What are the List of Occupations and Professions in French with articles, Pronunciation, origin of words and with tons of examples?
It is likely that whenever we meet someone, they will ask you about your job and what you are doing. Would it not be nice if you could answer your occupation in French? For saying this, you need to know the List of Occupations and Professions in French. In this blog, you will learn to say about your profession or ask about someone’s occupation / job in French. The below are the main topics which we will cover as a part of this blog.

- What is the terminology for “Occupation” and “Profession” in French?
- What are the List of Occupations and Professions in French with articles and Pronunciation?
- Basic questions on profession in French or Occupation in French .
Why is it important that you learn the list of Professions in French or List of Occupations in French?
It is likely that whenever we meet someone, they will ask you about your job and what you are doing. How would you say that you are a carpenter or you are working in real estate? Would it not be nice if you could answer your occupation in French? In this blog, you will learn to say about your profession or ask about someone’s occupation / job in French.
If you’re to ever learn French properly, or if you want to live and work in France, you better get to know the terms for List of Occupations and Professions in French.
It’s of course quite near impossible to list all possible professions, but there are some common ones and the rules that you should know.
- Many French professions have only a masculine form.
- Even if you are a female professor, for example a female professor, you say “un professeur”, which is the masculine form, including the masculine article, un.
Notes About “Un,” “Une,” and “Etre”
- In Canada, the feminine form which is “une professeure” exists. In France, however, this is usually considered incorrect.
- You can say “une prof.” which is technically not correct but it is a colloquial way of saying “a professor”
- Do not use an article between the verb être and someone’s profession, as in these examples:
- Je suis peintre. – I’m a painter.
- Il va être médecin. – He’s going to be a doctor.
Interesting Note about France (and Europe for that matter)

- In France, asking about ones profession is a personal question and should not be asked without being more than an acquaintance.
- If you have to ask (for reason, there may be many), ask your question starting with “Si ce n’est pas indiscret…”, which is, “If you don’t mind my asking …”
- While in English, one simply says the profession such as “actor,” in French the word is always preceded by the article.
Other French Wordlists
Some interesting questions related to the List of Professions in French or List of Occupations in French with example sentences:

- How do you say your profession informally in French?
- “What is your job?” when asked informally is translated as “Quelle est ta profession?”.
- “Quelle est ta profession?” can be broken down into 4 parts:
- which; what à feminine singular à Quelle
- is à 3rd person singular àest
- your àinformal feminine singular à ta
- profession à profession
- What are the most common occupations or professions in France?
- The industries currently dominating the employment market are health and social care, wholesale and retail trade, and manufacturing.
- The most in-demand jobs are expected to be in construction, followed by the accommodation and food sector, and professional services.
- How do you say your profession formally in French?
- “What is your job?” when asked informally is translated as “Quelle est votre profession?”.
- “Quelle est votre profession?” can be broken down into 4 parts:
- which; what à feminine singular à Quelle
- is à 3rd person singular àest
- your àinformal feminine singular à votre
- profession à profession
What is the terminology for “Occupation” and “Profession” in French for A – D?
Why is the list of occupations in French important? Whether you are a novice or whether you are meeting new people, whether you are discussing with family or whether you are dating, you will have to explain about the job which you are doing, your parents job or the job that you are studying college for.
The list of professions in French or the list of occupations in French requires a new list of vocabulary. There are many occupational words to learn in French and you can find a large list below. This is the list of occupations in French or Professions in French for jobs starting from alphabets A – D.

