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List of 50+ Flowers Name in Sanskrit and English

Learn about 50+ Flowers name in Sanskrit?

Why should you learn about the flowers name in Sanskrit? Interesting question! India  is a tropical country and one of the most fertile countries in the world. We produce a lot of Flowers and we value them a lot since we offer them to the Gods daily. We wear them in our hair and also use it for decoration.

Flowers name in Sanskrit
Flowers name in Sanskrit

If you are born in India, you would definitely see Flowers daily either at home or even in the streets! There are many different Flowers across India. Thus learning the list of Flowers name in Sanskrit is one topic that you absolutely need to know if you are trying to master Sanskrit!!!

Let us go through a list of Flowers name in Sanskrit which has over 100 entries along with their Hindi counterpart! This will help you memorize the list of Flowers quite well!


Flowers name in Sanskrit and English – Contents

If we take the list of Flowers in Sanskrit or “पुष्प:” (transliteration is Pushpah) as one single master list, this will be super duper long and it’ll have 50+ Flowers. So it is best if it can be sub categorize into many lists of Flowers in Sanskrit as below

Flowers name in Sanskrit
Flowers name in Sanskrit
  1. How to say Flowers in Sanskrit
  2. Names of the most common top 10 flowers in India
  3. What are the names of all Puja Flowers in Sanskrit and English
  4. Names of all decoration Flowers in Sanskrit and English
  5. What are all the other Flowers in Sanskrit and English

Let us start with learning about most popular (and my favourite) Flowers name in Sanskrit. These are the common Flowers that are found in any Flowers shop or in supermarkets in India.


What is the translation for Flowers in Sanskrit?

  • So what is the literal translation for the word “Flowers” in Sanskrit? The word Flowers in Sanskrit translates to (पुष्प) and its transliteration is Pushpah.
  • Similarly how do you say that the flower is a blooming flower in Sanskrit? The translation for blooming flower is विकचम्, विकसितम्, सफुटम्, प्रफुल्लम्. You can see that there are many words to describe this great beauty.
  • And for a flower that has withered? The Sanskrit word for withered flower is म्लानम्


Names of the most common top 10 Flowers in Sanskrit and English

Many flowers exist in the world. But some of the flowers are so so so common that everyone has seen them or will know about them since we were children. Let us learn the most common list or the top 10 flowers name in Sanskrit.

Learn about the different Flowers name in Sanskrit
Learn about the different Flowers name in Sanskrit
English Flowers nameNames of the 10 Flowers in Sanskrit Hindi Flowers name
Rose  पाटलम् गुलाब
Jasmine  जातीपुष्पम् चमेली
 Lily  यूथिका जुहि
Lotus  उत्पलम् कमल
Sunflower  दिवाकरः सूरजमुखी
Marigold  स्‍थलपद्मम् गेंदे का फूल
Water Lily  पद्मिनी कुमुद
Magnolia  चम्पकम् चम्पा
Jasminum sambac  मल्लिका मोगरा
White lotus  कैरवम् श्वेत कमल


Other fun topics

Otherwise if you want to learn the names of the vegetables in Sanskrit, you can find them here LIST OF VEGETABLES IN SANSKRIT

The list of fruits in Sanskrit, you can find them in this link here LIST OF FRUITS IN SANSKRIT

Lastly if you want to learn about colours in Sanskrit, you can click this link LIST OF COLOURS IN SANSKRIT


Names of all famous Indian Flowers in Sanskrit and English

Next we will read about the names of the famous Indian Flowers in Sanskrit and in English. These are the Flowers like blue lotus, golden shower etc!

Lotus in Sanskrit
Lotus in Sanskrit
Names of the Flowers in SanskritEnglish Flowers nameHindi Flowers name
Flower  पुष्प: फूल
Oleander कर्णोरःकनेर
Orange Blossom  जाम्भजम् नारङ्गी
Pandanus  कैतकम् केतकी
Night Blooming Jasmine  रजनीगन्‍धा रात की रानी
Rosemallows  जपपुशम गुढ़ल
Mesua Ferrea  नागपुष्प नाग केसर
Bela  मल्लिका बेला


