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Learn eye colors and Eye shapes in Dutch

Oogkleur – Colors and Shapes of eyes in Dutch

Eyes in Dutch
Eyes in Dutch

The eyes are one of the most important organs in the body. It is the most important connection to perception as we can understand what we can see. We see and we perceive, we see and we believe. One of the more common topics is describing someone’s eyes! So it becomes very important that we learn as much as we can related to the eyes in Dutch.



  1. How to say “Eyes in Dutch”?
  2. Pronunciation Guide
  3. Parts of the eyes in Dutch
  4. Glasses and Spectacles in Dutch
  5. Eye Diseases in Dutch
  6. Learn eye colors in Dutch
  7. Eye shapes in Dutch
  8. Lover Talk related to the eyes in Dutch


How to say Eyes in Dutch?

  • WORD: The Dutch translation for “the eye” is “het oog”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The eye is an important organ” à Het oog is een belangrijk orgaan
  • WORD: The Dutch word for “the eyes” is “de ogen”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “A snake has two eyes.” à Een slang heeft twee ogen.
  • WORD: The Dutch translation for “one eye” is “een oog”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The earthworm has one eye.” à De regenworm heeft één oog.


What are the parts of the eyes in Dutch?

different parts of the eyes in Dutch
different parts of the eyes in Dutch

Close your eyes… yes I know it’s ironic or even eyeronic!!! Quickly name the different parts of the eyes. You have the white bit, the circle bit, the smaller circle bit, an eyelid, eye lashes and the eye brow… Whew.. it’s a small list thankfully!!! In the table below, you can learn how to say the names of all the parts of the Eye in Dutch. This will help you expand your basic Dutch A1 vocabulary list and will help you have to see the eye doctor. So let us learn about the parts of the eye in Dutch.

EyesParts of the EyesExample sentence in EnglishSame sentences in Dutch
The corneahet hoornvliesThe cornea is transparent in color.Het hoornvlies is transparant van kleur.
The sclera (white of the eye)De scleraThe sclera must be white in color.De sclera moet wit van kleur zijn.
The irisde irisI am blind and my iris is grey in color.Ik ben blind en mijn iris is grijs van kleur.
The pupilDe pupilThere is a small injury in the cornea and the pupil.Er is een kleine verwonding in het hoornvlies en de pupil.
The eyelash / eyelashesDe wimper / wimpersYour eye lashes are beautiful.Je wimpers zijn prachtig.
The eyebrow / eyebrowsDe wenkbrauw / wenkbrauwenThe man shaved his eyebrows.De man schoor zijn wenkbrauwen.
The eyelid / eyelidsHet ooglid / oogledenThe owl has three eyelids.De uil heeft drie oogleden.

Glasses or Spectacles in Dutch

Half the people in the world wear glasses. Most of the people in the world would have worn sunglasses at some point in their lives. Is it thus not important to know about the different spectacles in Dutch? In the table below, you can learn the names of all the vocabulary related to Glasses in Dutch or Spectacles in Dutch.

Glasses in Dutch or Spectacles in Dutch
Glasses in Dutch or Spectacles in Dutch
SpectaclesSpectacles in DutchExample sentenceSame sentences in Dutch
The glassesde brilMy mother has four pairs of glasses.Mijn moeder heeft vier brillen.
The reading glassesDe leesbrilDo you need reading glasses?Heb je een leesbril nodig?
The contact lensesDe contactlenzenMy daughter wears contact lenses.Mijn dochter draagt ​​contactlenzen.
The eye patchHet ooglapjePirates wear eye patches.Piraten dragen ooglapjes.
The sunglassesDe zonnebrilHe likes to wear sunglassesHij draagt ​​graag een zonnebril
The bifocal glassesDe bifocale brilMy grandfather wears bifocal glasses.Mijn grootvader draagt ​​een bifocale bril.
The monoclede monocleWinston Churchill had a monocle.Winston Churchill had een monocle.


Eye Diseases in Dutch

Whenever you have to go to the eye doctor, you need to be careful. In France or in any Dutch speaking country, the doctors might be able to explain the problem only in Dutch. You should be able to know all the common eye diseases in Dutch Let us know learn about the Diseases related to eyes in Dutch.

Diseases related to eyes in Dutch
Diseases related to eyes in Dutch
Eye DiseasesEye Diseases in DutchExample sentence in EnglishSame sentences in Dutch
HeterochromiaheterochromieHeterochromia is very rare.Heterochromie is zeer zeldzaam.
ConjunctivitisConjunctivitisI have conjunctivitis and so I must sleep.Ik heb conjunctivitis en dus moet ik slapen.
CataractstaarThe old man had cataracts and was almost blind.De oude man had staar en was bijna blind.
Nearsighted (myopia)Bijziend (bijziendheid)Are you nearsighted? Do you have myopia.Bent u bijziend? Heeft u bijziendheid.
Farsighted (hyperopia) Verziend (hypermetropie)Are you farsighted? Do you have hyperopia?Ben je verziend? Heeft u hypermetropie?
GlaucomaglaucoomGlaucoma is dangerous and can cause blindness.Glaucoom is gevaarlijk en kan blindheid veroorzaken.
Colour blindKleurenblindDogs are colour blind.Honden zijn kleurenblind.


