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List of Professions in Dutch or List of Occupations in Dutch with example sentences

MASTER WORD LIST: What are the List of Occupations and Professions in Dutch with articles, Pronunciation, origin of words and with tons of examples?

It is likely that whenever we meet someone, they will ask you about your job and what you are doing. Would it not be nice if you could answer your occupation in Dutch? For saying this, you need to know the List of Occupations and Professions in Dutch.

How do I memorize the list of Occupations and Professions in Dutch
How do I memorize the list of Occupations and Professions in Dutch

In this blog, you will learn to say about your profession or ask about someone’s occupation / job in Dutch. The below are the main topics which we will cover as a part of this blog.

  1. What is the terminology for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Dutch?
  2. What are the List of Occupations and Professions in Dutch with articles and Pronunciation?
  3. Masculine and Feminine nature for professions in Dutch


Introduction to the List of Occupations and Professions in Dutch

It is likely that whenever we meet someone, they will ask you about your job and what you are doing. Would it not be nice if you could answer your occupation in Dutch? In this blog, you will learn to say about your profession or ask about someone’s occupation / job in Dutch.

If you’re to ever learn Dutch properly, or if you want to live and work in Netherlands, you better get to know the terms for List of Occupations and Professions in Dutch.

It’s of course quite near impossible to list all possible professions, but there are some common ones and the rules that you should know.

  • When you want to know someone’s occupation, ask the following question: “Wat is uw beroep?” (What is your profession?)
  • Ik ben een dokter. (I am a doctor)


Interesting Note about Netherlands (and Europe for that matter)

  • In Netherlands, asking about ones profession is a personal question and should not be asked without being more than an acquaintance.
  • If you have to ask (for reason, there may be many), ask your question starting with “als je het niet erg vindt dat ik het vraag, wat is je beroep?”, which is, “If you don’t mind me asking, what is your profession”


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What are the master word lists for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Dutch for A – D?

Why is the list of occupations in Dutch important? Whether you are a novice or whether you are meeting new people, whether you are discussing with family or whether you are dating, you will have to explain about the job which you are doing, your parents job or the job that you are studying college for.

Firefighter is the bravest job among the list of Occupations and Professions in Dutch
Firefighter is the bravest job among the list of Occupations and Professions in Dutch

The list of professions in Dutch or the list of occupations in Dutch requires a new list of vocabulary. There are many occupational words to learn in Dutch and you can find a large list below. This is the list of occupations in Dutch or Professions in Dutch for jobs starting from alphabets A – D.

DutchEnglishEnglish SentenceDutch Sentence
boekhouderAccountantMy name is john and I am an accountantMijn naam is John en ik ben een accountant
acteur / actriceactor/actressThe actress is very beautifulDe actrice is erg mooi
Architect / bouwmeesterarchitectAn architect built this house.Een architect heeft dit huis gebouwd.
BakkerbakerThe baker and the banker are best friends.De bakker en de bankier zijn beste vrienden.
Bankbediendebank tellerThe bank teller is bored.De bankbediende verveelt zich.
BaasbossThe boss sold his shares in the stock market.De baas verkocht zijn aandelen op de beurs.
Steenhouwerstone masonIs John a stone mason?Is Jan een steenhouwer?
MakelaarbrokerWe are brokers.Wij zijn makelaars.
Buschauffeurbus driverWho is the bus driver?Wie is de buschauffeur?
SlagerbutcherThe butcher gave a big bone to the dogDe slager gaf een groot bot aan de hond
KassacashierThe cashier was stealing.De kassier was aan het stelen.
ambtenaarcivil servantIndia has many civil servants.India heeft veel ambtenaren.
computerprogrammeurcomputer programerWhen will the computer programer come home?Wanneer komt de computerprogrammeur thuis?
chef kokcook, chefThe chef carries a large knifeDe chef-kok draagt ​​een groot mes
Ambachtsman / vakmancraftsmanThe craftsman is very strongDe vakman is erg sterk
DanserdancerThe dancer loves to dance.De danser houdt van dansen.
decorateurdecoratorMy brother is a decoratorMijn broer is een decorateur
tandartsdentistI do not like my dentist.Ik hou niet van mijn tandarts.
dermatoloogdermatologistA dermatologist lives in Unterbiberger road.Een dermatoloog woont in Unterbiberger Road.
RechercheurdetectiveA detective followed the car.Een rechercheur volgde de auto.
DiëtistDieticianThe Dietician is very fat.De diëtist is erg dik.
DJDJThe DJ was very relaxed.De DJ was erg relaxed.
Dokterdoctor, physicianThe doctor owns a hospital.De dokter is eigenaar van een ziekenhuis.


What are the master word lists for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Dutch for  E – M?

Well Well well… we are done with so many professions from A – E. The list of professions in Dutch or the list of occupations in Dutch is indeed a vast list but nevertheless, we shall persevere J .

There are quite a few more occupational words to learn in Dutch. This is the list of occupations in Dutch or Professions in Dutch for jobs from E – M.

