The Travellers and the Purse – Y Teithwyr a’r Pwrs
Once upon a time, two travellers were travelling together. They were going from one town to another town when they met on the way.
When they were walking, one of the travellers found a purse. He opened the purse and it was filled with many gold and silver coins. The traveller was overjoyed.
TranslateUnwaith, roedd dau deithiwr yn teithio gyda’i gilydd. Roeddent yn mynd o un dref i dref arall pan wnaethant gyfarfod ar y ffordd.
Pan oedden nhw’n cerdded, daeth un o’r teithwyr o hyd i bwrs. Agorodd y pwrs ac roedd yn llawn o lawer o ddarnau arian aur ac arian. Roedd y teithiwr wrth ei fodd.
“Oh how lucky I am”, he said, “I have found such a large purse and that too filled with gold and silver coins. This should be my lucky day. I am rich!”
The other traveller said, “Do not say that ‘I have found the purse’ when we are travelling together. Say that ‘we have found the purse’ since travellers must share their fortunes or misfortunes together.”
Translate“O ba mor lwcus ydw i”, meddai, “rwyf wedi dod o hyd i bwrs mor fawr ac wedi’i lenwi â darnau arian aur ac arian. Hwn yw fy niwrnod lwcus. Rwy’n gyfoethog! ”
Dywedodd y teithiwr arall, “Peidiwch â dweud fy mod ‘i wedi dod o hyd i’r pwrs’ pan rydyn ni’n teithio gyda’n gilydd. Dywedwch ein bod ‘ni wedi dod o hyd i’r pwrs’ gan fod yn rhaid i deithwyr rannu eu ffawd neu eu hanffawd gyda’i gilydd. ”
The first traveller put the purse into his pocket. He angrily said, “No No. I found the purse. I am keeping the purse. You cannot have it!”
Suddenly there was a lot of noise, “Look! There are two travellers there! They must be the thieves who stole the purse”. They turned and saw a large mob carrying clubs and swords.
TranslateRhoddodd y teithiwr cyntaf y pwrs yn ei boced. Dywedodd yn ddig, “Na. Fe wnes i ddod o hyd i’r pwrs. Rwy’n cadw’r pwrs. Ni allwch ei gael! ”
Yn sydyn roedd yna lawer o sŵn, “Edrychwch! Mae dau deithiwr yno! Rhaid mai nhw yw’r lladron a ddwynodd y pwrs ”. Fe wnaethant droi a gweld torf fawr yn cario clybiau a chleddyfau.
The man who found the purse started to panic while the second traveller was calm.
The first traveller said, “We are going to be beaten up by the mob if they find they purse with us! We are in so much trouble. What should we do?”
The second traveller said, “No No. You did not say ‘We’ before and declared that the purse belongs only to you. Now say ‘I am in so much trouble’ and not ‘We’.”
TranslateDechreuodd y dyn a ddaeth o hyd i’r pwrs fynd i banig tra bod yr ail deithiwr yn bwyllog.
Dywedodd y teithiwr cyntaf, “Rydyn ni’n mynd i gael ein curo gan y dorf os ydyn nhw’n darganfod fod y pwrs gyda ni! Rydyn ni mewn cymaint o drafferth. Beth ddylen ni ei wneud? ”
Dywedodd yr ail deithiwr, “Na Na. Ni wnaethoch ddweud‘ Ni ’o’r blaen a datgan bod y pwrs yn eiddo i chi yn unig. Nawr dywedwch ‘Rydw i mewn cymaint o drafferth’ ac nid ‘Ni’. ”
Moral: “We cannot expect one to share our misfortunes unless we are willing to share our good fortune also.”
TranslateGwers: “Ni allwn ddisgwyl i un rannu ein hanffawd oni bai ein bod yn barod i rannu ein ffortiwn dda hefyd.”