French | English | English Sentence | French Sentence |
Le comptable | Accountant | My name is john and I am an accountant | Je m’appelle John et je suis comptable |
L’acteur / L’actrice | actor/actress | The actress is very beautiful | L’actrice est très belle |
L’architecte | architect | An architect built this house. | Un architecte a construit cette maison. |
Le boulanger | baker | The baker and the banker are best friends. | Le boulanger et le banquier sont les meilleurs amis. |
Le caissier de banque | bank teller | The bank teller is bored. | Le caissier de banque s’ennuie. |
Le patron | boss | The boss sold his shares in the stock market. | Le patron a vendu ses parts en bourse. |
Le tailleur de pierre | stone mason | Is John a stone mason? | Jean est-il tailleur de pierre ? |
Le courtier | broker | We are brokers. | Nous sommes des courtiers. |
Le chauffeur de bus | bus driver | Who is the bus driver? | Qui est le chauffeur du bus ? |
Le boucher | butcher | The butcher gave a big bone to the dog | Le boucher a donné un gros os au chien |
Le caissier | cashier | The cashier was stealing. | Le caissier volait. |
Le chimiste | chemist | Heisenberg is a chemist who makes toothpaste. | Heisenberg est un chimiste qui fabrique du dentifrice. |
Le fonctionnaire | civil servant | India has many civil servants. | L’Inde compte de nombreux fonctionnaires. |
La femme de ménage | cleaning woman | I called the cleaning woman to clean the room. | J’ai appelé la femme de ménage pour nettoyer la chambre. |
Le programmeur informatique | computer programer | When will the computer programer come home? | Quand le programmeur informatique rentrera-t-il à la maison ? |
Le cuisinier, Le chef | cook, chef | The chef carries a large knife | Le chef porte un grand couteau |
L’artisan | craftsman | The craftsman is very strong | L’artisan est très fort |
Le danceur | dancer | The dancer loves to dance. | Le danseur aime danser. |
Le décorateur | decorator | My brother is a decorator | Mon frère est décorateur |
Le dentiste | dentist | I do not like my dentist. | Je n’aime pas mon dentiste. |
Le dermatologue | dermatologist | A dermatologist lives in Unterbiberger road. | Un dermatologue habite rue Unterbiberger. |
Le détective | detective | A detective followed the car. | Un détective a suivi la voiture. |
La diététiste | Dietitian | The Dietitian is very fat. | La diététiste est très grosse. |
Le DJ | DJ | The DJ was very relaxed. | Le DJ était très détendu. |
Le médecin, Le médecin | doctor, physician | The doctor owns a hospital. | Le médecin possède un hôpital. |
What is the terminology for “Occupation” and “Profession” in French for E – M?
Well Well well… we are done with so many professions from A- E. The list of professions in French or the list of occupations in French is indeed a vast list but nevertheless, we shall persevere J . There are quite a few more occupational words to learn in French. This is the list of occupations in French or Professions in French for jobs from E – M.

