100+ Vegetables names in Sanskrit
India is one of the most fertile states in India and we produce a lot of vegetables. If you are born in India, you would definitely eat Vegetables daily! There are many different Vegetables across India and mostly all of them are available across all the states of India since we consume a lot of veggies be it in Dal or as a curry. So the list of Vegetables names in Sanskrit is one topic that you absolutely need to know if you are learning Sanskrit!!!
Let us go through a list of Vegetables Names in Sanskrit which has over 100 entries along with a few example sentences for the each Vegetable! This will help you memorize the list of Vegetables quite well!
Vegetables names in Sanskrit and English – Contents
If we take the list of Vegetables in Sanskrit or सब्ज़ियां as one single master list, this will be super duper long and it’ll have 100+ Vegetables. So it is best if it can be sub categorize into many lists of Vegetables in Sanskrit as below
- How to say vegetables in Sanskrit
- Names of all root vegetables in Sanskrit and English
- What are the names of all leafy vegetables in Sanskrit and English
- Names of spices in Sanskrit and English
- What are all the other vegetables in Sanskrit and English
Let us start with learning about most popular (and my favorite) Vegetables names in Sanskrit. These are the common Vegetables that are found in any Vegetables shop or in supermarkets in India.
What is the translation for Vegetable in Sanskrit?
- So what is the literal translation for the word “Vegetables” in Sanskrit? The word Vegetables in Sanskrit translates to (शाकानि) and its transliteration is Shakani.
- Similarly how do you say leafy vegetable in Sanskrit? The translation for leafy vegetable is हरितकानि.
- And for root vegetable like potato or onion? The Sanskrit word for root vegetable is कन्दमूलानि
- What is the Sanskrit word for vegetable juice? The Sanskrit word for vegetable juice is शाकरसः
- Lastly the Sanskrit translation for vegetable garden is शाकवाट
Other fun topics
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Otherwise if you want to learn the names of the vegetables in Sanskrit, you can find them here LIST OF VEGETABLES IN SANSKRIT
Lastly if you want to learn about colours in Sanskrit, you can click this link LIST OF COLOURS IN SANSKRIT
What are all the root vegetables names in Sanskrit and English?
The first list contains the names of vegetables in Sanskrit which are all Root vegetables like onion and potato. These are the vegetables which grow under the soil.
Names of the vegetables in Sanskrit | English vegetables names | Hindi vegetables names |
पलाण्डुः | Onion | प्याज़ |
पालङ्क | Beetroot | चुकंदर |
शकरकन्दः | Sweet potato | शकरकंद (मीठा आलू) |
गुञ्जनम् | Carrot | गाजर |
लशुनं | Garlic | लहसुन |
आद्रकम् | Ginger | अदरक |
आलुकः | Potato | आलू |
सूरणः | Yam | ओला |
गुञ्जनम् | Turnip | सलगम |
कंदशाकम् | Kohlrabi | गांठगोभी |
हरिद्रा | Turmeric | हल्दी |
भक्ष्यमूल सूर्यमूखी | Artichoke | हाथी चक |
हरित–पलाण्डुः | Green onion | हरा प्याज |
सूक्ष्मपत्त्रिका | Asparagus | शतावरी |
What are all the leafy vegetables names in Sanskrit and English?
Next we will read about the names of leaf vegetables in Sanskrit. These are the vegetables like cabbage and Coriander which are just leaves.
Names of the vegetables in Sanskrit | English vegetables names | Hindi vegetables names |
पालकः | Spinach | पालक |
कपिशाक | Cabbage | पत्ता गोभी |
गन्धपत्त्रिका, अजमोदिका | Parsley | अजवायन |
वज्रपुष्पा | Dill | सोआ |
अजमोद पत्र: | Oregano | अजवायन की पत्ती |
मेंधीका | Rosemary | दौनी, मेंहदी |
अग्निशाखा | Saffron | केसर |
धान्याकम् | Coriander | धनिया |
अजगंध: | Peppermint | पुदीना |
What are all the green vegetables names in Sanskrit and English?
Green vegetables have a special category since it is considered a staple across India. There are so so so many green vegetables that its hard to even repeat one vegetable per month!!! Moreover some of these vegetables have been there in India since a very long time so they all have Sanskrit words and meanings. Hence it deserves a special category under the names of vegetables in Sanskrit and English!
