Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – O rato e a doninha
Once upon a time, there lived a greedy little mouse. The greedy little mouse loved to eat. He wanted to eat and eat until he was so full.
TranslateEra uma vez um ratinho ganancioso. O ratinho ganancioso adorava comer. Ele queria comer e comer até que estivesse tão cheio.
One day the mouse found a basket of corn. The strips that made the basket were very tight. The corn smelt so tasty that he wanted to eat it. He squeezed himself into the basket carefully. He managed to enter the basket.
TranslateUm dia, o rato encontrou uma cesta de milho. As tiras que formavam o cesto era muito justas. O milho tinha um cheiro tão saboroso que ele teve vontade de comê-lo. Ele enfiou-se na cesta com cuidado. Ele conseguiu entrar na cesta.
Now what did the greedy little mouse do? The mouse ate. The mouse ate and ate and ate and ate. He ate until he was three times fatter. His stomach was about to burst. He burped loudly.
TranslateAgora, o que o ratinho ganancioso fez? O rato comeu. O rato comeu e comeu e comeu e comeu. Ele comeu até ficar três vezes mais gordo. O seu estômago estava prestes a estourar. Ele arrotou alto.
He thought, “Ok. I must now leave the basket.”
He tried to squeeze himself outside the basket. But Mr. Mouse had eaten a lot. He was very fat and he could not leave the basket. He could only get his head out.
TranslateEle pensou: “Ok. Agora devo deixar a cesta. ”
Ele tentou espremer-se para fora da cesta. Mas o Sr. Rato comera muito. Ele estava muito gordo e não podia sair do cesto. Ele só conseguia tirar a cabeça.
He was groaning when a weasel came by. The weasel realized what the mouse had done and laughed.
TranslateEle estava a gemer quando uma doninha passou. A doninha percebeu o que o rato havia feito e riu.
The Weasel said, “Serves you right! You are a greedy little mouse. You could have eaten only a little and you could have escaped easily. Now you are fat and cannot escape. Stay stuck in the basket until you are thin enough to get out. Good bye.”
The greedy little mouse had learned a lesson.
TranslateA doninha disse: “Bem feito para você! Você é um ratinho ganancioso. Poderia ter comido apenas um pouco e poderia ter escapado facilmente. Agora está gordo e não pode escapar. Fique preso na cesta até que esteja magro o suficiente para sair. Adeus.”
O pequeno rato ganancioso havia aprendido uma lição.
Moral: “Greediness leads to misfortune.”
TranslateMoral: “A ganância leva ao infortúnio.”
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.