French | English | English Sentence | French Sentence |
L’électricien | electrician | The electrician sold motors. | L’électricien a vendu des moteurs. |
L’employé | employee | I am on employee of Allianz. | Je suis un employé d’Allianz. |
L’ingénieur | engineer | The engineer repairs cars. | L’ingénieur répare les voitures. |
L’agriculteur / le fermier | Farmer | The farmer sold potatoes and tomatoes. | Le fermier vendait des pommes de terre et des tomates. |
Le pompier | fire fighter | The fire fighter is very brave. | Le pompier est très courageux. |
Le pêcheur | fisherman | Did the fisherman catch crabs today? | Le pêcheur at-il attrapé des crabes aujourd’hui ? |
Le barbier | Barber | The barber is very skilful. | Le coiffeur est très habile. |
L’horticulteur | horticulturist | She is a horticulturist and she likes flowers. | Elle est horticultrice et aime les fleurs. |
Le directeur de l’hôtel | hotel manager | I became a hotel manager when I was 21. | Je suis devenu directeur d’hôtel à 21 ans. |
L’interprète | Interpreter | I know 6 languages and I am an Interpreter | Je connais 6 langues et je suis interprète |
L’informaticien | IT worker | My job is very boring. I am an IT worker | Mon travail est très ennuyeux. je suis informaticien |
Le charpentier / Le menuisier | Carpenter | The carpenter purchased 100 kgs of wood. | Le menuisier a acheté 100 kg de bois. |
La journaliste | journalist | We must hide from the journalist. | Nous devons nous cacher du journaliste. |
Le juge | Judge | The judge was very angry because the lawyer was late. | Le juge était très en colère parce que l’avocat était en retard. |
L’avocat | Lawyer | The lawyer was late. | L’avocat était en retard. |
Le chauffeur du camion | truck driver | The French truck driver drives from Spain to France. | Le chauffeur de camion français conduit de l’Espagne à la France. |
L’infirmière | Nurse | The nurse is very kind. | L’infirmière est très gentille. |
Le mathématicien | mathematician | Rachel is a famous mathematician | Rachel est une mathématicienne célèbre |
La mécanique | mechanic | The mechanic learned how to play a piano. | Le mécanicien a appris à jouer du piano. |
Le marchand | Merchant | Do merchants stay in this hotel? | Les commerçants séjournent-ils dans cet hôtel ? |
Le musicien | Musician | Mozart was a famous musician. | Mozart était un musicien célèbre. |
What is the terminology for “Occupation” and “Profession” in French for N – Z?
THANK GOD!!! That is 2 sets of professions in French or Occupations in French which we have just completed…. just one more set of French professions to go J … This is the list of occupations in French or Professions in French for jobs from N – Z.
French | English | English Sentence | French Sentence |
Le peintre | Painter | The painter was color blind but he paints with all colors. | Le peintre était daltonien mais il peint avec toutes les couleurs. |
Le pharmacien, Le chimiste | pharmacist, chemist | Should we go to the pharmacist or the doctor? | Doit-on aller chez le pharmacien ou chez le médecin ? |
Le photographe | photographer | The photographer is very rich and has won many awards. | Le photographe est très riche et a remporté de nombreux prix. |
Le Physicien | Physicist | Leonard was a physicist in Caltech university. | Leonard était physicien à l’université Caltech. |
Le policier, Le constable, Le policier | policeman, constable, police officer | I am afraid of the policeman. | J’ai peur du policier. |
Le politicien | politician | The politician does not tell the truth. | L’homme politique ne dit pas la vérité. |
Le facteur | postman | We are postmen and we want to visit the north pole. | Nous sommes facteurs et nous voulons visiter le pôle nord. |
Le prêtre | Priest | Where did the priest go? | Où est passé le prêtre ? |
Le programmeur | programmer | Is the programmer drunk? | Le programmeur est-il ivre ? |
Le psychiatre | psychiatrist | My wife is a psychiatrist in France. | Ma femme est psychiatre en France. |
L’agent immobilier | real estate agent | The real estate agent is very funny. | L’agent immobilier est très drôle. |
Le journaliste | reporter | I met a reporter in Greece. | J’ai rencontré un journaliste en Grèce. |
Le couvreur | roofer | I hired a roofer to fix the roof. | J’ai engagé un couvreur pour réparer le toit. |
Le vendeur | salesperson | My company hired 100 Salespersons. | Mon entreprise a embauché 100 vendeurs. |
Le secrétaire | secretary | The president’s secretary died last week. | Le secrétaire du président est décédé la semaine dernière. |
Le soldat | soldier | A soldier must be brave. | Un soldat doit être courageux. |
Le sportif | sportsman | Beckham was a great sportsman and a fantastic actor. | Beckham était un grand sportif et un acteur fantastique. |
Le courtier en valeurs mobilières | stock broker | The stock broker became bankrupt. | Le courtier en valeurs mobilières a fait faillite. |
Le chirurgien | surgeon | My sister in law is a surgeon. | Ma belle-sœur est chirurgienne. |
Le chauffeur de taxi | taxi driver | The taxi driver is very funny but is also very sad. | Le chauffeur de taxi est très drôle mais aussi très triste. |
L’enseignant | teacher | You are a teacher at Greenbrooke School. | Vous êtes enseignant à l’école Greenbrooke. |
Le guide touristique | tourist guide | I wish to become a tourist guide. | Je souhaite devenir guide touristique. |
L’entraîneur | Trainer | I am the Trainer of Schaun Pete. | Je suis l’entraîneur de Schaun Pete. |
Le vétérinaire | veterinarian | The veterinarian saved my puppy. | Le vétérinaire a sauvé mon chiot. |
Le serveur | waiter – waitress | She was a waitress and now she owns the restaurant. | Elle était serveuse et maintenant elle est propriétaire du restaurant. |
Le vigneron | winemaker | You should not drink because you are a winemaker. | Vous ne devez pas boire car vous êtes vigneron. |
Le travailleur | worker | I am a worker and I work 40 hours every week. | Je suis un ouvrier et je travaille 40 heures par semaine. |
L’auteur | author | I met JK Rowling, the author of Harry Potter. | J’ai rencontré JK Rowling, l’auteur de Harry Potter. |
Some proud French professions
When you walk through a French village or a town, one thing which you will certainly see is the following shop signs proudly proclaiming:
- The pastry chef – pâtissier/pâtissière
- The pork butcher – charcutier/charcutière
- The brewer – brasseur/brasseuse
- The baker – boulanger/boulangère
- The butcher – boucher/bouchère
- The hairdresser – coiffeur/coiffeuse
Respectable Titles for certain French Professions
Like in the rest of the world, certain job titles carry respect and also carry specific abbreviations. Like you have “Doctor” added before the name of a doctor. Take a look at the following jobs and their titles (in bold):
- médecin (doctor) — docteur
- avocat/avocate (lawyer) — maître
- prêtre (priest) — curé/ abbé
- professeur (professor) — prof
- diplomate (diplomat) — Excellence
- evêque (bishop) — Excellence
For example, when addressing a doctor, you don’t directly say the name but you say “docteur” before the name:
- Voici mon médecin militaire, le docteur Vivek.
TRANSLATION: This is my medical officer, Dr. Vivek.
Abbreviations for professions
When you are talking to a saint, you dont say “Hello Teresa” you say “Saint Teresa”. So when you are learning about the list of Professions in French or List of Occupations in French, you should know how to address people having this professions.
- Docteur — Dr/Drs
- Maître — Me/Mes
- Professeur — Pr/Prs
- Monseigneur — Mgr (Monsignor)
- Lieutenant — Lt (Lieutenant)
- Capitaine — Cne (Captain)
- Général — Gal (General)
- Colonel — Cel (Colonel)
- Commandant — Cdt (Commander)
- Maréchal — Mal (Marshall)
- Son Excellence — S.E. (His excellence)
- Prêtre/Père — P. (Priest)
- Saint — St/Ste (Saint)