Names of the vegetables in Sanskrit | English vegetables names | Hindi vegetables names |
अलाबु | Gourd | लौकी |
पटोलः | Pointed Gourd | परवल |
कोशातकी | Ridge gourd | तरोई |
कारवेल्लः | Bitter gourd | करैला |
कलायः | Peas | मटर |
शिम्बी | Beans | सेम |
भिण्डिका | Ladyfinger | भिंडी |
चर्भटि: | Cucumber | खीरा |
रामकोशातकी | Lady finger | भिन्डी |
कर्कटी | Cucumber | ककड़ी |
हरित–शिबिका | Green bean | हरी फली |
कोशातकी | Ridge gourd | तुरई |
आमलकी | Gooseberry | करौंदा |
जालिनी | Sponge gourd | नेनुवा |
शाकम् | Greens | साग |
महामरीचिका | Capsicum | शिमला मिर्च |
What are all the names of Spices in Sanskrit and English
When it comes to India, spices are absolutely critical in cooking. This has been true since the dawn of time and for the last few thousand years in India. The ancient Sanskrit speaking people used spices regularly and hence they had Sanskrit words for all of them! We will now read more about the names of all spices in Sanskrit and English.
Names of the vegetables in Sanskrit | English vegetables names | Hindi vegetables names |
अग्निशाखा | Saffron | केसर |
चणक | Chickpea | काबुली चना |
मरीचं | Chilli | मिर्च |
दारुचिनी | Cinnamon | दालचीनी |
हरित–मरीचं | Green chilli | हरी मिर्च |
सर्शपः | Mustard | सरसों |
What are all the other common vegetables names in Sanskrit and English?
We have spent so much time reading about almost 50 – 60 vegetables. To put it into a more clear way, we learnt about Green vegetables in Sanskrit. Then we spent some time and learnt about spices in Sanskrit… After that, we learnt about leafy vegetables as well as root vegetables in Sanskrit. Now finally let us study about all the other commonly found Indian vegetables in Sanskrit.
Names of the vegetables in Sanskrit | English vegetables names | Hindi vegetables names |
रक्ताङ्गकः | Tomato | टमाटर |
गोजिह्वा | cauliflower | फूल गोभी |
वृन्ताकः | Brinjal | बैगन |
शृंगाटकः | Water chestnut | सिंघाड़ा |
कोषफलम् | Cucutbit | कोंहड़ा |
वास्तुकम् | White goosefoot | बधुवा |
कुषमांड | Pumpkin | कद्दू |
मसूर: | Lentil | मसूर |
छत्त्र, पालघ्न | Mushroom | मशरूम |
पनसम् | Jackfruit | कटहल |
कुन्दरू: | Tendli | कुंदरू, कुन्दरी |
टिंडीश: | Apple gourd | टिंडा |
रक्ताङ्गकः | Tomato | टमाटर |
Conclusion: Vegetables names in Sanskrit
I hope that you had fun learning about the names of vegetables in Sanskrit. Sanskrit it an ancient language and is one of the oldest languages in the world. It is the root of almost all the languages in India such as Gujarati, Marathi, Hindi and many more.
Vegetables names in Sanskrit – Questions and Answers: Set 1
- What is the sanskrit word for Onion?
- The sanskrit translation for Onion in ancient sanskrit is पलाण्डुः
- What is the sanskrit word for Beetroot?
- The word in sanskrit for Beetroot is पालङ्क
- What is the sanskrit word for Sweet potato?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Sweet potato is शकरकन्दः
- What is the sanskrit word for Carrot?
- Carrot was called as गुञ्जनम् by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Garlic?
- The sanskrit translation for Garlic in ancient sanskrit is लशुनं
- The sanskrit translation for Garlic in Ancient India is लशुनं
- What is the sanskrit word for Ginger?
- The word in sanskrit for Ginger is आद्रकम्
- The word in sanskrit for Ginger in ancient sanskrit is आद्रकम्
- What is the sanskrit word for Potato?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Potato is आलुकः
- What is the sanskrit word for Yam?
- Yam was called as सूरणः by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Turnip ?
- The sanskrit translation for Turnip in ancient sanskrit is गुञ्जनम्
Questions and Answers: Set 2
- What is the sanskrit word for Kohlrabi ?
- The word in sanskrit for Kohlrabi is कंदशाकम्
- What is the sanskrit word for Turmeric ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Turmeric is हरिद्रा
- What is the sanskrit word for Artichoke?
- Artichoke was called as भक्ष्यमूल सूर्यमूखी by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Green onion?
- The sanskrit translation for Green onion in ancient sanskrit is हरित-पलाण्डुः
- What is the sanskrit word for Asparagus ?
- The word in sanskrit for Asparagus is सूक्ष्मपत्त्रिका
- What is the sanskrit word for Spinach ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Spinach is पालकः
- What is the sanskrit word for Cabbage ?
- Cabbage was called as कपिशाक by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Parsley ?
- The sanskrit translation for Parsley in ancient sanskrit is गन्धपत्त्रिका, अजमोदिका
- What is the sanskrit word for Dill ?
- The word in sanskrit for Dill is वज्रपुष्पा
- What is the sanskrit word for Oregano ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Oregano is अजमोद पत्र:
Questions and Answers: Set 3
- What is the sanskrit word for Rosemary ?
