Names of 50 Colours in Sanskrit
Names of all the different colours is one of the most basic list of words that one must study when learning a new language. Similarly the names of colours in Sanskrit is very important and one you should know well. This list is very important especially if you are in your 4th or 5th standard and it is there in all the tests in school.

The word for colour in Sanskrit is वर्ण or “varNa”. What it actually means is a quality or a feature or an attribute and one of the main attribute meanings being colour.
- Do colours have genders in Sanskrit?
- Primary colours in Sanskrit
- Black White and Grey and everything in between
- Names of the other colours
- Colours of the Rainbow in Sanskrit
Gender of colours in Sanskrit
Colours in Sanskrit can take masculine form, feminine form or neutralform. The list followed is the masculine form and it can be easily changed to feminine by changing the last -aH to –aa. You can change the masculine to neutral by changing (-aH) it to (-am)

For example, let us consider the Sanskrit word for the colour white which is Shvetah.
- Masculine form of the colour white in Sanskrit is श्वेत (shvetaH)
- Feminine form of the colour white in Sanskrit is श्वेता (shvetaH, shvetA, shvetam)
- Neutral form of the colour white in Sanskrit is श्वेतम् (shvetaH, shvetA, shvetam)
As a second example, let us consider the Sanskrit word for the colour red which is raktaH.
- Masculine form of the colour white in Sanskrit is रक्तः (raktaH)
- Feminine form of the colour white in Sanskrit is रक्ता (raktA)
- Neutral form of the colour white in Sanskrit is रक्तम् (raktam)
Other Fun Topics
If you want to learn the names of the flowers in Sanskrit, you can find them in this link here LIST OF FLOWERS IN SANSKRIT
Otherwise if you want to learn the names of the vegetables in Sanskrit, you can find them here LIST OF VEGETABLES IN SANSKRIT
The list of fruits in Sanskrit, you can find them in this link here LIST OF FRUITS IN SANSKRIT
Primary colours in Sanskrit
The primary colours according to English are RGB or red, green and blue and these three colours and their combinations make up all the remaining colours in the spectrum. Similarly the primary colours name in Sanskrit are:
English | Sanskrit | Transliteration |
Red | लोहितः, रक्तवर्णः | Lohitaḥ, Raktavarṇaḥ |
Green | हरितः, पलाशः | Haritaḥ, Palāśaḥ |
Blue | नीलः | Nīlaḥ |
Black and White and everything in between in Sanskrit
In a world without colours, there would be only black white and everything in between. Let us now learn the words in Sanskrit for Black, White and Grey
English | Sanskrit | Transliteration |
Black | श्यामः, कालः कृष्णः श्यामः | Śyāmaḥ Kālaḥ kRiShNa shyAmaH |
White | शुक्लः श्वेतः धवलः अर्जुनः | Śuklaḥ Śvetaḥ dhavalaH arjunaH |
Grey | धूसरः धूषरः | Dhūsaraḥ Dhūṣaraḥ |
Dull white grey | कपोत | KapotaH. |
Other common colours
Now let us learn all of the other common colours in Sanskrit along with their transliteration! Like how do you say brown in Sanskrit or pink or yellow in the ancient language called Sanskrit? Read on for more!!!

English | Sanskrit | Transliteration |
Brown | श्यावः, कपिशः | Śyāvaḥ, Kapiśaḥ |
Purple | शोणः | shoNaH |
Pink | पाटलः, श्वेतरक्तः | Pāṭalaḥ, Śvetaraktaḥ |
Yellow | पीतः, हरिद्राभः | Pītaḥ, Haridrābhaḥ |
Orange | कौसुम्भः, नारङगवर्णः | Kausumbhaḥ, Nāraṅgavarṇaḥ |
Crimson | शोणः | Śoṇaḥ |
Reddish Brown | अरुणः | Aruṇaḥ |
Brown | श्यावः, कपिशः | Śyāvaḥ, Kapiśaḥ |
Wheat | गेहूँ जैसा रंग | Gonah jaisa rang |
reddish brown | अरुणः | aruNaH |
yellowish red | कषायः | kaShAyaH |
Colours of the Rainbow in Sanskrit with examples?
In the world, rainbows occur every single day. We love the rainbow and wonder at all its beauty. In ancient India, rainbows must have been abundant since it used to rain often as India was covered in lush thick jungles. So Sanskrit had a lot of words to describe a rainbow such as “पुरन्दरचाप” or transliteration is “haricāpa”. Let us learn the colours of the rainbow now.

English | Sanskrit | Transliteration |
violet | धूमलवर्णः | dhūmalavarṇaḥ |
Indigo / blue | नीलः | nīlaḥ |
blue | नीलः | nīlaḥ |
green | हरितः | haritaḥ |
yellow | पीतः | pītaḥ |
orange | नारिङ्गः | nāriṅgaḥ |
Red | रक्तः | raktaḥ |
These are the 7 colours of the rainbow although blue and indigo always had the same word since they were not easily distinguishable. I hope that you all had a lot of fun learning about the different colours!
[…] Lastly if you want to learn about colours in Sanskrit, you can click this link LIST OF COLOURS IN SANSKRIT […]