeon.Mi cuñada es cirujana.
El taxistataxi driverThe taxi driver is very funny but is also very sad.El taxista es muy divertido pero también muy triste.
El professor / la profesorateacher You are a teacher at Greenbrooke School. Eres profesor en la Escuela Greenbrooke.
la guía turísticatourist guideI wish to become a tourist guide.Deseo ser guía turístico.
El entrenadorTrainerI am the Trainer of Schaun Pete.Soy el Entrenador de Schaun Pete.
el veterinarioveterinarianThe veterinarian saved my puppy.El veterinario salvó a mi cachorro.
el camarero, la camarerawaiter – waitressShe was a waitress and now she owns the restaurant.Era camarera y ahora es dueña del restaurante.
el enólogowinemakerYou should not drink because you are a winemaker.No debes beber porque eres enólogo.
el trabajadorworkerI am a worker and I work 40 hours every week.Soy trabajador y trabajo 40 horas todas las semanas.
El autorauthorI met JK Rowling, the author of Harry Potter.Conocí a JK Rowling, la autora de Harry Potter.


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