Conclusion: Flowers in Sanskrit

I hope that you had fun learning about the names of Flowers in Sanskrit. Sanskrit it an ancient language and is one of the oldest languages in the world. It is the root of almost all the languages in India such as Gujarati, Marathi, Hindi and many more. I am very happy that you have chosen to learn Sanskrit and retain the history and legacy of India


Most popular Questions and Answers

  1. What is the sanskrit word for Flowers?
    1. The translation for Flowers in ancient sanskrit is पुष्प:
  2. What is the sanskrit word for a flower which has withered?
    1. The word in sanskrit for a withered flower is म्लानम्
  3. What is the sanskrit word for a flower which has bloomed?
    1. The ancient sanskrit words for blooming flower is विकचम्,
    2. It can also be called as विकसितम्, सफुटम्, प्रफुल्लम्

Questions and Answers for Sanskrit flowers Set 1

  1. What is the sanskrit word for Tulip?
    1. In Hindi Tulip is called as Kand Pushp.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Tulip flower is “Kand Pushpam”
  2. What is the sanskrit word for Sunflower?
    1. In Hindi Sunflower is called as Surajmukhi.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Sunflower is “Suryakanti”
    3. It is also called as “Divakarah” in Ancient Sanskrit.
  3. What is the sanskrit word for Rose
    1. In Hindi Rose is called as Gulab.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Rose flower is “Paatalam”
  4. What is the sanskrit word for Flame-of-the-Forest
    1. In Hindi Flame-of-the-Forest is called as Palash.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Flame-of-the-Forest flower is “Kinshuk” or “Dhaak”
  5. What is the sanskrit word for Marigold?
    1. In Hindi Marigold is called as Genda.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Marigold flower is “Gandhpushpam”
  6. What is the sanskrit word for Common Jasmine?
    1. In Hindi Common Jasmine is called as Chameli.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Common Jasmine flower is “Navmallika” or “Jatipushpam”
  7. What is the sanskrit word for Coral flower?
    1. In Hindi Coral flower is called as Harsingar.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Coral flower is “Parijatam”

Questions and Answers for Sanskrit flowers Set 2

  1. What is the sanskrit word for Hibiscus?
    1. In Hindi Hibiscus is called as Gudhal.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Hibiscus flower is “Japapushpa” or “Ondrapushpam”
  2. What is the sanskrit word for Lotus?
    1. In Hindi Lotus is called as Kamal.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Lotus flower is “Sahastpattram”
    3. It also has other names as Uttpalam and Punnddarika
  3. What is the sanskrit word for Oleander flower?
    1. In Hindi Oleander flower is called as Kaner.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Oleander flower is “Karavirah”
  4. What is the sanskrit word for Sandal flower?
    1. In Hindi Sandal flower is called as Chandan
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Sandal flower is “Shrikhandam” or “Chandanam”
  5. What is the sanskrit word for Rain Lily flower?
    1. In Hindi Rain Lily flower is called as Lily.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Rain Lily flower is “Yuthica”
  6. What is the sanskrit word for Dahlia Flower?
    1. In Hindi Dahlia Flower is called as Surya Mukhi.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Dahlia Flower is “v”
  7. What is the sanskrit word for Common Daisy flower?
    1. In Hindi Common Daisy flower is called as Gulbahar.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Common Daisy flower is “Bhrangraaj”
  8. What is the sanskrit word for Chrysanthemum flower?
    1. In Hindi Chrysanthemum flower is called as Guladaudi.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Chrysanthemum flower is “Hempushpati” or “Sevantika”
  9. What is the sanskrit word for Magnolia flower or Champa flower
    1. In Hindi Magnolia flower is called as Champa.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Magnolia flower is “Champakam”
  10. What is the sanskrit word for Blue Water Lily (Neel kamal)
    1. In Hindi Blue Water Lily is called as Gulab.
    2. The Sanskrit Name for the Blue Water Lily flower is “Kuvalaya” or the ”Kumudam”



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  1. […] If you want to learn the names of the flowers in Sanskrit, you can find them in this link here LIST OF FLOWERS IN SANSKRIT […]

  2. […] If you want to learn the names of the flowers in Sanskrit, you can find them in this link here LIST OF FLOWERS IN SANSKRIT […]

  3. […] If you want to learn the names of the flowers in Sanskrit, you can find them in this link here LIST OF FLOWERS IN SANSKRIT […]

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