The Mule – Y Mul
Once upon a time, there was a Mule who wanted to show off. The Mule woke up one day and was filled with energy. He ran around as fast as he could.
He thought, “My father must have been a powerful racehorse. I feel like a racehorse. No horse must be faster than me.”
TranslateUnwaith, roedd Mul a oedd eisiau dangos ei hun. Deffrodd y Mul un diwrnod ac roedd yn llawn egni. Rhedodd o gwmpas mor gyflym ag y gallai.
Meddyliodd, “Rhaid bod fy nhad wedi bod yn geffyl rasio pwerus. Rwy’n teimlo fel ceffyl rasio. Does dim ceffyl yn gyflymach na fi. ”
Next day he was put into a harness and that evening he tried to run. He was so slow that he was disheartened.
The Mule said, “I am so sad. My father was an Ass after all.”
TranslateDrannoeth cafodd ei roi mewn harnais a’r noson honno ceisiodd redeg. Roedd mor araf nes ei ddigalonni.
Dywedodd y Mul, “Rydw i mor drist. Asyn oedd fy nhad wedi’r cyfan. ”
Moral: “Be sure of your pedigree before you boast of it.”
TranslateMoesol: “Gwnewch yn siŵr o’ch achau cyn i chi frolio’ch hun.”