Mechanic is the most fun job among the list of Occupations and Professions in Dutch
Mechanic is the most fun job among the list of Occupations and Professions in Dutch


DutchEnglishEnglish SentenceDutch Sentence
elektricienelectricianThe electrician sold motors.De elektricien verkocht motoren.
medewerkeremployeeI am an employee of Allianz.Ik ben een medewerker van Allianz.
ingenieurengineerThe engineer repairs cars.De ingenieur repareert auto’s.
BoerFarmerThe farmer sold potatoes and tomatoes.De boer verkocht aardappelen en tomaten.
brandweermanfire fighterThe fire fighter is very brave.De brandweerman is erg moedig.
visserfishermanDid the fisherman catch crabs today?Heeft de visser vandaag krabben gevangen?
KapperBarberThe barber  is very skilful.De kapper is zeer kundig.
tuinderhorticulturistShe is a horticulturist and she likes flowers.Ze is tuinder en houdt van bloemen.
TolkInterpreterI know 6 languages and I am an InterpreterIk ken 6 talen en ben een tolk
TimmermanCarpenterThe carpenter purchased 100 kgs of wood.De timmerman kocht 100 kg hout.
journalistjournalistWe must hide from the journalist.We moeten ons verstoppen voor de journalist.
RechterJudgeThe judge was very angry because the lawyer was late.De rechter was erg boos omdat de advocaat te laat was.
AdvocaatLawyerThe lawyer was late.De advocaat was te laat.
VerpleegkundigeNurseThe nurse is very kind.De verpleegster is erg aardig.
wiskundigemathematicianRachel is a famous mathematicianRachel is een beroemde wiskundige
monteurmechanicThe mechanic learned how to play a piano.De monteur leerde piano spelen.
HandelaarMerchantDo merchants stay in this hotel?Verblijven er handelaren in dit hotel?
MusicusMusicianMozart was a famous musician.Mozart was een beroemde muzikant.


What are the master word lists for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Dutch for  N – Z?

THANK GOD!!! That is 2 sets of professions in Dutch or Occupations in Dutch which we have just completed…. just one more set of Dutch professions to go J … This is the list of occupations in Dutch or Professions in Dutch for jobs from N – Z.

Hey you can find a naughty nurse :)
Hey you can find a naughty nurse 🙂
DutchEnglishEnglish SentenceDutch Sentence
SchilderPainterThe painter is very handsome.De schilder is erg knap.
apotheker, chemicuspharmacist, chemistShould we go to the pharmacist or the doctor?Moeten we naar de apotheker of naar de dokter?
fotograafphotographerThe photographer is very rich and has won many awards.De fotograaf is zeer rijk en heeft vele prijzen gewonnen.
NatuurkundigePhysicistLeonard was a physicist in Caltech university.Leonard was een natuurkundige aan de Caltech-universiteit.
Politieagentpoliceman, constable, police officerI am afraid of the policeman.Ik ben bang voor de politieagent.
PoliticuspoliticianThe politician does not tell the truth.De politicus spreekt niet de waarheid.
postbodepostmanWe are postmen and we want to visit the north pole.Wij zijn postbodes en we willen de noordpool bezoeken.
PriesterPriestWhere did the priest go?Waar is de priester gebleven?
programmeurprogrammerIs the programmer drunk?Is de programmeur dronken?
psychiaterpsychiatristMy wife is a psychiatrist in Netherlands.Mijn vrouw is psychiater in Nederland.
verslaggeverreporterI met a reporter in Greece.Ik ontmoette een verslaggever in Griekenland.
dakdekkerrooferI hired a roofer to fix the roof.Ik heb een dakdekker ingehuurd om het dak te repareren.
verkopersalespersonMy company hired 100 Salespersons.Mijn bedrijf heeft 100 verkopers aangenomen.
secretarissecretaryThe president’s secretary died last week.De secretaris van de president is vorige week overleden.
soldaatsoldierA soldier must be brave.Een soldaat moet dapper zijn.
sportmansportsmanBeckham was a great sportsman and a fantastic actor.Beckham was een geweldige sportman en een fantastische acteur.
chirurgsurgeonMy sister in law is a surgeon.Mijn schoonzus is chirurg.
Docent / leraarteacher You are a teacher at Greenbrooke School. Je bent een leraar op Greenbrooke School.
toeristengidstourist guideI wish to become a tourist guide.Ik wil toeristengids worden.
dierenartsveterinarianThe veterinarian saved my puppy.De dierenarts heeft mijn puppy gered.
serveersterwaiter – waitressShe was a waitress and now she owns the restaurant.Ze was een serveerster en nu is ze eigenaar van het restaurant.
wijnmakerwinemakerYou should not drink because you are a winemaker.Je mag niet drinken omdat je een wijnmaker bent.
Arbeider / werknemerworkerI am a worker and I work 40 hours every week.Ik ben een werknemer en ik werk 40 uur per week.
Schrijver / auteurAuthorI met JK Rowling, the author of Harry Potter.Ik ontmoette JK Rowling, de auteur van Harry Potter.

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