- Rosemary was called as मेंधीका by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Saffron ?
- The sanskrit translation for Saffron in ancient sanskrit is अग्निशाखा
- What is the sanskrit word for Coriander ?
- The word in sanskrit for Coriander is धान्याकम्
- What is the sanskrit word for Peppermint ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Peppermint is अजगंध:
- What is the sanskrit word for Gourd ?
- Gourd was called as अलाबु by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Pointed Gourd ?
- The sanskrit translation for Pointed Gourd in ancient sanskrit is पटोलः
- What is the sanskrit word for Ridge gourd ?
- The word in sanskrit for Ridge gourd is कोशातकी
- What is the sanskrit word for Bitter gourd ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Bitter gourd is कारवेल्लः
- What is the sanskrit word for Peas ?
- Peas was called as कलायः by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Beans ?
- The sanskrit translation for Beans in ancient sanskrit is शिम्बी
Questions and Answers: Set 4
- What is the sanskrit word for Ladyfinger ?
- The word in sanskrit for Ladyfinger is भिण्डिका
- What is the sanskrit word for Cucumber ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Cucumber is चर्भटि:
- What is the sanskrit word for Green bean ?
- The word in sanskrit for Green bean is हरित-शिबिका
- What is the sanskrit word for Ridge gourd ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Ridge gourd is कोशातकी
- What is the sanskrit word for Gooseberry ?
- Gooseberry was called as आमलकी by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Sponge gourd ?
- The sanskrit translation for Sponge gourd in ancient sanskrit is जालिनी
- What is the sanskrit word for Greens ?
- The word in sanskrit for Greens is शाकम्
- What is the sanskrit word for Capsicum ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Capsicum is महामरीचिका
- What is the sanskrit word for Saffron ?
- Saffron was called as अग्निशाखा by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Chickpea ?
- The sanskrit translation for Chickpea in ancient sanskrit is चणक
Questions and Answers: Set 5
- What is the sanskrit word for Chilli ?
- The word in sanskrit for Chilli is मरीचं
- What is the sanskrit word for Cinnamon ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Cinnamon is दारुचिनी
- What is the sanskrit word for Green chilli ?
- Green chilli was called as हरित-मरीचं by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Mustard ?
- The sanskrit translation for Mustard in ancient sanskrit is सर्शपः
- What is the sanskrit word for Tomato ?
- The word in sanskrit for Tomato is रक्ताङ्गकः
- What is the sanskrit word for cauliflower ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for cauliflower is गोजिह्वा
- What is the sanskrit word for Brinjal ?
- Brinjal was called as वृन्ताकः by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Water chestnut ?
- The sanskrit translation for Water chestnut in ancient sanskrit is शृंगाटकः
- What is the sanskrit word for Cucutbit ?
- The word in sanskrit for Cucutbit is कोषफलम्
- What is the sanskrit word for White goosefoot ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for White goosefoot is वास्तुकम्
Questions and Answers: Set 6
- What is the sanskrit word for Pumpkin ?
- Pumpkin was called as कुषमांड by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Lentil ?
- The sanskrit translation for Lentil in ancient sanskrit is मसूर:
- What is the sanskrit word for Mushroom ?
- The word in sanskrit for Mushroom is छत्त्र, पालघ्न
- What is the sanskrit word for Jackfruit ?
- The ancient sanskrit word for Jackfruit is पनसम्
- What is the sanskrit word for Tendli ?
- Tendli was called as कुन्दरू: by the Ancient Sanskrit people
- What is the sanskrit word for Apple gourd ?
- The sanskrit translation for Apple gourd in ancient sanskrit is टिंडीश:
- What is the sanskrit word for Tomato ?
- The word in sanskrit for Tomato is रक्ताङ्गकः
#Names of Vegetables in Sanskrit and English, #Names of Root Vegetables in Sanskrit, #Names of Banana Vegetables in Sanskrit, #Names of Leafy Vegetables in Sanskrit, #Sanskrit Vegetables
[…] Otherwise if you want to learn the names of the vegetables in Sanskrit, you can find them here LIST OF VEGETABLES IN SANSKRIT […]
[…] Otherwise if you want to learn the names of the vegetables in Sanskrit, you can find them here LIST OF VEGETABLES IN SANSKRIT […]
[…] Otherwise if you want to learn the names of the vegetables in Sanskrit, you can find them here LIST OF VEGETABLES IN SANSKRIT […]
[…] Otherwise if you want to learn the names of the vegetables in Sanskrit, you can find them here LIST OF VEGETABLES IN SANSKRIT […]
[…] Otherwise if you want to learn the names of the vegetables in Sanskrit, you can find them here LIST OF VEGETABLES IN SANSKRIT […]