Different eye colors in Dutch

You are in France and on a date, a date with an amazing Dutch dude / dudette. He (or she) sits opposite to you and you stare deeply into his eyes. The eyes are of a very beautiful colour. You wanna impress you date and so want to ask about the colour or of their eyes in Dutch. How do you do it?

  • ENGLISH SENTENCE: Translation for “What color are your eyes?” in Dutch?
    • DUTCH SENTENCE: The translation “What color are your eyes?” in Dutchà Welke kleur hebben je ogen?

Now how does your date respond?

  • ENGLISH SENTENCE: Translation for “I have blue eyes.” in Dutch?
    • DUTCH SENTENCE: The translation I have blue eyes in Dutchà Ik heb blauwe ogen.
different eye colors in Dutch
different eye colors in Dutch

Similarly, let us learn about the different eye colours in Dutch

Eye ColorsEye Colors in DutchExample sentence Colors of the Eye in Dutch
brown eyesbruine ogenShe has brown eyes.Zij heeft bruine ogen.
grey eyesgrijze ogenYou have grey eyes.Je hebt grijze ogen.
black eyeszwarte ogenThe Asian man has black eyesDe Aziatische man heeft zwarte ogen
green eyesgroene ogenMany Europeans have green eyes.Veel Europeanen hebben groene ogen.
amber eyesamberkleurige ogenMy wife has amber eyes and they are gorgeous.Mijn vrouw heeft amberkleurige ogen en ze zijn prachtig.
violet eyesviolette ogenHave you seen violet eyes?Heb je violette ogen gezien?
hazel eyesbruine ogenhazel eyes are ugly.bruine ogen zijn lelijk.
blue eyesblauwe ogenThe wolf has blue eyesDe wolf heeft blauwe ogen
Grey blue eyesGrijsblauwe ogenPolar bears have Grey blue eyesIJsberen hebben grijsblauwe ogen
White eyeswitte ogenThe blind man has white eyesDe blinde man heeft witte ogen
Light blue eyesLichtblauwe ogenMy son has light blue eyes.Mijn zoon heeft lichtblauwe ogen.


shapes of the eyes in Dutch

You know that different people have different eye shapes. Some people have round eyes while some people have slanted eyes. I like people who have almond shaped eyes while you may like people who have large eyes. Small eyes may indicate intelligence while cross eyes (through no fault of their own) are ridiculed. Let us learn about the different shapes of the eyes in Dutch

different shapes of the eyes in Dutch
different shapes of the eyes in Dutch
Eye ShapesTranslationsExample sentence in EnglishSame sentences 
slanted eyesschuine ogenAsians have slanted eyes.Aziaten hebben schuine ogen.
round eyesronde ogenThe woman has round eyes.De vrouw heeft ronde ogen.
almond shaped eyesamandelvormige ogenThe supermodel has almond shaped eyes.Het supermodel heeft amandelvormige ogen.
large eyesgrote ogenChildren have large eyes.Kinderen hebben grote ogen.
small eyeskleine ogenDo you have small eyes?Heb je kleine ogen?
cross eyedscheelI am cross eyed.Ik ben scheel.


Lover Talk in Dutch related to the eyes…..

The eyes are considered as a reflection of one’s beauty. You often compliment your partner on their beautiful eye. So you must know how to do this kind of lover talk in Dutch as well

  • One of the most common sentences one can say to their lover is that their eyes are very pretty. The Dutch translation for “your eyes are pretty” is “Je ogen zijn mooi
  • Another very common sentence that I usually say to my wife is that her eyes are very beautiful. The Dutch translation for “You have beautiful eyes” is “Je hebt mooie ogen
  • The Dutch translation for “I love your eyes” is “Ik hou van je ogen

Simple questions and Answers

Let us have a small test. Try and answer as many questions as you can honestly!!!

How to say brown eyes in Dutch?            bruine ogen
How to say blue eyes in Dutch?Blauwe ogen
How do you say green eyes in Dutch?Groene ogen
How do you say Hazel eyes in Dutch      bruine ogen
How do you say grey blue eyes in DutchGrijsblauwe ogen
How do you say dark blue eyes in DutchDonkerblauwe ogen
How do you say bluish green eyes in DutchBlauwgroene ogen
How do you say grey eyes in DutchGrijze ogen
How do you say black eyes in DutchZwarte ogen


Example Questions and Answers for Eyes in EnglishThe same Questions and Answers for Eyes in Dutch
What colour are your eyes?Welke kleur hebben je ogen?
I have green eyes.Ik heb groene ogen.
My eyes are black in color.Mijn ogen zijn zwart van kleur.
Do you wear glasses?Draag jij een bril?
I wear contact lenses.Ik draag contactlenzen.


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