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List of 50 Fruit Names in Sanskrit and English

What are the list of 100+ fruits name in Sanskrit?

Whether you are in a CBSE school in India or abroad, you would find a huge section of your schools studying Sanskrit since it’s a subject where one can score well! There are over a hundred different fruits across the world and they vary in color, taste, smell and shape. So the list of Fruit names in Sanskrit is one topic that you absolutely need to know if you are learning Sanskrit or if you’re a fan of Sanskrit!!!

Let us go through a list of Fruit names in Sanskrit which has over 50 entries. This will help you memorize the list of fruits quite well!

Fruits Name in Sanskrit
Fruits Name in Sanskrit


  1. What is the translation for fruit in Sanskrit?
  2. First 10 Fruits name in Sanskrit – List A – C
  3. List 11 – 20 – fruits name in Sanskrit
  4. Third 10 fruits name in Sanskrit – List 21 – 30
  5. Fourth 10 fruits name in Sanskrit – List 31 – 40
  6. Fifth 10 fruits name in Sanskrit – List 41 – 50


What is the translation for Fruit in Sanskrit?

So what is the literal translation for the word “Fruit” in Sanskrit? The word Fruit in Sanskrit translates to (फलानि) and its transliteration is Fhalani.

An example sentence will be like “अर्थात संस्कृत में फ्रूट्स को ‘फलानि‘ कहते हैं। अब हम चलते हैं अपने मुख्य टॉपिक”


Indian fruits name in Sanskrit – List A – C

While the list of fruits in Sanskrit can be considered as the master list, this will be an exhaustive read as it’ll have 50+ fruits. So it is best if we can break it down into five lists of fruits in Sanskrit. This will make your learning much easier and also give you some breathing space as Sanskrit is not so easy! Let us start with learning about the top 10 Fruits names in Sanskrit.

Learning Sanskrit Fruits
Learning Sanskrit Fruits
Names of the fruits in English Sanskrit Fruit namesHindi Fruit names
Black Catechuकत्था या खैरकादिर:, गायत्रिन्
Blackberryजामुनजम्बुफलम्, राज जम्बू
Blackcurrantकाली किसमिशश्रीराम: किसमिश:
Custard Appleशरीफासीतफलम


Other fun topics

If you want to learn the names of the flowers in Sanskrit, you can find them in this link here LIST OF FLOWERS IN SANSKRIT

Otherwise if you want to learn the names of the vegetables in Sanskrit, you can find them here LIST OF VEGETABLES IN SANSKRIT

Lastly if you want to learn about colours in Sanskrit, you can click this link LIST OF COLOURS IN SANSKRIT


Indian fruits name in Sanskrit – List D – L

AWESOME!!! You have completed Indian Fruits names in Sanskrit – List 1. You have completed fruit names which start in A and B and C in Sanskrit which is fantastic. Let us start with learning about the second list of Indian Fruits names in Sanskrit which start in D and all the way upto those starting in L.

Names of the fruits in English and Sanskrit!!!
Names of the fruits in English and Sanskrit!!!
Names of the fruits in English Sanskrit Fruit namesHindi Fruit names
Grapesअंगूरद्राक्षा मृद्वीका
Guavaअमरूदबीजपूरम्, आपम्रलम्
Indian Jujubeबेरबदरीफलम्
Lemonनींबूनींबूकम्, जम्बीरम्


Indian fruits name in Sanskrit – List M – O

AWESOME!!! You have completed two lists of Fruits names in Sanskrit and are henceprofienct on fruits starting from A and all the way up to L. You This is absolutely fantastic and you are well on your way to mastering the list of fruit names in Sanskrit. Let us start with learning about the third list of Indian Fruits names in Sanskrit which start in M and all the way up to those starting in O.

Translation for Fruits in Sanskrit
Translation for Fruits in Sanskrit
Names of the fruits in English Sanskrit Fruit namesHindi Fruit names
Mangoआमआम्रम्, आम्रं
Muskmelonखरबूजाखर्बूजम्, वृत्तकर्कटी, दशांगुलम्


Indian fruits name in Sanskrit – List P – R

BRILIANT WORK!!! You have completed three lists of Fruits names in Sanskrit and are hence you are now certified awesome on fruits starting from A and all the way up to O. This is absolutely great effort from your part… Let us now continue mastering the list of fruit names in Sanskrit. Next is the fourth list of Indian Fruits names in Sanskrit which start in P till R.

List of Sanskrit words
List of Sanskrit words
Names of the fruits in English Sanskrit Fruit namesHindi Fruit names
Peachआडू, सतालूआद्रालु:
Root Vegetableकंदमूलकंदमूलम्


Indian fruits name in Sanskrit – List S – W

You have become super awesome in Sanskrit by completing almost the entire fruits list in Sanskrit. Only one more list to go and you will be the best in this!! Mastering the last list of fruit names in Sanskrit, here we come!!!!!!!!!

Names of the fruits in English Sanskrit Fruit namesHindi Fruit names
Strawberryस्ट्रॉबेरीतृण बदर
Sweet Potatoशकरकंदमिष्टालुकम्
Water Chestnutसिंघाड़ाश्रृड्गाटक



#Names of Fruits in Sanskrit, #Fruit names in Sanskrit and English, #Fruit names in Sanskrit and Hindi,

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